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GODAE Progress on national activities France (Mercator Ocean)

GODAE Progress on national activities France (Mercator Ocean). Eric Dombrowsky - Mercator Océan. French Contributions to operational oceanography. Ocean forecasting center MERCATOR OCEAN Data Centers The SSALTO/DUACS altimeter data center (  connected to OSTST)

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GODAE Progress on national activities France (Mercator Ocean)

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  1. GODAE Progress on national activitiesFrance (Mercator Ocean) Eric Dombrowsky - Mercator Océan

  2. French Contributions to operational oceanography • Ocean forecasting center • MERCATOR OCEAN • Data Centers • The SSALTO/DUACS altimeter data center ( connected to OSTST) • The CORIOLIS in situ data center ( connected to ARGO, ...) • The SST center (SAF/MétéoFrance, Ifremer) ( connected to GHRSST) • Modelling tools • NEMO ocean code ( CNRS / Mercator Ocean / UK Met Office) • Research • Assimilation, Modelisation, data ; Large ocean / regional / coastal • The Mercator/Coriolis Science Working Team • Projects • The AltiKa project (space mission for altimetry) • The Mersea project • … Eric Dombrowsky - IGST St John's - August 2007

  3. Mercator model configurations and data assimilation systems Observation data QC, editing and blending using OI • ARMOR/SURCOUF : ¼° Global Ocean 3D analysis MercatorModel Configurations • BASIN rigid lid (OPA8.1 based) • 1/3° North & Tropical Atlantic ; 43 levels (abandoned) • 1/15° North Atlantic + 1/16° Med Sea ; 43 levels • BASIN free surf. (NEMO Based) • ¼° North Atlantic + MED 50 levels • 1/12° North Atlantic + Med Sea ; 50 levels • GLOBAL Ocean (free surface) • 2° Global Ocean OPA8; 30 levels • ¼° Global Ocean OPA8; 46 levels • ¼° Global Ocean NEMO; 50 levels • 1/12° Global Ocean NEMO; 50 levels (full transition to NEMO on ORCA grids under development) Mercator Assimilation Systems (SAM) • SAM1 (ROOI-SOFA type) • V1 : R.O.O.I. - surface analysis / altimeter data – multivariate forecast correction using lifting and lowering of the water column for T and S • V2 : R.O.O.I. - multivariate analysis using vertical multivariate EOFs / alti. + STT+ in-situdata • SAM2 (SEEK type) • SAM3 (3D/4DVar type) using the PALM coupler (CERFACS) Eric Dombrowsky - IGST St John's - August 2007

  4. Input data Altimetry MERCATOR Assimilation Center - near-real-time : weekly retrieval of intercalibrated Along-Track Sea Level Anomalies - delayed mode : off-line retrieval of fully validated data set Topex/Poseidon, ERS-2, GFO, Jason-1, Envisat SSALTO/DUACS In Situ - near-real-time : weekly retrieval of XBT, CTD, buoys, etc - delayed mode : off-line retrieval of fully validated data set ARGO data, XBT/CTD, buoys, moorings, ... CORIOLIS - real-time : weekly retrieval of operational ECMWF 6 hour analyses, and 10 day forecasts ; RTG SST - delayed mode : reanalysis NWP wind stress, heat fluxes, E-P : atm. model outputs ECMWF, ... Eric Dombrowsky - IGST St John's - August 2007

  5. The forecasting systems running at MERCATOR • 1/15° / 43 levels N.Atlantic & Med Sea • Operational ; 2 week-forecast; alti/SST/insitu assimilation. 1/15° • 2° / 30 levels Global Ocean • Operational ; 2 week-forecast ; altimetry assimilation. • Simulations : one reanalysis 10 years • Demo : with SEEK and 3D4DVar 2° • 1/4 ° / 50 levels Global Ocean • Operational ; 2 week-forecast ; altimetry + T/S profiles + SST assimilation. • Operational, with reanalysis planned, ARMOR 3D Data blending. ¼° Eric Dombrowsky - IGST St John's - August 2007

  6. Global ocean system upgrades since last meeting • New model configuration: NEMO on ORCA grid • NEMO (OPA9) + LIM (Ice model) • Free surface, partial cells, 50 levels, ¼° ORCA grid • Offline coupling to ecosystem (PISCES) under development • New assimilation system: SAM2 based on SEEK filter • No longer based on optimal interpolation : SEEK filter (3D EOFs) • Alt + T/S profiles + SST data assimilated • MSSH from RIOv5, Rio et al. (2006) • Bulk formulae for atmospheric forcing (ECMWF) • Operational since April 2007 Eric Dombrowsky - IGST St John's - August 2007

  7. Examples of improvements: Surface currents in the North Atlantic Old ¼° 1/15° surface currents from Altimetry + Ekman drift from ECMWF winds new ¼° Eric Dombrowsky - IGST St John's - August 2007

  8. Zoom in the Gulf StreamRegion new ¼° surface currents from Altimetry + Ekman drift from ECMWF winds Eric Dombrowsky - IGST St John's - August 2007

  9. Examples of improvements: Surface temperature in the tropical Pacific Old ¼° new ¼° NOAA/RTG observed SST products (assimilated in the new system): Eric Dombrowsky - IGST St John's - August 2007

  10. Examples of improvements: NATL Salinity at 100m Old ¼° 1/15° optimal iterpolation of observations new ¼° Eric Dombrowsky - IGST St John's - August 2007

  11. Sea ice concentration: April 5 2007 Mercator System OSI SAF data new ¼° new ¼° Eric Dombrowsky - IGST St John's - August 2007

  12. Towards global 1/12° • ORCA 1/12° configuration (same general setup as the ¼°): developed and already tested • Mercator Océan has acquired a new computer dedicated to the development of this new configuration. • 2007: • Improvements of the forcing function: tests of MEMO BULK formulae in a North Atlantic zoom • Interannual simulation 1998-2007 • 2008: • Demonstration of real-time operations (April, Mersea IP framework) • Operational start (MCS, MyOcean framework) Eric Dombrowsky - IGST St John's - August 2007

  13. 1 year sea surface topography 1/12° forced run Eric Dombrowsky - IGST St John's - August 2007

  14. ORCA12 SSH, 2001 variability and mean ORCA12 ORCA12 ALTIMETRY ALTIMETRY Eric Dombrowsky - IGST St John's - August 2007

  15. Towards daily updates of operational forecast • Study underway for the use of HR forcing (3h, 6h) • Study underway to setup the operational scenario • From daily update of forcast including atm forcing updates to full daily assimilation • April 2008: start of a demo system in the North Atlantic and Mediterranean • August 2008: daily operational service Eric Dombrowsky - IGST St John's - August 2007

  16. Technical implementation of routine open boundary data delivery to MERSEA regional systems (routine since April 2007) UKMO (Natl), INGV (Med) Development/tests of open boundary schemes within NEMO Tests in the Bay of Biscay conducted at Mercator Ocean Downscaling to regions Eric Dombrowsky - IGST St John's - August 2007

  17. Global ¼° reanalysis project • With the global ¼° model config and multidata assimilation • ORCA025-LIM + SAM2 (SEEK) • 2007/2008: first stream: • 2002-2007 (ARGO years) • 2008/2009 second stream: • 1993-2007 (Modern altimetry years) • 2009/2010: third stream: • 50 years (ERA40 period 1979-2007) • International collaboration within MyOcean • DFO (Canada), ESSC (UK), CMCC (Italy), CNRS and Mercator Ocean (France) Eric Dombrowsky - IGST St John's - August 2007

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