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African Americans and the Civil War Chapter 11 Section 2

Explore the impact of Lincoln's Emancipation Proclamation and the roles African Americans played in the Civil War. From Frederick Douglass to the 54th Massachusetts Infantry, discover the struggles and contributions of African Americans during this pivotal era.

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African Americans and the Civil War Chapter 11 Section 2

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  1. African Americans and the Civil WarChapter 11 Section 2

  2. Objectives • Analyze why Lincoln decided to issue the Emancipation Proclamation and what it achieved. • Assess the different roles that African Americans played in the Civil War.

  3. Emancipation As war progressed, abolitionist Frederick Douglass urged Lincoln to abolish slavery and allow African Americans to fight for the Union.

  4. Lincoln was further pressured to address the issue of slavery because • Union troops did not know what to do with enslaved people who came under their control in conquered territories. (Union General Benjamin Butler declared the fugitives under his protection contraband.) • slavery was very unpopular among the Union’s European allies.

  5. Lincoln didn’t have the constitutional authority to abolish slavery He could, however, pass military orders The Emancipation Proclamation freed all slaves in Confederate held territory Emancipation

  6. Lincoln needed a big victory to announce his plan The British were ready to recognize the Confederacy, but were waiting for a Confederate win on enemy soil McClellan and Lee met at Antietam Creek in Maryland Antietam

  7. The Battle of Antietam was the bloodiest single day in American history, over 25,000 casualties The Union won only a slight victory, but it was enough.

  8. Lincoln needed soldiers to supplement the draft. African Americans volunteered in droves. The 54th Mass. Was the first all African-American regiment in the war. Massachusetts 54th Infantry

  9. Prejudices faced by African American troops • often assigned menial tasks and longest guard duty • fought three years to win equal pay • killed if captured by Confederate troops

  10. Enslaved people also contributed to the war effort by • using various forms of resistance against the Confederacy • refusing to work for their southern owners • running away to Union camps and working for the Union, often serving as spies or scouts

  11. Objectives • Analyze why Lincoln decided to issue the Emancipation Proclamation and what it achieved. • Assess the different roles that African Americans played in the Civil War.

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