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The difference between China and Greek Mythology

Exploring the gods Zhurong and Hephaestus, rulers of fire, alongside Kitchen God and Hestia, symbols of hearth and home. Learn about their myths, roles, and significance in ancient cultures.

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The difference between China and Greek Mythology

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  1. The difference between China and Greek Mythology 诸建林 张军强 王庆 张熹 张森 邢延宗

  2. The god of fire

  3. 祝融 Talking about the establishment of the South China Sea Temple, people will naturally ask about the South China Sea God's name. South China Sea, God is called a serious fire, there are history books called Chu Chi, is short for a serious fire, and Chidi. In fact, a serious fire and Chidi the same person, a serious fire this is the god of fire, today the event of a fire, people still think that a serious fire-Jun presence. Legend 1: Zhurong is China's emperors. He called Chidi. According to legend, Zhurong is a musician, he often played in the mountains and melodious sounds, touching music, so that Lebanon's people in high spirits, good spirits and full of love for life. Zhurong death, buried in the Mount Heng-yang, and their descendants to commemorate him, and put Nanyue highest peak is called Zhu Rongfeng. Zhurong , myths and legends of the ancient emperor called Chidi, descendants revered as a god of fire. Some people say that a serious fire in ancient times Three Sovereigns and Five Emperors, one of San Juan. Living in the Kunlun Mountains in the bright palace is his pass down the fire, to teach human use of fire method. 。 Another said that the former is called Chongli while serving as the fire is official, the Emperor Huang bestowed his surname "Zhurong's."

  4. 赫淮斯托斯 • Vulcan Hephaestus is one of the major gods of Greece 12, Rome, the name of Vulcan, is the son of Zeus and Hera. He looks the most ugly god, but is lame, but married far the most beautiful goddess Aphrodite. He is a Vulcan is also a blacksmith of the gods, with a high degree of skill to create a lot of the weapons, tools, and works of art. Apollo driving the solar car, Eros's gold arrow, silver arrow was his casting system. Hephaestus the word is Greek meaning of Vulcan. Blacksmiths and carpenters have been revered as a protector. He was a gentle, peace-loving God, in heaven and earth, the same access to people's expectations.

  5. The god of Vesta

  6. 灶神 • Kitchen God, also known as stove King, Kitchen God, kitchen god, the public kitchen stove mother, Siming East kitchen, etc., the ancient Chinese myths and legends of the Secretary, the god of food. Jin thereafter as the inspector of human good and evil Siming god. Since human beings from the nascent, after the invention of fire eating, with the development of social production, lesion gradually and is closely related to human life. Worship Kitchen God has become a lot of activities in worship is an important content.

  7. 赫斯提亚 • In ancient times, the altar fire ignited by the ancestors, and their obligation to future generations to continue candle lit indefinitely, because the extinguished candle means that the extinction of race. Each family has its own stove, each town has its own altar. The fire on the altar a symbol for this town to life, every time a town into a new place to establish a colony, the torch also accompanied these brave immigrants to other places. • Hestia is Zeus sister, many people in charge of the Family. Hestia is the daughter of Cronus and Rhea, sister of Zeus and Hera. Apollo and Poseidon have to marry her, but she vowed not to marry for life, to keep girls chaste. Zeus, taking into account that she should have a shelter, they agreed to let each family gave her a seat. She quietly left the Mount Olympus, to protect each with stove family. Not only is she the Kitchen God, God is at home. Flame symbolize her presence, but also the family continuity, stability, harmony and prosperity guarantee.

  8. 请在此键入您自己的内容 Jade Emperor and Queen Mother Vs Zeus and Hera

  9. VS The King of the Gods, the ruler of Mount Olympus and the god of the sky and thunder. The Taoist ruler of Heaven and all realms of existence below including that of Man and Hell.

  10. Zeus Zeus have large numeber of daughters and suns with many women or godness. Zeus sat the top spot, his brother also hold real power, and made the sea Poseidon King, Hardee's has done a hell of King.

  11. Jade Emperor The sky to the government, human waters, were all under his jurisdiction, Underworld Dragon King to listen to his disposal, monitoring of human good and evil of the Kitchen God have to report to him every year.

  12. PK The wife and older sister of Zeus. Her chief function was as goddess of women and marriage. The wife of Jade Emperor . She is the symbols of longevity. The leader of Goddess.

  13. Hera She often appeared in battle-dress attire and holding a steel knife! Wearing inlaid with flowers leaf crown! majestic! never complained about her is the season of God Horae,social goddess Charisand the rainbow goddess Iris! Hera is chaste and wise! In charge of marriage and the family! Rome called her "the infant to see daylight, "the goddess. Is a faithful image of his wife! Is the protection of women of God! She is loyal to love ,but she is also an extremely jealous woman. She hated every one who have a close relationship with her husband! She uses her power and status to punish those women.But she is secondary in the home.

  14. Queen mother The growing popularity of the Queen Mother of the West, as well as the beliefs that she was the dispenser of prosperity, longevity, and eternal bliss took place during the second century BCE when the northern and western parts of China were able to be better known because of the opening of the Silk Routes. In the Shan Hai Jing she was a harsh and cruel Goddess . But in the Mu tian zi zhuan she was a passionate and gentle woman. She has considerable independence and high status.

  15. The god of moon

  16. The greece Luna called Artemis, Artemis is the god king Zeus 10000, and the dark goddess Lento's daughter. The sun god Apollo was his twin brother,: Artemis looks noble and beautiful, her appearance on behalf of all the noble beauty of the moon. Artemis as ice-like moon, her character has some cold Snob, lose cruel. Artemis and Poseidon's son, Oliver temperature in love. However, as Apollo hate him, and was framed Apollo death. Since then, Artemis and Apollo no longer meet. Zeus sympathy for them, he rose to heaven turned into Orion. Lifetime can not always spend the after death, he finally and his sweetheart - Luna Artemis always together.

  17. China's goddess of the moon is Chang ‘e. Legend Hou Yi's wife. Houyi unified China, and discuss where the Queen Mother from the west to the immortality of the drug. Chang unable to withstand the temptation of life in heaven, taking advantage of large-yi go out hunting alone swallowed the elixir of life, but the moon empty, surprisingly deserted, long night in the chewing her loneliness, remorse the first time. Lived a lonely, impoverished life. She is the embodiment of beauty, but a bit greedy.

  18. The god of Business

  19. Hermes, Zeus and the daughter of the forest Banshee Atlas Miami-born son of wind and rain goddess, he was a little quick elegant is the Olympus of the most clever of God. Health foot wings, speed like flying into heaven messenger messenger of the gods, after travelers, merchants, thieves protection of God, often translated into lower bounds to help mere mortals protectors. Is the most clever cunning of God. Legend, he is a genius The orator, so he was the god of eloquence. .

  20. According to legend, the God of Wealth is called . People who trade for wealth, as long as Zhao gong Ming prayer, we are all desirable and therefore I civil Bong it as the God of Wealth. His black-faced thick whiskers, face hideous. Hot-tempered personality.

  21. The god of underworld Hades yanluo

  22. Hades is the lord of the dead and ruler of the nether world, which is referred to as the domain of Hades or, by transference, as Hades alone. He is the son of Cronus and Rhea. When the three sons of Cronus divided the world among each other, Hades was given the underworld, while his brothers Zeus and Poseidon took the upperworld and the sea respectively. For a while Hades ruled the underworld together with Persephone, whom he had abducted

  23. from the upperworld, but Zeus ordered him to release Persephone back into the care of her mother Demeter. However, before she left he gave her a pomegranate and when she ate of it, it bound her to the underworld forever. Hades sits on a throne made of ebony, and carries a scepter. He also has a helmet, given to him by the Cyclopes, which can make him invisible. Hades rules the dead, assisted by various (demonic) helpers, such as Thanatos and Hypnos, the ferryman Charon, and the hound Cerberus.

  24. Many heroes from Greek mythology have descended into the underworld, either to question the shades or trying to free them. Although Hades does not allow his subjects to leave his domain, on several occasions he has granted permission, such as when Orpheus requested the return of his beloved Eurydice.

  25. 十殿阎罗 10 Hall of the Underworld

  26. 阎王是梵文的音译,意译为"缚",缚有罪之人。原来是古印度神话中管理阴间的天王,在《梨俱吠陀》中即已出现,佛教沿用这一说法,称阎王为管理地狱的魔王,据《问地狱经》载,阎王从前是毗沙国的国王,在与维陀始生王的战争中因兵力不敌而立誓,愿为地狱之主。他手下的十八大臣率领所属百万众共同立誓,共治地狱罪人。十八臣就是后来的十八地狱之小王,百万之众即后来地狱的众多狱卒。阎王所住的宫殿位于阎浮提洲南二铁城山外,纵广六千由旬。另据《禁度三味经》,阎王治下有五官,鲜官禁杀,水官禁盗,铁官禁淫,土官禁二舌,天官禁酒。阎王是梵文的音译,意译为"缚",缚有罪之人。原来是古印度神话中管理阴间的天王,在《梨俱吠陀》中即已出现,佛教沿用这一说法,称阎王为管理地狱的魔王,据《问地狱经》载,阎王从前是毗沙国的国王,在与维陀始生王的战争中因兵力不敌而立誓,愿为地狱之主。他手下的十八大臣率领所属百万众共同立誓,共治地狱罪人。十八臣就是后来的十八地狱之小王,百万之众即后来地狱的众多狱卒。阎王所住的宫殿位于阎浮提洲南二铁城山外,纵广六千由旬。另据《禁度三味经》,阎王治下有五官,鲜官禁杀,水官禁盗,铁官禁淫,土官禁二舌,天官禁酒。 Hades is the Sanskrit transliteration, translation as a "tie" tie guilty person. Ancient Indian mythology was originally to manage the underworld king, in the "Rig Veda" and had emerged, Buddhism, followed this statement, calling for the management of Hades hell of Darkness, it was "asked to hell by the" contains, Hades used to adjoin sand King of the country, beginning with the Victoria Health Tuo Wang strength loss due to war, while the oath of the Lord is willing to hell. Secretary of State, led his men's 18 million minority-owned joint oath to rule hell sinners. 18, later 18 Chen Xiao Wang hell, millions of the public that the number of guards was hell. Hades lived in the palace is located in the South Island Yanfu Ti 2 Tetsujo Hill, the vertical and broad 6000 Yojana. According to "cut through the degree of the shamisen," King of Hell under rule facial, fresh official ban on killing, stealing water official ban, iron official ban on prostitution, Tuguan ban two tongue-day official prohibition.

  27. 中国佛教中,又有十殿阎罗之说。十殿阎罗是中国佛教所说的十个主管地狱的阎王的总称,这一说法始于唐末。中国佛教中,又有十殿阎罗之说。十殿阎罗是中国佛教所说的十个主管地狱的阎王的总称,这一说法始于唐末。 Chinese Buddhism, there are 10 Hall of the Underworld is said. 10 Hall of hell is in charge of Chinese Buddhism, said 10 of the general term of Hell King of Hell, this argument begins with the late Tang.

  28. 一殿秦广王 二殿楚江王

  29. 三殿宋帝王 四殿五官王

  30. 五殿阎罗王 六殿卞城王

  31. 七殿泰山王 八殿都市王

  32. 九殿平等王 十殿转轮王

  33. Poseidon and Dragon King

  34. Like his brother Zeus, Poseidon, Lord of the Sea, has many names— Earthshaker , Rain-God, Cloud-Gatherer, and Poseidon of the Thunderbolt, to name just a few. Poseidon was powerful, decisive(adj. 果断的), competitive, and dignified. The common symbols of Poseidon include tridents(n.三叉戟), horses(stallions), springs and dolphins, each involving an interesting story. Poseidon's trident(n.三叉戟) is now the symbol of sea power and the mark of many maritime (adj.海事的)universities. People use trident(n.三叉戟) to name certain ships, too. Poseidon's common image is as a bearded(adj.有胡子的)middle-aged man, sometimes driving a chariot(n.马车)drawn by sea horses, and sometimes sitting on a spring with a trident in hand. He is often accompanied by his wife, Amphitrite, the Goddess of the Sea, and their son, Triton, a merman(n.雄性人鱼)blowing(v.吹) a conch(n.海螺)shell to calm or raise the waves.

  35. Poseidon's Many Love Conquests Also like his brother, Poseidon was famous for his many love conquests. Once he pursued Athena, but was rebuffed. Athena's rejection threw Poseidon in the willing arms of the hauntingly(adv.难以忘怀的) beautiful Medusa. They stayed overnight in the temple of Athena. Athena, furious(adj.极愤怒的) over this insult(n.侮辱), turned Medusa into an ugly monster with writhing(adj.蠕动的)snakes in place of her hair. And Medusa's face could turn anyone into stone if he/she looked at it directly. But she was later killed by the hero Perseus.

  36. For chasing Demeter, the Goddess of crop , Poseidon changed himself into a stallion(n.公马). They two had a little horse Arion as their son, who understand plainly human speech and always won in horse race. Poseidon eventually did manage to fall in love with a goddess who loved him too . The goddess’s name is Amphitrite .

  37. Poseidon was also a vengeful god. He once made reprisals(报复) with king of Troy,got even with Odysseus ,revenged King Minos and made his wife fell love with a bull and so on. What's more Poseidon is also a faithful god who always gave his word and kept with it.

  38. Now I will talk about Dragon King in China. Chinese Dragon King is based on two reasons. One is the Indian Buddhism’s incoming ,the other is that our Chinese respect dragons and kings. Both ancient Indians and Chinese thought the falling rain is because of Dragon kings Who got the water from the sea in the sky and then sprinkled (v.洒)to Human.

  39. Dragon king’s common image is a old man with Dragon face ,which is solemnly and kindly. According to Buddhism books ,there is more than one Dragon Kings. But we usually think there are four --four seas Dragon Kings. They are masters in the sea world, and also master the precipitation (n.降水量) on the ground.

  40. Both of western Poseidon and eastern Dragon King are the master god of seas and precipitation ,and they all live in deep sea palace in people's thought. But in the same time their differences are clear . Poseidon's individualities are rich and likes a human ,but Dragon King is kindly to help people who do good deeds and punish bad guys, his characters approaching perfectly ,like a god more than a human being.

  41. The god of love China Greek go-between or yuelao Cupid

  42. Cupid Cupid was the god of love,son of Aphrodite by Ares ,he took his place among the small gods of Olympus.he was represented as a little naked boy,with sparkling wings,and he carried his bow and arrows wherever he wandered.Shooting his thrilling arrows in evils,he inspired the passion of love and provided all nature with life and power of reproduction.The lovely,naughty god had two kinds of arrows:the gold tipped arrows used to quicken the pulse of love and the lead tipped ones to palsy it. Besides,he had a torch to light hearts with.

  43. go-between While in china the god of love is a old god .He is go-between or Yue Lao 。Namely, in the Chinese folk Yuexialaoren Yue Lao is a well-known figure, he was in charge of a worldly marriage between men and women with red string . Yuelao has a book, there is marriage between men and women the world in the book .He also carry a bag, which fitted red line to the department of his wife's feet, that is for the saying “thousands of miles will accompany marriage,”Now he has become a matchmaker in china.

  44. VS age 60~70 5~10 weapon Book and Red String bow and arrows language Chinese English shooting average high low

  45. The god of war Greek China Chiyou Ares

  46. Ares As the son of Zeus and Hera,Ares was appointed god of war.He was terrible and majestic ,and his march shook the world.Of all the major gods at Olympus,he was the most hateful,loving struggle and war and ever thirsty for blood .On the other hand he signified courage and victory in battle,and was devoutly worshipped by soldiers going to war.Prayers were addressed to him before the war and spoils presented at his altar after it. He was as thoughtless as he was unkind .A son of Poseidon's,attempting to kidnap his daughter,made the war-god unhappy,so that he killed the youth Without he sitation.In retaliation ,Poseidon dragged him before a group of Athenian judges for trial.The court was held on a hill outside Athens.Ares presented his case and was declared innocent . The hill was ever after called Areopagus,“the hill of Ares”,and the judges received the names of Areopagitae.

  47. Chiyou Chi You is a Chinise tribal leaders in the past. He used to be minister of Emperor Yan. After Emperor Yan was defeated by Emperor huang ,he combated with Emperor huang .It was said that he has eight legs,three copper heads and six arms, invulnerability, And at the same time ,he could battle without having a rest. Emperor huang could not win .in the end , Emperor huang ask god for help .And chiyou was killed by Emperor huang .But as chiyou was so brave that Emperor huang respect him as the god of the war.

  48. VS 95 90 fighting power 95 90 endurance IQ 80 70

  49. Afterword Today many students know a lot of mythology about other countries ,however they know little about our own country . As we all know the mythology of our country is also very abundant ,there are many fantastic storys about our ancestors. We might as well learn more about our mythology. Love our country ,love our mythology !

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