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West Rand Disgraceful. ULYSSES TIMES. Age Restriction “40 SNL” Rider Discretion Advised. Member of Ulysses SA West Rand Ulysses Bettering the brotherhood of biking and having fun while doing it. I drive way too fast to worry about cholesterol. Wednesday, July 02 2014. Price 15c.
West Rand Disgraceful ULYSSES TIMES Age Restriction “40 SNL” Rider Discretion Advised Member of Ulysses SA West Rand Ulysses Bettering the brotherhood of biking and having fun while doing it. I drive way too fast to worry about cholesterol Wednesday, July 02 2014 Price 15c Est. 1999 WALKING JOHNNY Breakfast Run 29th June What a good day to be out on the bikes for a ride. Who says there is no global warming. We met at Pinehaven as normal and decided that Johnny Walker pub would be a good place to be, since we had worn out the routes around harties and magalies. Our Huge group of 3 bikes headed off on a tour of the suburbs to avoid the hiways and related tolls finally making to that side of town and a few more open roads. Arriving at our destination, we battled to order coffee & breakfast. Once ordered it was the “wait” for the chicken to hatch, the pig to grow up and the potatoes to grow from seed. Once the grown chicken could lay an egg, the pig big enough for bacon and the potatoes big enough for chips, food was prepared, badly. This was delivered to very irritated and hungry bikers. We ate some, we saw and we shall not return. Thanks to all those that did not ride, it would have been a disaster of biblical proportions. The bike ride was great though, the company even better. Was good to head another direction from home for a run, we need to get out more to the south and East. All in favour say “Hell yeah”.
Cane Rally Pongola 27 - 29 June ~ EmilI decided to take a nice ride down to Pongola for the Cane rally, luckily the weather played along ,and we had a great rally, as Joe put it ,it was a rally with benefits, as I stayed with Ann for the weekend. It was really one of the best organised little rallies that I have ever been to +- 800 bikes, I met up with some of the Kin members, and also Ulysseans from Zululand, I would really recommend this rally to everybody, we must try and get a group together for next year, Ann said she would put us up for the weekend. Biking Events Ulysses West Rand Breakfast Run Sunday 06th, July Our next Official breakfast run will be 13th July 2014, Also Social 12 July 2014. This Sunday those that want to ride meet as normal. Destination: 1000 Bike Show. Meet at Pinehaven 09h00 for 09h30 Depart.
Ulysses West Rand Events Calendar 2014 Official Breakfast Run / Group Meeting Birthday Calendar January 25 – Piet Bredenhann February 08 - Fin Rogers 13 - Dewald Niemandt 26 - Emil von Broembsen 28 - Anne-Maria Nethercote March 05 - Louise Cornish 19 - Hylton Cutter 21 - Kurt von Broembsen 28 - Kathy Braddon April 23 – Rob Stevenson May June 05 - Grant Braddon 08 – Jackie Bredenhann 15 - Greg Nethercote July 27 - Rita Noeth 28 - Willie Swanepoel August 01 - Daniel Deysel 03 - Ann Cawood 18 - Mike Smith 23 - Nick Noeth September October 20 - Hennie Booyse November 03 - Joe Hundermark 15 - Morgan Jones 15 - Simon Cornish December Public Holiday (Bonus Bikeday) WRBA or Committee Meeting Social / Weekend Away Kayalami dates