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Contrast between English and Chinese. Theory and Practice of Translation.
Contrast between English and Chinese Theory and Practice of Translation
Culture is a dynamic value system of learned elements, with assumptions, conventions, beliefs and rules permitting members of a group to relate to each other and to the world, to communicate and to develop their creative potential
汉英三大差异 思维方式 文化差异 语言差异
The relationship between culture and translation • 1. Language is the carrier and container of culture. • 2. Culture is the soil that language exists. There would be no language if there were no culture, different languages produce different cultures.
3. Language is the means of translation, without language there would be no translation. Translation begins with language and the translators’ way of thinking is embodied in language, different languages reflect different cultures and different ways of thinking, and the translations read by the readers are written in language. • 4. Translating is regarded as an intercultural activity. Translation has been instrumental in transmitting culture. Language and culture are interwoven and they are closely linked.
Octavio Paz: the translator/poet “must leave the original in order to follow it.” 翻译是旅行。离家再远,也没有离开“家”; “家”在回忆和想象中被再创造。 这是后殖和飞散文学 (post-colonial and diasporic literature)的一个要点, 是语言翻译和文化翻译相通之处。
Cultural Differences To be or not to be bicultural that is the question?
书名翻译 原著的几种书名: 《红楼梦》 《石头记》 《情僧录》 《风月宝鉴》 《金陵十二钗》 书名的两种英译: “A Dream of Red Mansions” (三卷) “The Story of the Stone” (五卷)
杜甫有诗句云:“朱门酒肉臭,路有冻死骨。” • 李白《侍从宜春苑奉诏赋》中有诗句:“东风已绿瀛洲草,紫殿红楼觉春好。” • 韦庄在《长安春》中写道:“长安春色本无主,古来尽数红楼女。”所以,“红楼”一词与曹雪芹的另一书名《金陵十二钗》有内在的联系。所以,杨译书名从中国的传统文化出发。
《石头记》是《红楼梦》的又一书名。Hawkes 将其译为 “The Story of the Stone”
Mode of Image Shift • Reproducing the same image in the TL • Reproducing the same image plus paraphrase • Replacing the image in the SL with a familiar TL image. • Delete the image
词 • 大妈 • 大人物 • 小姐 • 小老婆 • aunt/aunty/auntie • VIP • lady/prostitute/tart • concubine
误译 • 上海世博会 景点:游客休息区 Resting place for the tourists 安息地 Lounge Area
中英思维方式对比 • 中国人注重伦理,英美人注重认知 • 中国人重整体(integrity),偏重综合性思维(synthetic);英美人重个体(individuality),偏重分析性(analytic)思维 • 中国人重直觉(intuition),英美人重实证(evidence) • 中国人重形象思维,英美人重逻辑思维
不可译 • Out of sight, out of mind. blind & idiot • UFO ugly & fat & old • 骨干:累得剩下骨头还得干 • 教授:越教越瘦 • 前途:有钱可图 • 白骨精:白领—骨干—精英 奥特曼——”out” man——落伍的人
句子 要想皮肤好,早晚用大宝。 A fair skin now, Dabao knows how.
校长在开会议开始总结去年的工作。 sum up review
“你抓得真准!” (两人在打球) “A good catch!” 而不是 “You catch it well!” • 我愿意跟他在一起。 I enjoy the time I have with him. I enjoy staying with him.(中式英语) 我特别享受跟他在一起的时光。(英式中文)
汉英语言对比 • 差异性-汉语重主观,英语重客观,这是这两种语言的重大差异之一。 • 共性--基础句子,限定词,形容词
汉英语音对比 • 音素 • 声调VS语调 • 重音
什么是翻译的艺术? 译:异、移、易、艺。 语言知识=语言能力 日常口语=翻译语言