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The business system of creative industries: interaction of creative and technological components

The business system of creative industries: interaction of creative and technological components. Doc.dr.Monika Petraite - Kriaucioniene Kaunas university of technology. about creativity and capital. “Wealth results from creativity, ideas, imagination and innovation”.

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The business system of creative industries: interaction of creative and technological components

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  1. The business system of creative industries: interaction of creative and technological components Doc.dr.Monika Petraite - Kriaucioniene Kaunas university of technology

  2. about creativity and capital “Wealth results from creativity, ideas, imagination and innovation”

  3. change is the process by which the future invades our lives -> Alvin Toffler

  4. innovation, convergence and creative industries

  5. Areas of innovation PRODUCTION & PREPRODUCTION CREATIVE FIRM PRODUCT 9 Content of Product (cultural concept etc.) 6 Back-office/ back stage production processes, design process 5 Internal communications, Management of HR & work organization 11 Product format (“cultural product”, performance features of product) 1 General administration & financial management 10 Performance and production processes 2 Revenue Model 14 User Interaction, including supply & configuration of content 7 Transaction (purchase, lease etc.) 13 User Interface with Product 3 Value Chain Location BACK STAGE 12 Delivery of Product FRONT STAGE 8 Marketing and customer relationship management 4 Communications with suppliers, collaborators, supply chain partners etc. 15 User Capabilities & Media (e.g. Consumer Electronics) USER EXPERIENCE COMMUNICATIONS Innovation = doing new things (or old things in new ways) – with or without new technology and technique

  6. Distinct industries have dealt with hardware, software, telecommunications, broadcasting, print, recorded music, images, other media digital convergence

  7. a three-dimensional mediauniverse Moving over Space - Telecommunications Transforming, Processing - Computation INTERACTION PROCESSING Information COMMUNICATION CHANNELS (Broadcast Media) Storing over Time, Reproducing- Published Media CONTENT

  8. a growing market space, increasing size of markets

  9. Increasing diversity of products

  10. The expanding media universe Communications Computation Content

  11. turn of the century TELECOMMUNICATIONS COMPUTERS Numerous PCs, laptops. notebooks, pocket organisers, etc. Numerous home computers and videogames Digital mobile phones, Widespread use of Fax, pagers Electronic mail, SMS Mobile data comms Increasing integration of media, use of optical media, digitalisation Internet World Wide Web CD-ROM publishing Cable telephony Audiotext Videorecorders, audio CDs, digital recording cable and satellite TV BROADCAST + PUBLISHED MEDIA

  12. now  2010? COMPUTERS TELECOMMUNICATIONS Internet telephone VoI, Internet videotelephony Pervasive computers, in many types of device (e.g. Personal Digital Assistants, smartphones) Digital mobile communications in wide use - pervasive communications WiFi, Next generation of Internet & WWW, Web2.0, Video telephones and conferences Internet TV Video on Demand Interactive TV DVD-R+, interactive video MP3 and PVR, Digital Broadcast TV digital videorecording High definition TV BROADCAST + PUBLISHEDMEDIA

  13. uncertainties

  14. new product categories

  15. internet narrowcasting Innovation in service concept, design, delivery, interaction with (and among) clients

  16. digital cinema (+3D) Innovation in Production, Distribution and Delivery, User Experience

  17. games Innovation in delivery, content, user interfaces, user interaction (online games etc)…

  18. design process innovation – becoming product innovation (virtual prototyping etc)

  19. Broadcast Media Content Innovation – routine (“fresh” content vs “novel” content) and generic (new content v new structures for content).Plus User engagement innovation

  20. Content is King (c)

  21. Content innovation is only part of the story… Innovation in production, distribution, delivery of creative products involvement of “consumers” and relations between firms business models and customer relationships

  22. Holistic approach

  23. designing success

  24. smart specialization

  25. Search for market niches worldwide in terms of technologies, customers and favorable institutional settings

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