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New Information and Updates Ohio’s Next Generation Assessments and the OGT. Aug. 1, 2013 Administrative Conference Elaine Barkan and Dana Weber Consultants, Stark County ESC. Review plan for Ohio’s new assessments Share new resources available on PARCC
New Information and UpdatesOhio’s Next Generation Assessments and the OGT Aug. 1, 2013 Administrative Conference Elaine Barkan and Dana Weber Consultants, Stark County ESC
Review plan for Ohio’s new assessments • Share new resources available on PARCC • Provide update on the current OGT and graduation requirements Session Targets
Joanne Krajack, ELA - jkrajeck@neo.rr.com • Debbie Miller, Math - millerde@alliancecityschools.org • Joy Sama, Diverse Learners - samajoy@lakelocal.org • Bernetta Snell, ELA - snell_b@ccsdistrict.org • Dana Weber, Diverse Learners - dana.weber@email.sparcc.org • Debbie Hartwig, ELA – debbie.hartwig@email.sparcc.org • Zachary Gonidakis, Diverse Learners - gonidakz@northcantonschools.org Network Regional Leaders
Includes a performance-based assessment and an end of year or end of course exam • Administered at the elementary, middle school and high school level • Applies to PARCC( math and ELA) and state-developed assessments(science and social studies) Two – Part Summative Assessment Ohio’s Next Generation Assessments
English language arts- End of Year • English I • English II • English III • Mathematics – End of Course • Math I or Alg. I • Math II or Geometry • Math III or Alg. II PARCC-Developed Assessments State-Developed Assessments • Science – End of Course • Biology • Physical Science • Social Studies – End of Course • American History • American Government Ohio’s Next Generation Assessments
The ELA/Literacy PBAs at each grade level will include three tasks: a research simulation, a literary analysis, and a narrative task. For each task, students will be asked to read one or more texts, answer several short comprehension and vocabulary questions, and write an essay that requires them to draw evidence from the text(s). • The ELA/Literacy EOYs at each grade level will include 4-5 texts, both literary and informational (including social science/historical, scientific, and technical texts at grades 6-11). A number of short-answer comprehension and vocabulary questions will also be associated with each text. PARCC ELA/Literacy Assessments
The mathematics PBAs at each grade level will include both short- and extended-response questions focused on conceptual knowledge and skills, and the mathematical practices of reasoning and modeling. • The mathematics EOY assessments will be comprised primarily of short-answer questions focused on conceptual knowledge, skills, and understandings. • Overall results of the mathematics assessments will be reported in terms of scale and performance level scores. PARCC Mathematics Assessments
ASSESSMENT SCORESPARCC Performance Level Descriptors (PLDs) Cut Scores will be determined in the Summer of 2015 using multiple stakeholders in the decision making process. Homepage for PARCC Assessment Policies http://www.parcconline.org/parcc-assessment-policies
In October 2012 PARCC established 5 performance levels Level 5: Students performing at this level demonstrate a distinguished command of the knowledge, skills, and practices embodied by the Common Core State Standards assessed at their grade level. Level 4: Students performing at this level demonstrate a strong command… Level 3: Students performing at this level demonstrate a moderatecommand… Level 2: Students performing at this level demonstrate a partialcommand… Level 1: Students performing at this level demonstrate a minimal command…
No longer an isolated event in the spring! • More flexible scheduling than current paper-based tests, assessment will become more integrated into instruction. • Schools will have up to four weeks to complete the administration of the PBA and another four-week window to complete the EOY. • States, districts or schools can choose to administer the tests in a shorter time span if they have sufficient capacity to do that, and many are expected to do so. Depending upon grade level, PARCC estimates that students will spend between 8 and 9.5 hours total on all of the assessment components. Testing Time
March Guidance – Planning Tool Note on Paper and Pencil Test Administration The expectation is that all students will take the PARCC assessments on a computer.ThePARCC assessments will be available in paper and pencil format for students with disabilities whose Individualized Education Plans require it, and for schools that have gained approval for paper and pencil-based testing from their State Educational Agency (SEA). Testing Window: Maximum of 20 days for PBA and 20 days for EOY Can be completed in fewer days. Maximum nine sessions for a student (5-9) Several testing windows to accommodate schools with different closing/opening dates (# of days of instruction)
Performance Based Assessment Task Generation Models for Grades 3 – 11
Test for College and Career Readiness
ODE and OBR partnership • Measures college and career readiness • Administered in the fall of 10th grade • Informative for high school course planning Nationally Standardized Assessment (NSA)
Continuing law requires the Superintendent of Public Instruction and the Chancellor of the Board of Regents to adopt a nationally standardized assessment that measures college and career readiness to be used, in part, as a new measure to replace the Ohio Graduation Test (OGT). However, the new assessment has not yet been implemented. Ohio Legislative Service Commission Sub. HB 555 Final Analysis p. 16
It was discovered that there is language in law that would affect the implementation and timing of new graduation requirements. • ODE met with legislative leaders to amend the language through the budget bill, but the change was not included in the bill. • Without the change, the OGT will continue to be implemented beyond 2013-14 and would be aligned to the New Learning Standards. Update on the OGT
The State Board of Education assembled a Graduation committee comprised of State Board members and members of the legislature. The goal of the committee is to create a Graduation Requirements Proposal plan that would be presented to the full Board in September 2013. Graduation Committee
State lawmakers and education officials have re-opened debate over the graduation requirements. Without a resolution, sophomores in the 2014-2015 school year would be required to take both the current graduation test and the new ones. From the Columbus Dispatch July 25
Sasheen Phillips, senior executive director of the Department of Education’s Center for Curriculum and Assessment, said the state agency continues to urge legislative action to eliminate double testing. • “We would be able to move forward without legislative approval, it will just take longer,” she said. “It won’t happen until the Class of 2022.” • But more eleventh-hour legislative changes could be coming. Columbus Dispatch July 24, 2013
(B)(1) The assessments prescribed under division (B)(1) of this section shall collectively be known as the Ohio graduation tests. The state board shall prescribe five statewide high school achievement assessments, one each designed to measure the level of reading, writing, mathematics, science, and social studies skill expected at the end of tenth grade. Am. Sub. HB 555 p. 6
(2) The state board shall prescribe an assessment system in accordance with section 3301.0712 of the Revised Code that shall replace the Ohio graduation tests in the manner prescribed by rules adopted by the state board under division (D) of that section. http://codes.ohio.gov/orc/3301.0712 Am. Sub. HB 555 p. 7
TAKING A POSITIVE APPROACH… • (D) The state board shall prescribe a practice version of each Ohio graduation test described in division (B)(1) of this section that is of comparable length to the actual test. Am. Sub. HB 555 p.8
Turn and Talk Turn to an elbow partner and discuss: How will this affect your district? Do you have any additional information to share that you may have read or heard? Do you have questions or suggestions for ODE you would like us to ask/share?
"I think a hero is an ordinary individual who finds strength to persevere and endure in spite of overwhelming obstacles." -- Christopher Reeve • “Keep your face to the sun and you cannot see the shadows.”—Helen Keller Words to Live By…
Elaine Barkan – elaine.barkan@email.sparcc.org Dana Weber – dana.weber@email.sparcc.org Thank You for Your Kind Attention!
PARCC Performance Level Descriptors http://www.parcconline.org/plds • Quality Review Rubrics (Tri-State Rubrics) http://www.achieve.org/EQuIP • PARCC Test Specifications and Blueprints http://www.parcconline.org/assessment-blueprints-test-specs • PARCC Assessment Administration Guidance http://www.parcconline.org/assessment-administration-guidance Resources