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The Business and Technology of Online Lending

The Business and Technology of Online Lending. Struggles & Best Practices from Industry Experts. The Business and Technology of Online Lending. B OB H ARRIS President LendingTree Exchange O WEN R AUN President RMC Vanguard D ON K RACL President Mortech, Inc

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The Business and Technology of Online Lending

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  1. The Business and Technology of Online Lending Struggles & Best Practices from Industry Experts

  2. The Business and Technology of Online Lending BOBHARRISPresident LendingTree Exchange OWENRAUNPresident RMC Vanguard DONKRACLPresident Mortech, Inc GLENNHOUCKCo-FounderLeadQual, LLC FRANKPOIESZExecutive Vice President, Chief Operating Officer Level1Loans, Inc.

  3. The Business and Technology of Online Lending What is online lending? Online lending is the ability to completely process a loan, from lead sales, to application to closing, using consumer-facing browser-based capabilities and a high degree of automation throughout the process. What are the main differentiators between online and traditional lending? Why choose online lending? This evolving form of lending can: • Improve customer service • Facilitate rapid entry into new markets • Help in the defense of existing market niches • Increase lender efficiency, especially by driving down the cost of sales INTRODUCTIONTO ONLNE LENDING

  4. The Business and Technology of Online Lending Question to All Panelists: What current trends and struggles are you noticing, specifically in the secondary market? Q

  5. The Business and Technology of Online Lending Question to Bob Harris: As the leading mortgage lending lead aggregator, you have unique access to data that can help us understand consumer behavior. In these challenging times, what does your data say about recent changes in consumer behavior? Do you see any trends that may persist even after recovery starts? Q

  6. The Business and Technology of Online Lending Question to Owen Raun: As an online lending veteran you have experienced the fluctuation in this space since its infancy. How has your approach to online lending changed over the last year in response to the rather incredible market changes we have experienced? Q

  7. The Business and Technology of Online Lending PRIME PURCHASE– ONLINE FOCUS Pre-Turmoil Today Less Competition Limited Product Options Qualification Issues Low Volume Higher Margins Close Rates Holding Steady More First Time Buyers and “nice” Consumers • High Competition • High Product Availability • Ease of Approval • High Volume Tight Margins • Good Close Rates • Demanding Consumers

  8. The Business and Technology of Online Lending Question to Bob Harris: Over the course of the year we have seen a huge drop in consumer trust in lenders. Has this lack of trust been evident in consumer behavior, and if so, what can lenders do to help rebuild trust? A related question – how can lenders best differentiate themselves in this market? Q

  9. The Business and Technology of Online Lending Question to Don Kracl: What advice can you give mortgage professionals to adapt to these changes in the markets and in consumer behavior? What is the best way to balance technology with human interaction? Q

  10. The Business and Technology of Online Lending MIT Study

  11. The Business and Technology of Online Lending Question to Glenn Houck: According to a recent study by Deloitte, 93% of homebuyers who applied online researched their mortgage on the Internet before applying; even 71% of those applying by phone, and 60% of those applying in person used the Internet for at least some of their information gathering. What can lenders do to stand out in a crowded Internet market while still gaining the trust of the consumers? Q

  12. The Business and Technology of Online Lending Deloitte Study Base: Respondents who used each application method and information source. Note: Percentages do not equal 100 because some respondents did not use some information sources.

  13. The Business and Technology of Online Lending Question to Owen Raun and Don Kracl: Given the current market, many lenders are looking for new ways to be competitive. If I were not already using online lead sources, or if they are not a big part of my business, what are the three most important things I should do to get into the game? Q

  14. The Business and Technology of Online Lending KEYCOMPONENTSOF ENTERING ONLINE LENDING Internal External Vendors Available to Help with Every Step Large Supply of Leads High Demand for Lenders • Corporate Culture Issues • Be Committed to Success • Define your Sweet Spot

  15. The Business and Technology of Online Lending Question to Bob Harris: The hand-off from a lead source to sales is crucial in maximizing conversion, as is the filtering of leads so that they go to the right lenders. In your experience, how long does it take for a lender to become effective in working with a lead source? Of those that fail to get traction, can you point out some of the rookie mistakes they could have avoided? Q

  16. The Business and Technology of Online Lending Question to Don Kracl: What technology will a lender need to be good at with regards to lead conversion? How much integration with their existing systems is needed to be successful, and when compromises are needed, how would you counsel a lender to set priorities? Q

  17. The Business and Technology of Online Lending Question to Owen Raun and Glenn Houck: With the current volume of requests coming in, how can you make your loan officers more efficient to handle internet leads as well as the heightened volume of other incoming leads? Q

  18. The Business and Technology of Online Lending Question to Owen Raun: Besides using lead sources, what other tactics do you use to generate online leads? Are there specific tactics you use to maximize lead conversion? Q

  19. ONLINELENDINGOPTIONS The Business and Technology of Online Lending • Free or Low-Cost Sites:LendingTree, Bank Rate, Zillow • 2nd Generation Leads:Referrals from Online Leads, Past Clients, Realtors • Refinance:Purchase Leads we did not close come back as Refi • Google, Yahoo:Pay Per Click, Banner Ads • Our Own Website:SEO (Search Engine Optimization), Organic • Web 2.0:Facebook, Twitter, Active Rain, Zillow, Blogs

  20. The Business and Technology of Online Lending Question to All Panelists: What new technologies are the market leaders employing that will define the future of the online lending space? Are there any innovations or best practices we haven’t already mentioned that mortgage professionals should be integrating in their businesses? Q

  21. The Business and Technology of Online Lending Question to Owen Raun: As a correspondent customer of many of the companies represented at this conference, you have seen dramatic changes in products, prices and underwriting over the past year. For the benefit of those secondary marketing executives who look to online originators for volume, are there any significant differences in online lending compared with bricks-and-mortar operations? Do you see differences in profit margin, fallout and other business drivers? How can your correspondents better support your business model? Q

  22. The Business and Technology of Online Lending QUESTIONS?

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