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Büyükçekmece is a district and municipality in the suburbs of Istanbul , Turkey on the Sea of Marmara coast of the European side , west of the city . It is largely an industrial area with a population of 380,000.
Büyükçekmece is a districtandmunicipality in thesuburbs of Istanbul, Turkey on theSea of Marmara coast of theEuropeanside, west of thecity. It is largely an industrialareawith a population of 380,000.
Buyukcekmece is one of themostbeautifuldistricts of Istanbuland it is located on theeasternside of Buyukcekmece Lake, whichchannelsintothe Marmara Sea. Buyukcekmece is in the western reaches of Istanbul,and is situated on CatalcaPeninsula, surroundedbythe Marmara seatothesouth, andBuyukcekmece Lake tothenorth. Buyukcekmece, locatedbetweenthe Marmara seaandthelagoon lake – a uniquegeographicalformation
Buyukcekmece is now a beautifuldistrictwithbothcleanairand modern buildings. Untilthe 1990s theBuyukcekmeceareawasprincipally a placeforsummerholidayswherepeoplefromIstanbulenjoyedswimmingandwalking on thebeaches. Afterthat , because of theurbanizationthroughoutthecity, Buyukcekmecebecamethedistrict of Istanbulandthepeoplefromtheotherparts of Istanbulstartedtomovetothisquietscenicareaformorepeacefulandrelaxing life.
Inthecentre of Büyükçekmece itself, therearestillteagardens on theseafrontandotherplacesforkidstoplaywhiletheirfamilies sit, picnicandenjoytheseaviews.
Thesearenowusedbydaytrippersfromthecity, especiallythenearby dense working-classhousingareassuch as Avcılar, Bahçelievler, Bakırköy andetc.
ATTRACTIONS IN THE CITY As Büyükçekmece is a holidaydistrict, it has a longbeach, a shoppingcenter, a bazaar, historicalsites, 5 star hotels, a theatre, sportshalls, parksandwater park.
Buyukcekmece is a typicalOttomantownwithitscaravanserais (inns), khans, madrasas,bazaars, publicbathsandfountrains.
TheOttomanarchitect Mimar Sinan builtlotsof worksof art in Buyukcekmece in the 16th century.
Theinterior of thecaravanseraianditswoodenceiling THE SULTAN SULEYMAN CARAVANSERAI
BRIDGE OF SULEIMAN THE MAGNIFICIENT: ConstructedbyArchitect Sinan, thisbridge is located 36 kmsawayfromIstanbul. WhileSuleimantheMagnificent (1520-1566) wasgoingtoSzigetvar, he encountereddifficulty in crossingover on rafts at thepointwhereBuyukcekmece Lake andseameetsandordered a bridgeto be constructedthere. However, as Sultan Suleimandied in Szigetvarsiege, his son Selim II completedthebridge in 1567.
Thefirst in Turkeyandthe 3rd highest TV tower in Europestands At Büyükçekmece, nexttothelargestexhibitioncenter TUYAP
GRAND AQUA MARINE Ifyouwanttospend a day at AquaMarine, thefirstwater park of Turkey, you can taketheshuttlebusesrunningfromdifferentpoints.
BUYUKCEKMECE CULTURE AND ART FESTIVAL Büyükçekmece Cultureand Art Festival, regarded as the 3rd biggest festival of Turkey is heldeachyearbetweenJuly 1-7 andlocalandforeignartistsanddancers set outtheirtalents. The festival is growingyearbyyear.