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Who is a child?

Who is a child?. A child is every human being below the age of 18 years unless, national laws recognize the age of majority earlier – (CRC, Article 1). What are the Rights of the Child?. To be born. To have a name and nationality. To be free. To have a family who will take care of me.

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Who is a child?

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  1. Who is a child? A child is every human being below the age of 18 years unless, national laws recognize the age of majority earlier – (CRC, Article 1)

  2. What are the Rights of the Child? • To be born. To have a name and nationality. • To be free. To have a family who will take care of me. • To have a good education. • To develop my potentials. • To have enough food, shelter, a healthy and active body. • To be given the opportunity for play and leisure.

  3. What are the Rights of the Child? • To be given protection against abuse, danger and violence brought by war and conflict. • To be given the opportunity for play and leisure. • To be given protection against abuse, danger and • violence brought by war and conflict. • To live in a peaceful community. • To be defended and assisted by the government. • To be able to express own views.

  4. What is the Convention on the Rights of the Child?

  5. . is an international instrument of law that defines the comprehensive sets of rights that ALL children must enjoy. State parties should ensure that all appropriate measures are undertaken to ensure enjoyment of child rights 1990 The Convention on the Rights of the Child

  6. FOUR BASIC PRINCIPLES • Basic Principles • Best Interest of the Child • Right to life, survival and development • Non-discrimination • Right to participation

  7. FOUR 4 Categories Survival, Development, Protection, and Participation.

  8. Survival Rights Every child has the inherent right to life, and the State has an obligation to ensure the child’s survival and development. They include rights to adequate food, shelter, clean water, and primary health care.

  9. Development Rights These are rights to the resources, skills and contributions necessary for the full development of the child. They include rights to formal education, leisure and recreation, cultural activities and information.

  10. Protection Rights These rights include protection from all forms of child abuse, neglect, exploitation and cruelty, including the right to special protection in times of war and protection from abuse in the criminal justice system.

  11. Participation Rights Children are entitled to the freedom to express opinions and to have a say in matters affecting their social, economic, religious, cultural and political life. Participation rights include the right to express opinions and be heard, the right to information and freedom of association.

  12. SITUATIONER ON FILIPINO CHILDREN Council for the Welfare of Children Photo by: Tina Marie de Leon

  13. Population • 88.57 M Filipinos(Census 2007) - 44,608,300 or 48.0% male - 44,098,000 or 52.0% female • 39.22 M or 43.4% are 0-17 years old* *using NSO’s medium assumption for annual growth rate • 2.04 (1995-2007) Population Growth Rate (PGR) (Source: NSO) Photo by: Salvador Maya, Jr.

  14. Population One in three births (36%) in the Philippines is unplanned - 16% unwanted or 20% mistimed - more likely to occur among older - women than younger women Source: 2008 National Demographic and Health Survey 27.62 million of population are poor 4.68 million poor families (Source: NSCB, 2006 data on poverty incidence) Photo by: Salvador Maya, Jr.

  15. Health • Maternal mortality rate 162 per 100,000 live births (Source: NSO-2006 Family Planning Survey) • Neonatal mortality rate 16 per 1,000 live births • Postneonatal mortality rate 9 per 1,000 live births Photo by: CWC Secretariat Source: NSO-2008 National Demographic and Health Survey

  16. Health • Infant mortality rate 25 per 1,000 live births • Under five mortality • 34 per 1,000 live births • Child mortality rate • 9 per 1,000 children • surviving to 12 months of age Source: NSO-2008 National Demographic and Health Survey

  17. Clean Water and Sanitation • 86% of households have access to drinking water Source: 2007 Field Health Information Services

  18. Clean Water and Sanitation • 78% of households have access to sanitary toilet Source: 2007 Field Health Information Services

  19. Immunized Children • 7 in ten or 70% Filipino children age 12-23 months received all the basic vaccinations - 82% coverage in urban areas - 77% coverage in rural areas - vaccination coverage increases w/ mother’s education - highest for first births (85%) & lowest for sixth and higher births (64%) Source: NSO- 2008 National Demographic and Health Survey

  20. Health • Delivery Care - 44% of births in the Philippines occurs in health facilities • 27% in a public facility • 18% in a private facility - 56% of births are still delivered at home - 62% of births are assisted by a health professional Source: NSO-2008 National Demographic and Health Survey

  21. Health • Prenatal and Postnatal Care • - 1.01 M or 64.8% pregnant women w/ 3 • or more pre-natal visits • - 951,837 or 61.4% pregnant women with • 4 or more prenatal visits - 1.90 M or 60.1% pregnant women given TT2 plus - 1.88 M or 69.4% post-partum women with at least 1 postpartum visit Source: 2008 Field Health Information Services

  22. Health • Prenatal and Postnatal Care • - 1.01 M or 64.8% pregnant women w/ 3 • or more pre-natal visits • - 951,837 or 61.4% pregnant women with • 4 or more prenatal visits - 1.90 M or 60.1% pregnant women given TT2 plus - 1.88 M or 69.4% post-partum women with at least 1 postpartum visit Source: 2008 Field Health Information Services

  23. Nutrition • 88% children born in the Philippines are breastfed - one-third under six months are exclusively breastfed (NSO- 2008 NDHS) - prevalence of exclusive breastfeeding infants under 6 months has remained at 34% (NSO and ORC Macro, 2004)

  24. Nutrition • Vitamin A and Iodized Oil Capsule • - 1.93 M or 74.1% children (9-11 months) • given vitamin A • - 7.45 M or 73.8% children (12-59 months) given vitamin A - 1.61 M or 59.2% lactating mother given vitamin A - 76,526 or 0.4% women (15-49) given Iodized Oil Capsule Source: 2008 Field Health Information Services

  25. Education Early Childhood Education • 50% of the total DCCs (46,752) and DCWs (46,666) were accredited - No. of DCWs is less than the number of total DCCs • 1,537,485 or 23.16% children aged 3-5 years old served in DCCs • Source: DSWD (CY 2008) Photo by: CWC Secretariat

  26. Early Childhood Education Source: DepEd, SY 2008-2009

  27. Education Early Childhood Education • Pre-school Enrolment aged 4-5 years old • Public - 746,448 • Private - 428,653 • Total - 1,175,101 • (596,014 male & • 579,087 female) • 24.69% Gross Enrolment ratio (GER) • - 24.42% Male • - 24.97% female • Source: DepEd, SY 2008-2009 Photo by: CWC Secretariat

  28. Early Childhood Education • Grade 1 Enrolment • Public - 2,775,411 • Private - 202,166 • Total - 2,977,577 • (1,600,308 male & • 1,377,269 female) • Percentage of Grade 1 Pupils with Early • Childhood Development Programs • - 64.62% (Male is 63.83% and Female • is 65.54%) Source: DepEd, SY 2008-2009

  29. Early Childhood Education Source: DepEd, SY 2008-2009

  30. Elementary Education • Primary Education Enrolment (all ages) Public - 12.57 million Private - 1.11 million • Total - 13.69 million • (7.08 million male & • 6.61 million female) Torres High School Dale Erispe, Darwin Erispe, Raymond Manuel • Primary Education Enrolment (6-11 years old) is 11.42 million Source: DepEd, SY 2008-2009

  31. Elementary Education • Performance Indicators: Source: DepEd, SY 2008-2009

  32. Among the top performing regions are IV-A, ARMM AND NCR. Source: DepEd, SY 2008-2009

  33. The graph shows that out of a group of 100 pupils that enrolled in first grade, 75% reach the sixth grade in SY 2008-2009. Source: DepEd, SY 2008-2009

  34. Secondary Education • SecondaryEducation Enrolment (all ages) Public - 5.17 million Private - 1.33 million • Total - 6.51 million • ( 3.18 million male & • 3.33 million female) • Secondary Education Enrolment (12-15 years old) • is 4.95 million Source: DepEd, SY 2008-2009

  35. Secondary Education • Performance Indicators: Source: DepEd, SY 2008-2009

  36. The top performing regions in terms of NER for the secondary level are NCR, IV-A, and II while ARMM showed the lowest. Source: DepEd, SY 2008-2009

  37. Cohort survival rate in secondary level registered at 79.7% in SY 2008-2009, an increase of 2.7% points from SY 2002-2003. Source: DepEd, SY 2008-2009

  38. In 2006, the primary education system posted the biggest reduction in dropout rate and tapering to 5% level until 2008. Secondary dropout rate is historically higher than that of primary education. In 2005, the incidence of dropout suddenly rose to an alarming double digit figure of 12.51%. The following year, the system posted a sudden improvement to 8% level, which continued to the following year and settled to 7% level in 2008. Source: DepEd, SY 2008-2009

  39. Education • Literacy Rate: 62 million Filipinos 10 years old or over - 93.40% basically literate or 9 out of 10 Filipinos - 84.10% functionally literate - basic and functional literacy rates are higher among females than among males Source: NSO- 2003 FLEMMS

  40. Education • Pupil/Student-Teacher Ratios • - 35.56 for elementary • - 38.96 for secondary • Classroom-Pupil/Student Ratios - 38.82 for elementary - 55.88 for secondary Source: DepEd, SY 2008-2009

  41. Education • Non-instructional rooms - 9,280 elementary school libraries - 3,981 secondary school libraries - 4,766 elementary school clinics - 1,332 secondary school clinics • Pupil/Student-Toilet Bowl Ratios in Government - 50.37 for elementary - 98.89 for secondary Source: DepEd, SY 2008-2009

  42. Children in Need of Special Protection Children in need of special protection are children who are: • in conflict with the law • in situation of armed conflict • with various forms of disability • girl children • in cultural communities • HIV/AIDS • in hazardous & exploitative labor • on the streets • victims of sexual abuse & commercial exploitation • victims of family violence & neglect • separated from or have lost their parents

  43. Child Labour • 25.308 M children aged 5-17 years old • 2.1 M or 8.4% working children • - 1.376 M or 10.7% (boys) • - 752,00 or 6.0% (girls) • - 39.7% of the total population of • working children are elementary • undergraduates. • - 4 out of every 10 working • children did not finish elementary Source: Labor Force Survey (LFS), January 2005. National Statistics Office (NSO)

  44. Northern Mindanao – highest in working children (324,000 or 25.5%) Easterm Visayas – second highest in working children (221,000 or 15.6%) Source: NSO- Labor Force Survey (LFS), January 2005

  45. Street Children • National estimate – 44,435 - 22 major cities - 22,556 - Metro Manila - 11,346 Source: Ours to Protect and Nurture (edited by Dr. Exaltacion Lamberte)

  46. Child Abuse 6,425 total cases served by the DSWD in 2008 (from 7,044 in 2007) Source: PDPB-DSWD

  47. Child Abuse Source: PDPB-DSWD

  48. Children in Conflict with the Law Statistics (As of 2nd Quareter 2009) Source: Juvenile Justice and Welfare Council

  49. Profile of children inconflict with the law: • usually male between the ages of 14-17 • has low educational attainment • belongs to large, low-earning family of six members • charged with property-related crimes • use drugs and alcohol • has stopped schooling

  50. Children in Situations of Armed Conflict • an estimate of 30,000-50,000 children ‘displaced by armed conflict’ every year for during the last past 4 years Note: Based on reports from combined sources-- DSWD, DND, AFP and NGOs Vanessa Gregorio Caloocan City Science High School

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