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tremors cum Iulio tremuit sensi agebas epistulas dictabam nubem familiam lararium laribus sacrificium iampridem fundum. tremors with Julius shook felt were doing letters was dictating cloud household domestic shrine household gods sacrifice a long time ago farm.
tremors cum Iulio tremuit sensi agebas epistulas dictabam nubem familiam lararium laribus sacrificium iampridem fundum tremors with Julius shook felt were doing letters was dictating cloud household domestic shrine household gods sacrifice a long time ago farm Stage 12 Vocabulary
vilico sonos filiae parentes perveni pretiosae iste mons scio nihil curo pavor cinis iam farm manager noises daughters parents reached, arrived at precious that (terrible) mountain know I don’t care panic ash now Stage 12 Vocabulary
densior incidebant flammae iter difficile valeo exanimatus templum proximum libertatem respiravit tuti dea thicker was falling flames journey difficult feel well unconscious temple nearest freedom recovered consciousness safe goddess Stage 12 Vocabulary
Isis sine dubio finis atra descendebat plurimi peribant obstinate ruinas fumum moribundus semirutus sensim Isis (God of Mother Earth) without a doubt end black was coming down most were dying stubbornly ruins, wreckage smoke almost dead half-collapsed slowly, gradually Stage 12 Vocabulary
accidit paries iubeo perierunt moriturus recusavit superfuit exspiravit triste valedixit happened wall order have died going to die refused has survived died sadly said good-bye Stage 12 Vocabulary
Imperfect portabat s/he was carrying portabant they were carrying Perfect portavit s/he carried portaverunt they carried Stage 12 GrammarIn Stage 6 you met the imperfect and perfect:
In Stage 12 you will meet the imperfect and perfect tenses with I, you, and we.
(ego) portabam (tu) portabas (nos) portabamus (vos) portabatis I was carrying You were carrying (S) We were carrying You were carrying (P) IMPERFECT
(ego) portavi (tu) portavisti (nos) portavimus (vos) portavistis I carried You carried (S) We carried You carried (P) PERFECT Remember: ego, tu, nos, and vos are used only for emphasis!!!! Look at the endings of your verb!
(ego) eram (tu) eras erat (nos) eramus (vos) eratis erant I was You were (S) s/he was We were You were (P) they were The full imperfect tense of sum:
CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!! You are the first class to finish Unit 1!!! You should all be very proud of yourselves!