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Green Zone Egypt: Promoting Eco-Friendly Practices and Urban Farming

Join Hussein Soliman's team at Green Zone Egypt to raise awareness on organic farming, build urban farming communities, and promote eco-friendly practices. Discover workshops, products, and initiatives for sustainable living. Learn more at www.greenthezone.com.

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Green Zone Egypt: Promoting Eco-Friendly Practices and Urban Farming

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Hussein Soliman • Retired Accountant from American express Bank • Environmental Activist and member of 350.org, AinAlbe`a NGO, Egyptian Against Coal • Team member of “Solar Cities Egypt” • Biogas People Co-founder. • Green Zone Egypt team member

  2. HanyElkhodary • Graduated from faculty of commerce • Environmental Activist • Biogas People Co-founder. • Green Zone Egypt Founder • Würmer Hof (Frankfurt Oder) Founder • Volunteer at Soned Berlin

  3. network gathering all the experts, associations and community WAS FORMED

  4. The tanks are ready on the rooftop Start work hard on installation unites Transferring the equipment's to the site in Ezbet Al-Nasr The Biogas unit is ready, should be left for four weeks in winter times until it produces the biogas And they started use it for cooking After month gasholder float

  5. What Do Green Zone Do ? • Raise awareness about organic Farming • Build Urban Farming Communities • Fabricate Composters • Promote biological control for pests • Sell farming materials and tools

  6. Raising Awareness Compostingworkshops Gardening workshops Kids workshops

  7. Build Urban Farming Communities Internatioal Permaculture Day Info sessions Maadi Green Community

  8. Fabricate Composters

  9. Promote biological control for pests Natural Enemies Natural Pesticide Traps

  10. Sell farming materials and tools www.greenthezone.com

  11. Green Zone Egypt @greenthezone www.greenthezone.com +Greenthezone Green Zone Egypt

  12. Würmer Hof Würmer Hof is ecofriendly initiative incubated by Hof-Ubuntu farm to spread awareness of vermicomposting and teach people how they make compost indoor and recycling organic waste to make bio fertilizer to grow organic food in home gardens and balcony. Education: Würmer Hof offers workshops for local community, students and kids to train them how to make compost in home by special kind of earthworm eat kitchen scrap and convert it to compost. Workshops designed to have interactive activities to involve whole family members. Commerce: Würmer Hof offers ecofriendly products compacted and suitable for home made by upcycling materials to use less energy and conserve environment like Worm incubators made from used buckets. WH offers also Composting worms with delivery and information about vermicomposting.

  13. Kids Workshops

  14. Thank You!

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