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NEGOTIATION TECHNIQUES IN A DIGITAL LIBRARY Andalusian eHealth Library Laura Muñoz-Gonzalez, Veronica Juan-Quilis MD, PhD laura.munoz.gonzalez@juntadeandalucia.es veronica.juan@juntadeandalucia.es. Andalucía. http://www.luventicus.org/mapas/espana/andalucia.html. Puente Genil.

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  1. NEGOTIATION TECHNIQUES IN A DIGITAL LIBRARY AndalusianeHealth Library Laura Muñoz-Gonzalez, Veronica Juan-Quilis MD, PhD laura.munoz.gonzalez@juntadeandalucia.es veronica.juan@juntadeandalucia.es

  2. Andalucía http://www.luventicus.org/mapas/espana/andalucia.html

  3. Puente Genil Hosp. Valle de los Pedroches Sierra de Segura Hosp. San Agustín EP. Hosp. Alto Guadalquivir Hosp. San Juan de la Cruz C. Salud Hosp. Riotinto Hosp. Reina Sofía C. Salud Hosp. Ciudad de Jaén Hosp. de Baza Cabimer Ecija Alcaudete EP. Hosp Bajo Guadalquivir Hosp. Virgen Macarena EP. Hosp. de Montilla C. Salud Hosp. Juan Ramón Jiménez C. Salud Hosp. S. Juan de Dios del Aljarafe Hosp. Virgen del Rocío Guadix Hosp. Infanta Margarita Hosp. Ntra. Sra. de Valme C. Salud Hosp. La Inmaculada Hosp. Infanta Elena CAIDB Hosp. Ntra. Sra. de la Merced C. Salud Hosp. San Cecilio Hosp. Virgen de las Nieves Utrera Constantina C. Salud Hosp. Torrecárdenas Hosp. Antequera Hosp. Santa Ana F. Iavante El Toyo Hosp. Axarquía Hosp. de Jerez EP. Hosp. Poniente Hosp. Virgen De la Victoria Hosp. Serranía de Ronda Hosp. de Puerto Real Hosp. Carlos Haya EP. Hosp. Costa del Sol Hosp. Puerta del Mar C. Salud C. Salud Hosp. de la Línea de la Concepción Hosp. Punta de Europa Esc. Andaluza Salud Publica C. Salud Bancelan C. Salud C. Salud C. Salud C. Salud C. Salud C. Salud C. Salud C. Salud C. Salud C. Salud C. Salud C. Salud C. Salud C. Salud C. Salud C. Salud C. Salud C. Salud C. Salud C. Salud C. Salud C. Salud C. Salud C. Salud C. Salud C. Salud C. Salud C. Salud C. Salud C. Salud C. Salud C. Salud C. Salud C. Salud C. Salud C. Salud C. Salud C. Salud C. Salud C. Salud C. Salud C. Salud C. Salud C. Salud C. Salud C. Salud C. Salud C. Salud C. Salud C. Salud C. Salud C. Salud C. Salud C. Salud C. Salud C. Salud C. Salud C. Salud C. Salud C. Salud C. Salud C. Salud C. Salud C. Salud C. Salud C. Salud C. Salud C. Salud C. Salud C. Salud C. Salud CENTERS OF THE ANDALUSIAN HEALTH SYSTEM JAÉN CÓRDOBA SEVILLA HUELVA GRANADA MÁLAGA ALMERÍA CÁDIZ Key SAS Hospital Public Agency Hospital High Resolution Hospital CAIDB, Andalusian Center of Health Sciences Information & Documentation Primary Healthcare Centers and others

  4. PublicHealthSystemfor more than 8 millioninhabitants More than 40 Hospitals 1,500 PrimaryHealthcare centers 28 Other Centers: Research, Foundations, etc. 95,000 Health professionals THE ANDALUSIAN HEALTH SYSTEM Government Strategy Creating a National Digital Library 2006

  5. ANDALUSIAN eHEALTH LIBRARY • To obtain scientific information resources for health professionals. • To help citizens to find health information. • To coordinate the Andalusian Health Information centers. • To establish strategic agreements with other organizations. • To contribute to the development of Knowledge Management.

  6. WHAT IS A DIGITAL LIBRARY? A digital libraryprovidesalltheservices and informationresourcesthroughthe Internet to a usercommunity. All you need is….

  7. Rationalization of the collection to avoid duplication. Evaluation of the journal list. Full access to journals (with no embargo). Scale economics. Access to the same information for the whole Health System. Including access to library services in Primary Healthcare. Partnership with other Institutions (national and international). Remote access. CENTRAL PURCHASING

  8. UNKNOWLEDGE MANAGEMENT How to adaptournegotiationtechniques and licensingprocess to therequirements of this central library?

  9. WHAT IS THE ANDALUSIAN eHEALTH LIBRARY FOR PUBLISHERS?: Central Library Institutional Andalusian eHealth Library Hospital Network Academic Library Consortium Public Library



  12. YEAR 2006 975 journals 6 databases 4 Licenses 1 Contractwith an agency Concern: Healthcare Needs

  13. YEAR 2014 1.500 subscribedtitles + 1,546 Open Access journals, 8 databases and otherscientificresources Directnegotiationwithpublishers Onlytwo of ourtitles are subscribedthrough an agency 25 Licenses Concern: Research, Teaching, Forensic, Legal and Healthcare Needs

  14. YEAR 2014

  15. YEAR 2006

  16. YEAR 2014 Process finished in June

  17. RESULTS 2006-2011 Cost-Effectiveness and Economies of Scale • The only intermediary for contracting Health Information Resources for the System. It represents a saving percentage of 25.42% compared with subscription costs if hospitals had continued their individual contracting. • Health resources accessible for small and big hospitals as well as primary health care centres.

  18. This is an initiative which allows institutions to significantly increase the quality of services delivered to professionals and patients/citizens while saving considerable financial resources: it is a real "best value for money" undertaking. EPSA 2013 Evaluation Summary Notes

  19. THANK YOU!

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