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Web of Science 激励发现 推动创新 西南交通大学 刘广宇 汤姆森科技信息集团 中国办事处. Thomson Corporation 汤姆森公司:今天. 30,000 员工 , 分布在 47 个国家 2006 营业收入 66 亿美元,市值超过 270 亿美元 为全球 130 多个国家的超过 2 千万用户提供服务 NYSE:TOC 福布斯全球 500 强之一 2008 年 4 月 17 日,汤姆森完成了对路透集团( Reuters )的收购. Thomson Scientific 信息服务解决方案. 医药 / 化工行业. 大学与政府研究机构.
Web of Science激励发现 推动创新西南交通大学刘广宇汤姆森科技信息集团 中国办事处
Thomson Corporation 汤姆森公司:今天 • 30,000 员工, 分布在47个国家 • 2006 营业收入 66亿美元,市值超过270亿美元 • 为全球130多个国家的超过2千万用户提供服务 • NYSE:TOC • 福布斯全球500强之一 • 2008年4月17日,汤姆森完成了对路透集团(Reuters)的收购
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Synthesis of Amino Acids 1JACS 1995 2JOC 1987 新的问题?发展、延伸。。。 Synthesis of Amino Acids Synthesis of Amino Acids 写作、发表:口头报告、论文、专利。。。 同行评价、引用、应用。。。 1JACS 1995 2JOC 1987 “Communication as the Root of Scientific Process” Synthesis of Amino Acids Synthesis of Amino Acids 信息检索、分析、管理。。。 问题?创意? 开题 实验、计算。。。
信息资源在科研中的作用 • 据美国科学基金会(National Science Foundation,NSF)统计,一个科研人员花费在查找和消化科技资料上的时间需占全部科研时间的51%,计划思考占8%,实验研究占32%,书面总结占9%。由上述统计数字可以看出,科研人员花费在科技出版物上的时间为全部科研时间的60%。 ---http://www.nsf.gov
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谁能阅读所有的材料? 谁需要阅读所有的材料? 这是个数字游戏吗? “首先必须认识到,科研工作者都十分宝贵自己的时间,除极少数和自己工作关系十分密切的论文以外,绝大多数读者都不会阅读全文。” - 邹承鲁 “我的科学之路”,2003年10月
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Dr. Eugene Garfield Founder & Chairman Emeritus ISI, Thomson Scientific “Our ultimate goal is to extend our retrospective coverage of the scientific literature back to the twentieth century. The Century of Science initiative makes that dream come true.” 引文索引 :引文信息与引文检索 Cited Work 被引用的各种文献类型: • 期刊文献 • 学术著作 • 专 利 • 会议文献 • 技术报告 Dr. Garfield 1955年在Science发表论文提出将引文索引作为一种新的文献检索与分类工具, 将一篇文献作为检索字段从而跟踪一个Idea的发展过程
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Synthesis of Amino Acids Synthesis of Amino Acids Synthesis of Amino Acids Synthesis of Amino Acids Synthesis of Amino Acids Synthesis of Amino Acids Synthesis and/or collection of Synthesis and/or collection of amino acids is critical for cell survival. They not only serve as the building blocks for proteins but also as starting points for the synthesis of many important cellular molecules including vitamins and nucleotides. Synthesis and/or collection of Synthesis and/or collection of amino acids is critical for cell survival. They not only serve as the building blocks for proteins but also as starting points for the synthesis of many important cellular molecules including vitamins and nucleotides. Synthesis and/or collection of Synthesis and/or collection of amino acids is critical for cell survival. They not only serve as the building blocks for proteins but also as starting points for the synthesis of many important cellular molecules including vitamins and nucleotides. Synthesis and/or collection of Synthesis and/or collection of amino acids is critical for cell survival. They not only serve as the building blocks for proteins but also as starting points for the synthesis of many important cellular molecules including vitamins and nucleotides. Synthesis and/or collection of Synthesis and/or collection of amino acids is critical for cell survival. They not only serve as the building blocks for proteins but also as starting points for the synthesis of many important cellular molecules including vitamins and nucleotides. Synthesis and/or collection of Synthesis and/or collection of amino acids is critical for cell survival. They not only serve as the building blocks for proteins but also as starting points for the synthesis of many important cellular molecules including vitamins and nucleotides. Web of Science中的相关记录 论文乙 论文甲 Synthesis of Amino Acids Synthesis of Amino Acids Synthesis and/or collection of Synthesis and/or collection of amino acids is critical for cell survival. They not only serve as the building blocks for proteins but also as starting points for the synthesis of many important cellular molecules including vitamins and nucleotides. Synthesis and/or collection of Synthesis and/or collection of amino acids is critical for cell survival. They not only serve as the building blocks for proteins but also as starting points for the synthesis of many important cellular molecules including vitamins and nucleotides. A B C D E F
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