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Section 236 Program Submission Process for Excess Rental Income Reports Revised: August 12, 2013

Section 236 Program Submission Process for Excess Rental Income Reports Revised: August 12, 2013. ©2013 MassHousing. Introduction . This presentation shows how to submit your Section 236 Monthly Excess Income Reports to HUD.

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Section 236 Program Submission Process for Excess Rental Income Reports Revised: August 12, 2013

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  1. Section 236 ProgramSubmission Process for Excess Rental Income ReportsRevised: August 12, 2013 ©2013 MassHousing

  2. Introduction • This presentation shows how to submit your Section 236 Monthly Excess Income Reports to HUD. • Developments approved to retain for the Reserve for Replacement will find instructions for making payments to the escrow account.

  3. Submitting Monthly Excess Income Reports • NEW POLICY: As of 2011, all 236 Excess Income reporting will be accomplished via HUD’s Pay.gov website only. Properties will NO LONGER be required to fax monthly confirmation sheets to Mass Housing.

  4. Please note: The following directions for submitting via Pay.Gov assumes that your company has registered with Pay.Gov and provided you with a password. • If your company has not registered, please skip to the final 3 screens where that process is detailed.

  5. Go to the US Treasury website at www.pay.gov and click on “Agency List”

  6. Click on “H” for ‘HUD’

  7. Click on “Housing and Urban Development Department”.

  8. Click on HUD’s “Monthly Report of Excess Income form”

  9. Type in all pertinent data and then PRINT this page. You will keep the print out until the ACU process at the end of the calendar year. Note: when entering the project number, do not use any spaces or hyphens. Print this page before you hit submit!!

  10. Important points about using Pay.Gov • Be sure to use the live pay.gov website, and NOT the Pay.Gov TEST site (https://qa.pay.gov/paygov/) You can use the test site to familiarize yourself with the process, but HUD will not receive any submission entered on the test site. • Use the correct HUD Project Number! If you are unsure of the correct HUD Project Number please contact the subsidy manager at 617-854-1000. (The MassHousing project number does not appear in Pay.Gov) • Do not use blank spaces or hyphens in the Project Number field.

  11. Important points about using Pay.Gov • Project Name - use the name of the development rather than the ownership entity. • If you are submitting a revision to a report already in Pay.gov use the word “Revised” to the immediate right of the Project Name • Management Agent Name – enter the name of the Management Company rather than the name of the property manager

  12. IMPORTANT Please make sure you enter the amount retained on the proper line (line 2). If reported as a “remission,” a receivable will be created in HUD’s accounting system for that month. Failure to pay these funds can result in HUD’s withdrawal of permission to retain excess income.

  13. Existing Form – Obsolete on 01/31/2011 Old form was free-form without consistent data entry

  14. Use Drop-down table to select reporting month – as of 2/2/2011 New form has drop-down table for entering reporting month.

  15. 6. After you have printed a filled out copy of the form, click submit.

  16. 7. Note the ability to preview your form via PDF and avoid using your browser’s Back Button.

  17. HUD Reports extracted from Pay.gov

  18. Submission Confirmation • When you submit the form, you will be taken to a confirmation screen. Please note that the Tracking ID number should begin with the numbers "25.” • This is an important indicator that you correctly submitted through the real Pay.Gov site, and not through the Pay.Gov TEST site.

  19. Using A Prior Month’s Data To Report For A Current Month • When you log in with your “generic” user name in Pay.gov, your information will be stored and made retrievable after your first submission. This means you won’t have to re-enter all the required contact information each month. • But, when you pull up a previously submitted HUD-93104 form you must change the reporting period and the amount retained or remitted • If your company has several projects, make sure you also change the project number for each project before submitting. Note: Be sure to double check the data you have changed before submitting the form!

  20. DATA FLOW CHART – MONTHLY PROCESS HUD sends an extract for MassHousing listing all of the Excess Income reports to date MH Staff reviews the data for missing months, Proj #, dates, duplicates, etc. Data originates at Pay.gov as owner/manager enters project information From the review above, MH Staff creates an Interim CU which is posted on the MH Website Owner/Managers review their ICU & submit corrected reports through Pay.gov if necessary The Process Starts Here 11/19/2010 20

  21. Managers are notified by e-mail that the ACU efoms are ready to review & signature At year-end, a 12 month ACU is prepared from the HUD reports from Pay.gov Manager downloads the year-end ACU, signs and to MH, along with the 12 monthly 93104s MH Staff bundle the ACU forms and send a closeout letter to HUD DATA FLOW CHART – YEAR END CYCLE Year-end process starts here 11/19/2010 21

  22. NEW in 2011 • You are no longer required to Fax your print out of your Pay.gov submissions. Instead, please keep a copy of the print out and fax all 12 to MassHousing at the end of the year as attachments to your Annual Certification of Use form. (See the ACU power point presentation for more details on that process.) • Plan of Action properties must also include MHFA form Monthly Excess Income Report for Title II and Title VI Developments when you fax all 12 reports and ACU.

  23. Deposits to the Reserve for Replacement • Owners who have received permission to retain Excess Income for “Capital Replacements beyond the Reserve for Replacement” and financed by MassHousing are required under the terms of the Regulatory Agreement to deposit any portion of these funds intended for future repairs into the “Reserve for Replacement.”

  24. When depositing to the Reserve Fund for Replacement, MassHousing will no longer accept paper checks. Please follow these instructions for making deposits to the lockbox to ensure that your payment will be properly credited to your development.

  25. MHFA WIRING INSTRUCTIONS CLEARING ACCOUNT (aka MF Lockbox) Bank of America ABA 026009593 Account: 0501162997 Beneficiary: MassHousing Project Name: Apple Tree Village MassHousing Project Number: 99-999 Insert your project name Insert your MassHousing project number

  26. Summary • We hope this presentation was informative and you are now ready to put the new methods described into routine practice in your office. • Should you need further assistance, please contact subsidy_manager@masshousing.com

  27. Where to Find Information • This presentation as well as the various forms necessary for reporting are available for your convenience through the MassHousing portal, located at www.MassHousingRental.com. • We encourage you to take advantage of this presentation as a training tool for your staff when you experience personnel changes.

  28. Registering as a user at Pay.Gov 1. Go to www.pay.gov and click on “click here to register.”

  29. 2. Read the “User Responsibility Statement.” When finished, a) check that you have read it, b) accept the “rules of behavior” and c) click to continue. a b c

  30. 3. Fill out all required information and click submit.

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