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Photo : AFD. Annual Meeting of the Practitioners’ Network La Granja, 28 May 2010 Activities and organisation of the Network Achievements and way forward. Activities of the Network. The activities of the Network since the last annual meeting can be summarised along three axes :.
Photo : AFD Annual Meeting of the Practitioners’ Network La Granja, 28 May 2010 Activities and organisation of the Network Achievements and way forward
Activities of the Network • The activities of the Network since the last annual meeting can be summarised along three axes : • Deepening of exchanges in the four priority thematic issues • Response to European issues and agendas • Development and structuring of the Network
Activities of the thematic groups • It was agreed during the last annual meeting that thematic groups were not working groups, but rather, that they have to propose or organise, coordinate and support joint activities such as workshops on specific subjects related to their thematic framework. 16/10 : Delegated cooperation (Division of Labour) 15-16/12 : Accountability of development agencies 18/02 : Joint training initiative (Institutional Development & HR) 26/03 : Clean Development Mechanisms (Climate Change & Energy) 15/04 : Joint Monitoring (Quality Management) 30/04 : TR-Aid workshop (Quality Management) Planned workshops 11 June Aid Efficiency June Clean Development Mechanisms
Responding to the European and International Agendas • November 2009 : MDG Reporting and other impact assessment tools (ahead of the September 2010 summit on MDGs) • December 2009 : Contribution to the consultation on the revision of the Commission’s financial regulations • March 2010 : Triangular Cooperation (ahead of the Bogotá HLF on South-South Cooperation)
Some projects for this year Participation to the European Development Days (6-7 December), together with the European Development Finance Institutions (EDFI). Theme is “Private sector – Motor of development?”. Launching of a new thematic group on civil society (DFID) Follow-up of the revision of the financial regulations of the Commission
Membership and participation So far 13 members : Austrian Development Agency (ADA), Agence Française de Développement (AFD), Agencia Espanola de Cooperacion Internacional para el Desarrollo (AECID), Belgian Technical Cooperation (BTC-CTB), Czech Development Agency (CzDA), UK Department for International Development (DFID), EuropeAid Co-operation Office, German Technical Cooperation (GTZ), German Development Bank KfW, InWent, Lux Development, Polish Aid and SlovakAid. BTC and PolishAid joined the Network as members in 2009; SlovakAid, after internal changes, has confirmed its interest in being an official member and increased it participation to activities Some institutions (eg. EIB, SIDA, Minbuza of NL) are participating to Network activities (notably annual meetings and/or climate or DoL workshops) and should clarify their positioning to the Network
Creation of the coordination office The process was initiated and prepared by the Core Group a few months before the last annual meeting Decision to go ahead in Prague Commitment by directors of 12 agencies was given in Stockholm Modalities agreed in a MoU, signed between KfW and each contributing Member at the beginning of 2010
Contributions to the coordination office Costs for the first 12 months are estimated at around €100,000
Creation of the coordination office : Modalities Coordination office located in Brussels, in the facilities already shared by KfW and AFD (and other European financial institutions), close to the Commission and the European Parliament One office available + common facilities, notably a meeting room KfW is the holder of a common account opened in a Belgian Bank and is the legal employer of the coordinator Katja Legien has taken up her position on the 18th of May, working half-time
Role of the Coordinator • Supporting the core group, the Network Presidency and other Network activities, • Drafting in the 1st quarter of each year a brief report or up-date on current developments in and around the Network • Active screening of the EU Agenda and of Members’ priorities and planned activities, identifying and prioritising possible subjects of common interest, proposing subsequent joint activities, • Providing logistical support to Members for the organisation of workshops or other activities in the framework of the Practitioners’ Network, • Maintaining and feeding the website and coordinating the elaboration of other communication tools (leaflet, posters etc.), • Maintaining the list of contacts, • Bookkeeping of the common bank account, etc.
Issues to be elaborated further Status of the Network, representation of the Network, participation to meetings in Brussels : respective roles of the coordinator and of Members also present in Brussels Contacts / Information exchange between member institutions and the coordinator Possibility / interest of a news letter (monthly or quarterly)? Defining a Reporting format on results and costs
Network structure for the coming year Presidency DFID has taken over the presidency until the 2011 annual meeting, which will be held in London Lux Development will take over from DFID next year Core Group The new troika : DFID (Simon Williams), AECID (Manuel González), Lux Development (Alice Risch) Thematic group leaders are usually associated to core group meetings: AidCo (Alex Gerbrandij), AFD (Jean-Marc Bellot), KfW (Otmar Werner) and CzDA (Michal Prochazka) The coordinator (Katja Legien) supports and participates to core group meetings.
Questions for discussion What do you think the Network is doing well? Where do you think it could do better? What would be your priorities / what are your expectations for the Network in the coming year? How would you be able to contribute?
New coordinates • www.dev-practitioners.eu • info@dev-practitioners.eu • Katja.Legien@dev-practitioners.eu Coordination office : Katja Legien Square de Meûs 37, 7th floor B-1000 Brussels : +32 2 233 38 62 Presidency contact Simon Williams s-willams@dfid.gov.uk