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ADHD or Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder is one of the most common condition that comes under the Autism Spectrum Disorder umbrella.
ADHD or Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder is one of the most common condition that comes under the Autism Spectrum Disorder umbrella. This condition does not just affect children but adolescents as well. This condition can continue into ones adulthood in many cases as well. Many clinical studies suggest that ADHD may be more common in adults that what was previously believed.
Individual with ADHD are very similar to an iceberg. Just like 80% of the iceberg is hidden underneath the water surface, majority symptoms of ADHD are not evident, in fact, the symptoms you see are only the type of the problem.
Symptoms ADHD In Children Children with ADHD face problems in paying attention or focusing. They have troubles following direction and are easily bored or frustrated with directed tasks. Moreover, they feel the need to be on the move constantly. They are impulsive which means such children do not stop to think before they act. These behavioral symptoms found in children with ADHD often form an obstruction in a child’s ability to function at school and home.
In Adults On the other hand, adults who have ADHD often face difficulties in managing their time. They have poor organizational skills, goal setting, and often face difficulties in maintaining one employment. In addition, they also have many problems with relationships, self-esteem and addiction.
Causes of ADHD Although the exact cause of ADHD is not known, however, researchers continue to find an good explanation look for small clues from the brain. Here are some factors or probably explanation for this condition. • Genetics : Most Autism Spectrum Disorder are explained in ones genetic composition. The notion that ADHD may run in families directly indicates that children may inherit a tendency to develop ADHD from their parents
Nuero Chemical Imbalance: medical research has evidenced that ADHD is a result of an imbalance of brain chemical also called as neurotransmitters, which are responsible of transmitting nerve impulses • Brain Changes: Experts also believe that when those areas of the brain, which control attention, become less active, children or actives become more susceptible to ADHD.
You can never have too much information about Autism, causes of ADHD or what is oppositional defiant disorder. Therefore, to cope with autism in your family or help someone you love, make sure you have the most powerful tool in hand, which is knowledge. For the original version on Washblog.com visit: http://www.washblog.com/story/2015/3/20/111148/040
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