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The EIA Process and Baseline monitoring. CGCL Data Collection Process. Review: Definition of EIA. Review: Definition of EIA. Environmental Impact Assessment is : A formal process for identifying:
The EIA Process andBaseline monitoring CGCL Data Collection Process
Review: Definition of EIA Environmental Impact Assessment is : • A formal process for identifying: • The likely effects of activities or projects on the Environment and on human health and welfare. • Environment is broadly interpreted as physical, biological, and social. • In EIA, the term “impacts” is used instead of “effects of activities.”
Terms of Reference • The TOR’s provided is used to guide the preparation and format of the EIA Report; • It identifies the environmental aspects which required monitoring; • The information which is needed to effectively assess the project impacts and inform the decision-making process; • It makes provisions for public involvement in the process; • Indentifies project alternatives which should be examined; • It stipulates format of studies to be carried out (e.g. methodologies and approach, time & space boundaries); • It identifies the requirements for mitigation and monitoring.
What is an impact? • The impact of an activity is a change from the baseline situation caused by the activity. The baseline situation is the existing environmental condition in the absence of activity. • The baseline situation is a key concept in EIA. To measure an impact, you must know what the baseline situation is.
Assessing Impacts When collecting baseline data, the data must provide information which allows the EIA specialist to assess:- • long term and short term impacts • direct and indirect impacts • cumulative impacts • beneficial impacts and • adverse impacts
Impact Categories Examples of direct impacts include: • increased noise and dust • decreased air quality, • decreased water quality, • increased solid waste, • increased employment (3000 jobs at peak construction), • increased training and education, • increased infrastructure development.
Impact Categories Indirect impacts include: • increased traffic, • increased commercial activity • increased employment • small business development Cumulative impacts include: • Are those which provide incremental contributions to existing conditions produced by existing industries and socio cultural activities
The Baseline Situation WaterQuantity of Pollutants, quality. • In characterizing the baseline situation, many environmental components are of interest. • The components of interest are those that are likely to be affected by your activity—or upon which your activity depends for its success Soils Erosion, soil type, crop productivity FaunaPopulation size, habitat health, sensitive, rare or commercially valuable species NoiseSound pressure levels Flora Composition and density of natural vegetation, productivity, key species AirQuality, Quantity of Pollutants
4 Components of the Baseline Environment • The Physical and Chemical Environment • The Biological Environment • The Human (Social Environment) • The Human (Economic Environment)
Sampling Method • Sampling design involved the collection of historical data from published sources and EIA documents and well as the conduct of field surveys. • Historical data will be used to establish past trends observed. • Real time data collected through sampling will be used to determine the current environmental status as well as validated the historical data sets. • Focus was placed on collecting data necessary for determining the impact of CGCL’s proposed operations.
Defined Study Area • The immediate study area includes all of the land, air and sea space within a five kilometre radius of the proposed plant site • The wider study area was defined as areas directly, or indirectly affected by proposed CGCL activities and encompasses all of that area within a 10km radius of the project site.
Ambient Air and Climate • Climate –local climate, rainfall, temperature variation, humidity • Ambient Air Quality – Levels of combustion gases present (NOx, SOx, CO2, Volatile organic compounds). Level of dust particulates present (TSP, PM10, PM2.5) • Light intensity • Ambient Noise Levels (SPL) taking into consideration community activities, traffic and existing industrial activities
Geology, Sediment and Soil • Geology and topography. Information was gathered to describe; • Existing topography • Presence of geological features such as faults, rivers, aquifers. • Seismic studies • Soil type /rock type • Current sediment quality within the Vessigny River and Coast of La Brea (Heavy metals, Hydrocarbon compounds)
Hydrology • Vessigny River characteristics: seasonal flow rate, flooding, discharge rate. • Water quality (i.e. pH, temperature, DO, BOD, Heavy-metal content, hydrocarbon content, nutrient content, bacteriological characteristics) • Characteristics of aquifer present: usage, areas of recharge, capacity
Coastal processes • Wave and current characteristics. • Sea bed characteristics (bathymetry) • Marine-water quality (e.g.. pH, temperature, DO, salinity, Heavy-metal content, hydrocarbon content, nutrient content)
Biological Environment • Description of the Flora and fauna present within the immediate impact zone. • Vegetation and Fauna found on UIE Main site • Living organisms found within the Vessigny River • Living organisms found in Brighton Harbour, within the impact zone of the proposed seawater intake, process water outfall and shipping lanes. (i.e. benthic, free-swimming and planktonic organisms)
Biological Environment Emphasis will be placed on examining and describing: • The presence of any sensitive habitats (e.g. mangrove systems, nursery areas, spawning grounds). • Sensitive, rare, endangered or commercially important species found within the study area and impact zones.
Social Environment • The Social Impact Assessment (SIA) involves analysing, monitoring and managing the social consequences of development. - International Association for Impact Assessment • Data is current being collected to describe the social and cultural environment within the defined study areas. • Sources of data collected include; CSO census data, information from village councils and community-based organizations and primary field surveys.
Flora on Site Flora found on the Main Site UIE
Terrestrial Fauna Onsite Fauna found on the Main Site UIE
Terrestrial Fauna Onsite Cnemidophorus lemniscatus
White-Headed Marsh-Tyrant Arundinicola leucocephala
Blue-black Grassquit Volatinia jacarina
Shiny Cowbird Molothrus bonariensis
River Sample Stations Station 3 Mouth of River Station 4 Vessigny Beach Station 1 Down Stream of project site Station 2 Down Stream of the SMR
Fresh Water Fishes Hoplias malambaricus
Two-Spotted Sardine /Doree Astyanax bimaculatus
Brackish Water Fish Catfish Ariidae (lpil) Cavalli Caranx hippos
Brackish Water Fish Mullet Mugil sp. Coscorob Aquidens pulcher
Crustaceans Cirrique Callinectes sp. Honey Shrimp Xiphopenaeus kroyeri
Air and Noise Sample Stations Sobo Village Rec. Ground La Brea round -about NESC UIE Main Site
Marine Stations Sampled 15m N 10m 5m Brighton Port