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Stage XIII Vocabulary. adveni ō, adven īre. to arrive. aedificium. building. aeger. sick. alter. other. cant ō , cant āre. to sing. ceteri. the rest. coniuratio. plot, conspiracy. custos (custod- ). guard. decid ō, decidere. fall down. dic ō, dicere. to talk, speak, say.
adveniō,advenīre to arrive
aedificium building
aeger sick
alter other
cantō,cantāre to sing
ceteri the rest
coniuratio plot,conspiracy
custos (custod- ) guard
decidō,decidere fall down
dicō, dicere to talk, speak, say
excitō,excitāre to wake up
fessus tired
horreum barn
interficiō, interficere to kill
ita vero yes
nolō, nolle don’t want
novus new
nullus no
numerō,numerāre to count
ordo row
possum, posse to be able to, can
retineō,retinēre to keep
ruō, ruere to rush
se himself
sum, esse to be, exist
trahō, trahere to drag, pull
vita life
volō, velle to want, be willing
vulnerō, vulnerāre to hurt, wound