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The Homeless in an Urban Academic Library

The Homeless in an Urban Academic Library. SUCCESS factors. Person in Charge. Police support Policies and enforcement Managing PCs Staff interactions Put it all in context. Scott P. Muir. Formerly :

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The Homeless in an Urban Academic Library

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  1. The Homeless in an Urban Academic Library SUCCESS factors Person in Charge • Police support • Policies and enforcement • Managing PCs • Staff interactions • Put it all in context

  2. Scott P. Muir Formerly : • Founding Director of the Downtown Phoenix campus Library 2006-2013, and Interim Director of the Polytechnic campus Library 2009-2013, Arizona State University Currently: • Associate Provost • Library Information Services • Rowan University, NJ • muir@rowan.edu

  3. Phoenix

  4. Phoenix Public Library

  5. Downtown Phoenix campus Envisioned Michael Crow Phil Gordon

  6. ASU Downtown Phoenix campus • 2006 – 2,500 students • 2013 – 11,500 students • 2016 -- ??

  7. DPc Library

  8. DPc Library

  9. July 2006 CordeliaCandelaria Sheila Stokes

  10. Department of Public Safety Al Phillips Rich Wilson

  11. Standard of conduct Welcome to the Arizona State University Downtown Phoenix campus. The ASU Libraries, part of the Information Commons (IC), comprise settings, both virtual and physical in which to uncover, discover and learn. We provide seamless access to collections and services for students, faculty, ASU’s partners, and the community to promote the New American University’s goals of access, excellence, and impact. Our service-oriented staff supports virtual and physical environments that assure access to data, information, and knowledge resources, and strive to foster information competence and critical thinking skills. Our primary clients are currently enrolled students at Arizona State University. While the IC is open to all, no one has the right to interfere with another person’s use of the IC. Behavior becomes unacceptable when it interferes with the rights of others, when it could result in injury to one’s self or others, or when it could result in damage to IC materials, the building, or equipment.

  12. Standards of conduct Any person who chooses to not follow these standards of conduct will be asked to leave. Police will be called if the person refuses to leave or if the behavior itself is illegal, or the person is a repeat offender of these guidelines.

  13. INFORMATION COMMONSCode of conduct • The following is not allowed: • Disruptive noises, music, conversations or sounds • Food or uncovered beverages • Tobacco in any form • Sleeping • Bathing, shaving, or washing clothes in restrooms • Unaccompanied children • Soliciting • Viewing pornographic images or materials • In Addition: • Follow University Computer Use policies and all ASU staff directives • Minimize cell phone use, use vibrate mode • Thank You!!

  14. Scissors Incident

  15. December 21, 2006 Debra Friedman Sherrie Schmidt

  16. Public computers

  17. DPc Library staff

  18. May 2011 Chris Callahan GeorgeanaMontoya

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