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This briefing outlines the state of examinations and assessment in South Africa, addressing challenges and progress. It delves into the factors influencing changes in the examination landscape and the efforts to improve learning outcomes. The presentation covers the scope and size of the 2014 NSC exams, enrolment statistics, monitoring approaches, and target success indicators.
Briefing to Basic Education Portfolio Committee 2014 NSC Examination Readiness (54 days to go)2014 ANA Readiness(13 days to go)2 September 2013
Presentation Outline • Introduction • Enrolment Statistics • Enhanced Monitoring • Target Success Indicators • Progress - Examination Cycle • Progress Chart • Conclusion • 2
Introduction • Public Examinations in South Africa is considered to be internationally comparable. • Significant progress made over the last nineteen years. • National Assessment is a fledgling system that is beginning to take root. • The DBE continuously strives to improve and enhance examination and assessment functionality. • Examinations and Assessment system is responsive to challenges and changes. • 4
Change Factors • The need to adjust the examinations and assessment landscape to the environmental changes: • - the need to improve learning outcomes • - understanding the different purposes of assessment. • - need to develop 21st Century Skills • (b) The constant search for appropriate standards. • (c) The need to strengthen initiatives leading to the development of a national examination and assessment system. • (d) The need to identify the threats to examinations and assessment credibility and establish how best these risks can be mitigated. • (e) The need to institutionalize Annual National Assessment so that regular and meaningful feedback is provided to the system. • 5
State of Examinations and Assessment in the Republic • Examinations • Well established and rigorous business exam processes. • National question papers of a high standard have contributed to improved teaching and learning. • Efficient administration of examinations. • (d) Highly committed staff. • (f) Significant strides made towards the establishment of a single national examination system. • (g) SBA system that is showing signs of improvement. • Marking system that is steadily improving. • 6
State of Examinations and Assessment in the Republic • National Assessment • Significant progress in the administration of Annual National Assessment. Still a developing system. • Improved provincial capacity to manage both NSC exams and ANA. • Improved quality of data • Printing outsourced and done in-house. • Dichotomy of test design being explored and will be piloted. • Data capture at 85% level. • Data processing and release completed in record time. • Diagnostics have added a new dimension to teaching and learning • 7
The Challenges Question Papers: attaining international standards. Marking : inter-marker reliability. School based assessment: quality assessment at all levels. Standards: Grade 10 and 11 Assessment purpose: diagnostic versus systemic. Feedback: effective data utilisation. Trend Analysis: National versus International and Year to Year comparisons. • 8
Scope and Size of 2014 NSC Exams • Total Candidates: 689 625 • Full Time Candidates: 551 588 • Part Time Candidates : 138 037 • Question Papers: 258 • Printed Question Papers: 7.2 million • Scripts: 7.0 million • Examination Centres: 6 740 • Invigilators: 65 000 • Markers: 41 564 • Marking Centres: 118 11
BRIEFING ON EXAM AND ANA READINESS • enhanced monitoring approach
Monitoring Approach (a) Key focus: building a credible, national examination and assessment system (b) Five pillars of the enhanced monitoring approach: - Development of Norms and Standards - Mediation of Norms and Standards - Coordination of examination processes - Monitoring and support of PEDs - Evaluation and feedback
Monitoring Approach • Monitoring and support entailed the following: • identifying the risks. • collaborative review. • four-tiered approach. • part-time monitors. • state of readiness (d) Final State of Readiness visit in September 2014.
Target Success Indicators High quality question papers are set and moderated. Examination centre and candidates are accurately registered on the examination computer system. Question papers are accurately printed. Question papers are distributed on time to all schools and candidates and strict security measures adhered to in the distribution process
Target Success Indicators e) SBA is completed in accordance with policy prescripts and moderated. f) All examination and SBA marks are accurately captured. g) All examination irregularities are appropriately managed. h) All candidates are accurately and timeously resulted. i) Effective feedback provided to schools. j) All eligible candidates receive certificates.
Target Success Indicators k) All candidates including learners with special needs are accommodated in the examination. l) Examinations are conducted under controlled conditions across all examination centres.. m) Answer scripts accurately marked and moderated. n) All examination marks are accurately captured on the examination computer system.
Registration of Candidates/Centres All candidates have been registered on the Examination Computer System. b) Most PEDs registered candidates in Grade 10 and data is rolled over each year. c) Two schedule of entries have been sent to all schools to verify accuracy of registration data. d) Subject changes, immigrant candidates and special concessions have been appropriately managed. e) DBE to conducting an audit of the provincial registration data.
Registration of Candidates/Centres f) All enhancements on the examination computer system will be completed by 30 September 2014. g) A complete dry run on the system will be commence by 30 September 2014. Dry run done in conjunction with Umalusi h) All independent centres have been evaluated to ensure that they satisfy the criteria for registration. i) In cases where there has been some doubt about the integrity of the centre, the examination will be administered by the PED, or will be closely monitored.
Registration of Candidates/Centres Concessions granted to candidates with special needs and include: Additional time Amanuensis Scribe l) Special extension on the SBA validity period granted by the Minister to repeat candidates, where the validity period had expired.
Question Papers • All 258 question papers for November 2014 and March 2015 examinations have been set and moderated by the DBE to ensure a national standard • Question papers have been approved by Umalusi, edited, quality assured and handed over to PEDS based on their printing plans. • Adaptation of the question papers for blind, partially sighted and deaf candidates is complete • Brailing of the adapted papers for the blind is in progress
Question Papers • Changes based on CAPS: • Mathematics – two papers. • Economics – two papers. • All Home Language papers – one short text has been replaced with a long text. • History – one additional essay. • Consumer Studies – one additional question. • Preparation for CAPS: • Exemplars developed for subjects with significant changes. • Examination Guidelines reviewed for all subjects.
Question Papers • Other Changes: • Separate panels for Paper 1 and Paper 2 in Maths and Physical Science. • Fairness review of question papers. • Additional tier of editing
BRIEFING ON EXAM READINESS • printing, packing and distribution
Printing, Packing and Distribution Printing and packing progressing according to plan. For security reasons question papers made available to PEDS only a week before printing commences. b) Earliest that printing could commence was 1 August 2014. c) Storage facilities across all PEDs have been inspected and security has been improved at distribution points Question papers will be distributed to examination centres on the morning of the examination, except in the Western Cape. 40
Printing, Packing and Distribution In the Northern Cape, only in schools that are far from the districts, will question papers be stored at schools. Western Cape will deliver to schools in weekly consignments. 41
Writing of the examination • Examination commences on 27 October 2014 and concludes on 28 November 2014. b) Invigilators who supervise the writing of exams are in the process of being trained across all PEDs. c) A common national Manual on Invigilation is used across all examination centres. d) To inculcate a sense of commitment to complying with the examination code of conduct, all learners will sign a Pledge on 17 October 2014, at a Pledge Signing Ceremony.
Writing of the examination e) The writing of the examinations will be monitored by DBE, PEDs and Umalusi. DBE has appointed 30 independent monitors who will be deployed to the provinces. • Schools with previous irregularities will be closely monitored.
BRIEFING ON EXAM READINESS • script collection
Collection of Answer Scripts • All PEDs have a clear control process for the management of Answer books. • All scripts to be returned to the district office the same day. c) Scripts to enjoy the same attention and security as the question paper. • Four PEDs will be using bar coded labels in the 2014 NSC examination. This will enable PEDs to scan scripts and ensure better script control. • All scripts must be correctly labelled with centre number, subject and must be sealed at the school level. 46
Collection of Answer Scripts All scripts to be controlled and checked at each stage of the process. g) All PEDs will follow specific norm times for the return of scripts between the different collection points.
Marking a) Markers have been appointed based on the PAM criteria and most PEDs have added learner performance as an additional criteria. b) National Marking Guideline discussions will be hosted in Pretoria for all subjects, to ensure standardisation of marking across all PEDs. c) Internal moderators to be appointed for each subject at each marking centre. d) DBE will appoint external moderators to evaluate the marking at each centre.
Tolerance Range • Tolerance range (TR) introduced for the first time to control differences in moderation. • Tolerance range (TR) is the agreed degree of deviation between the marked and moderated mark. • Tolerance range should not exceed 2 – 3% - at the total mark level and at the question level • TR exceeded: -in more than 50% of the scripts – remark batch. - in 50% of the scripts – moderate additional scripts. - less that 50% of the scripts - accept