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Estimates of carbon sequestration in European forest soils

CNTER. Estimates of carbon sequestration in European forest soils. Per GUNDERSEN Danish Centre for Forest Landscape and Planning, Royal Veterinary and Agricultural University (KVL), Denmark N. Dise, B. Berg, C. Akselsson, B. Emmett, V. Gauci, J. Mol, A. Tietema, W. de Vries, L. Vesterdal,

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Estimates of carbon sequestration in European forest soils

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  1. CNTER Estimates of carbon sequestration in European forest soils Per GUNDERSEN Danish Centre for Forest Landscape and Planning, Royal Veterinary and Agricultural University (KVL), Denmark N. Dise, B. Berg, C. Akselsson, B. Emmett, V. Gauci, J. Mol, A. Tietema, W. de Vries, L. Vesterdal, et al. FP5 EU-project Carbon - Nitrogen Interactions in Forest Ecosystems - CNTER

  2. C sequestration (C sink) in soil? • C sequestration in soil organic matter (SOM) is unknown and hard to measure • CNTER try to develop methods to come up with qualified estimates

  3. C-N interaction, basic idea • C and N are bound together in organic matter • Soil C and N accumulate together, thus from N retention we know the limits for C sequestration • N saturated soils are C saturated

  4. C seq. from N mass balance • Cseq [Nacc * C/Nsoil], where Nacc = [Ninput - (Ntree accum+Nout)]. • Assumption • N balance can be quantified • soil C/N is not increasing

  5. N-balance data • IFEF database • compiled from literature • (Dise et al.) • ICP Forest Level II • monitoring • (Van der Salm, de Vries...)

  6. Soil C-sequestration (N-budget sites) Mean: 120 kgC/ha/yr Gundersen, Dise, Gauci et al. (in prep.)

  7. Soil C-sequestration (N-budget sites)

  8. Simple => possible to extrapolate • Cseq [Nimm * C/Nsoil], where Nimm = [Ninput - (Ntree accum+Nout)].

  9. (de Vries et al., 2006; GCB) Soil C sequestration in Europe 6000 Level I plots 70 kgC/ha/yr or 16 Mt/yr 1/4 of wood C seq.

  10. Limit value approach Cseq= Clitterfall (100 - limit value) limit value = f (N, Ca, Mn) For extrapolation: litterfall = f (AET) Berg et al. 2001 etc.

  11. N add 10 yr Control Control N add 10 yr Cumulative CO2-emission fromnew and old soil organic matter CO2-emission Klosterhede, Denmark New SOM Old SOM weeks Schmidt and Gundersen, unpublished

  12. Extrapolation to Sweden N-balance Limit value Direct measure 1961-2001 Mean = 96 kgC/ha/yr Mean = 180 kgC/ha/yr Mean = 180 kgC/ha/yr Akselsson et al. 200x Akselsson et al. 2005 Berg et al.

  13. Since Iron Age 2500 years of change

  14. Sitka spruce afforestation in Wales C-seq. from N-balance N-balance Organic layer, DW

  15. Soil C content in mineral soil 0-25 cm in spruce forest with time since planting on former farmland N retention 25% r2=0.31 -12 r2=0.75 +23 N retention 90%

  16. Soil C sequestration estimates

  17. Conclusions • Forest soil C seq. is low (10gC/m2/yr) • N retention and C/N stoichiometry  estimates of C sequestration  extrapolated to continental scales • Indications that deposition N increased the organic layer C storage • N saturated soils are probably also ‘C saturated’  soil C sink may fade • Carbo-Nitro-EU measurements on the same sites may improve on this

  18. Zzzzz …. … 200g N mobilised today means 5000g C … zzzzz C you in the future

  19. Compare estimates of C sequestration N-balance Mol-Dijkstra et al. (in prep.)

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