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Is My Child Gifted?. Should I Refer Them for PC?. Created By Holly Hoffmaster , South Douglas Elementary School.
Is My Child Gifted? Should I Refer Them for PC? Created By Holly Hoffmaster, South Douglas Elementary School
Beginning with the 1996/7 school year, the State Board of Education identified four areas in which a student may be evaluated: mental ability, achievement, creativity, and motivation. A student who meets the criterion in any three of the four areas is eligible.
The criterion in the mental ability is a score at or above the 96th percentile on a standardized mental ability test. • In the area of achievement, a student must score at or above the 90th percentile on a standardized achievement test. • In the area of creativity, the student must score at or above the 90th percentile on a standardized test of creativity. • In the area of motivation, the student must have at least a 3.5 grade point average over the previous 2 years, or receive a superior rating on a student-generated product or performance.
How can I tell if my child is gifted? *Adapted from Alexander-Muia Behavioral Checklist
ABILITY TO COMMUNICATE IDEALS AND FEELINGS BY VERBAL AND NONVERBAL STUDENTS · Has command of a large vocabulary · Uses words fluently and creatively · Dramatizes through use of body language and facial expressions · Is quick to respond · Demonstrates a flair for dramatic or oral presentations · Is eager to relate experiences · Expresses ideas with clarity
ABILITY TO INTERPRET IDEAS AND FEELINGS COMMUNICATED THROUGH VERBAL AND NONVERBAL MEANS · Is sensitive to the thoughts and ideas of others · Can interpret body language or facial expressions · Displays sympathy or empathy towards others · Appears sensitive to the discrepancy of behavior in others ·Appraises quickly and frankly new and unfamiliar people or situations
ADAPTIVE BEHAVIORS CHARACTERISTICS OF CULTURAL GROUP · Displays a keen sense of humor · Demonstrates survival skills by manipulating positive forces and overcoming negative forces in the environment · Is resourceful and can come up quickly with an alternative · Possesses a sense of adventure · Shows a degree of flexibility when situations call for a change ·Accepts responsibility for actions
HEIGHTENED INTEREST IN THE ARTS · Demonstrates an awareness of an appreciation for the environment · Is involved in a variety of hobbies or has a broad range of interests · Appreciates various music and art forms · Reads avidly in a wide area of subjects ·Uses color and form dramatically or uniquely in art
PHYSICAL CAPABILITY AND ADAPTABILITY · Has fewer physical and sensory defects or has compensated adequately for whatever defects are present · Is physically robust, stronger and healthier in appearance · Has well-developed psychomotor skills · Has received recognition for physical accomplishments ·Displays a great deal of energy and vitality
EMOTIONAL AND SOCIAL LEADERSHIP · Manifests self-confidence · Has a position of leadership within cultural groups · In uncontrolled situations, assumes authority naturally · Displays emotional maturity · Demonstrates social ingenuity · Is generally gregarious, outgoing and friendly ·Has an individualistic personality that stands out from the group
APPROPRIATE APPLICATION OF CONVERGENT/DIVERGENT PROCESSES · Arrives at a logical conclusion based on given information· Sees the plausible yet unique alternatives of a given situation· More adept at selecting, organizing and retrieving information· Able to expand information beyond what is given· Displays a keen sense of historical time and can sequentially organize information· Pays close attention to detail in the analysis process· Can transfer learning readily from one situation to the next·Is able to formulate the similarities/differences, the comparison/contrasts, and the causes/effects of objects, ideas and situations
· Establishes goals that are realistic although challenging· Demonstrates determination in the fulfillment of goals; tenacity· Is self-disciplined, independent· Displays persistent curiosity·Has a long attention span PERSISTENCE OR COMMITMENT TO TASK
ENERGETIC RESPONSE TO CHALLENGING EXPERIENCES · Produces works that have a freshness, vitality, and uniqueness · Often initiates the search for information · Desires to learn rapidly · Creates new ideas, substances, processes, and mechanical devices (inventor) ·Is willing to take a risk of failure in new or unfamiliar situations
ABILITY IN PROCESS-ORIENTED CURRICULUM · May excel in science and math or other process-related curriculum · Seems aware of aspects in the environment that go unnoticed by others · Displays some amount of skepticism with new ideas or situations · Asks appropriate, thought-provoking questions ·Evaluates carefully based on accurate observation
Who Can Refer a Child for Program Challenge Evaluation? A student may be referred for consideration for gifted services by teachers, counselors, administrators, parents/guardians, peers, self, or other individuals with knowledge of the student's abilities. For further information, contact the Program Challenge teachers, your child’s classroom teacher or an administrator.
PROGRAM CHALLENGE EVALUATIONS • Evaluations will be conducted according to the Eligibility Team’s recommendations. • The Torrance Test of creativity, if recommended, will only be scored by the Gifted Evaluator or TTCT Certified teacher. • When evaluations are complete, student eligibility will be determined and the Gifted Program Eligibility Report will be prepared by the Gifted Teacher.
SERVICE Consent for Placement/Continuation Policy will be secured by the Program Challenge Educational Evaluator. Gifted teachers will write Program Descriptions and conduct annual reviews. Gifted teachers will maintain an up-to-date portfolio on each gifted student.
RECIPROCITY Any student who meets the state eligibility criteria for gifted education services in another Georgia School System shall be considered eligible to receive gifted education services in the Douglas County School System. However, a student transferring from another school system to Douglas County shall meet the criteria for continuation of gifted services according to the Douglas County Continued Participation policy. Transfer students can be placed as soon as Eligibility has been determined, signed Consent for Placement and Program Description are complete.
Gifted Students require a differentiated curriculum because of their unique potential and needs.They require educational experiences in higher thought processes: • Analysis • Evaluation • Synthesis
Douglas County Program Challenge, in conjunction with the instructional philosophy of the county school system, recognizes the right of the student to develop to his/her fullest potential. The ultimate goal of Program Challenge is to help these students become independent learners through question asking and answer-seeking.
The Program Challenge class focuses its sights on the higher development of problem solving skills, creative/critical thinking skills, research skills, communication, and independent learning skills.
Program Challenge • At the elementary level, activities are designed to stimulate a wide range of interests. • The focus of the middle school is on concrete production through problem solving. • The high school program emphasizes content-based exploration.
Delivery models at the elementary & middle school levels • contracts • interest/learning centers • resource room • collaboration • accelerated math • interest seminars • compacting • advanced content • telecommunications • mentoring
Program Challenge’s curriculum, environment and strategies for gifted students are differentiated to permit and encourage these students to become quality investigators, producers and evaluators.
A parent group, the Douglas County Association for Gifted Children, meets 3 times a year. When you join DCAGC, you become a member of the Georgia Association for Gifted Children. Ask one of the Program Challenge teachers for more information!
I look forward to working with you! Lorraine Maddie PROGRAM CHALLENGE TEACHER BEULAHELEMENTARY 770-651-3361 lorraine.maddie@douglas.k12.ga.us