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World War II. Allies vs. Axis. Allies. England, France, United States, …….Russia. Axis. Germany, Russia, Italy, Japan. Background.
World War II Allies vs. Axis
Allies England, France, United States, …….Russia
Axis Germany, Russia, Italy, Japan
Background The Treaty of Versailles which Germany signed included payment of punitive damages. The treaty required Germany to pay reparation payments, arm disarmament, loss of land and people. Germany’s economy was in shambles, jobs were scarce and inflation was astronomical. Inflation changed daily. German people resented the punitive Versailles treaty, it fueled strident and violent nationalism, expansionism and war. These circumstances provided the opportunity for domestic radicals, by 1930 the Nazi party had become the largest party in Germany. 1933, German President Paul von Hindenburg appointed Adolf Hitler as chancellor.
Background Hitler promised to restore national pride, relieve the ache of depression, punish Germany’s enemies-internal and external and provide additional living space. Hitler launched a fight which led to the Holocaust. Hitler gave the German people jobs while his henchmen abused and murdered Jews, Communists, Gypsies, homosexuals and anyone else they considered undesirable.
Background 1938 Germany invaded Austria then Czechoslovakia 1939 Germany negotiated a nonaggression pact with the Soviet Union (USSR). Both countries invaded and divided Poland. Germany laughed at England and France threats. 1940 Germany tried to attack England by crossing the English channel. A makeshift flotilla of fishing boats and merchant ships managed to hold off the Germans.
Background 1922 Benito Mussolini forced the Italian king to grant him dictatorial powers. Mussolini conquered Ethiopia, Albania and established himself as protector over Libya between 1936-1938. He signed a military alliance with Hitler. Mussolini declared war against France and England.
Background The Japanese felt crammed into a handful of islands, they began to seek land and raw materials on the Asian mainland. 1927 Japan began their conquest of China. 1940, Japan signed a military and economic treaty with Germany and Italy. The treaty promised mutual assistance in the event of war with any nation not yet involved (ie: the U.S.)
Background By mid-1941 Germany launched attacks in Europe and Africa. Germany and Italian troops eliminated the British from virtually all of North Africa except Egypt. June 1941 renounced its nonaggression pact with the Soviet Union and invaded Russia. By late November, German troops had reached the outskirts of Moscow.
Background: U.S. At first, Americans tried to stay neutral, they had no desire to once again get involved in a European war. 1935-1938 Congress passed several neutrality acts designed to keep the U.S. out of the war. The U.S. attempted to help by placing an embargo on the sale of weapons to fighting nations. Which did nothing but hurt weaker countries. It did nothing to stop the expansion of Germany, Japan and Italy.
Background: U.S. 1939 Congress authorized the sale of weapons to other nations. Even with this policy by 1940 Britain was on the brink of defeat. 1940 Congress began the process of instating a peacetime draft. It was the first time for this type of draft in U.S. history. 1941 Legislation enlarged the size of the army and extended the length of each draftee’s service.
Background: U.S. July 1941: America wanted to stop Japanese expansion in Asia so we froze Japanese assets and embargoed scrap steel and oil shipments. The Japanese premier and his advisors concluded that they must go to war with the Americans. In order to win the Japanese believed the U.S. fleet stationed in Pearl Harbor had to be neutralized. Shortly after the bombing President Franklin D. Roosevelt asked Congress to declare war against Japan. December 11, 1941 Congress declared war against Japan. Germany and Italy declared war on the United States.
W.W.II : Utah Utah became a vital splice in the supply lines for the defense of western North America and for operations in the Pacific. An aspect that made Utah unique safety from attack due to our inland location away from the western coast. Open spaces made training operations possible in the West desert which provided weather with little rain or snow and few people.
W.W.II : Utah Utah had 14 important military installations operating during the war which brought in approximately 40,000 jobs. (please look at the Utah map in front of you). Utah was chosen for logistic reasons such as our unique location-large open spaces and surrounded by mountains yet able to transport supplies in and out quickly. Which is why a location near Ogden was chosen for the Ogden Arsenal (1921) and Hill Air Force Base etc., since it would have access to the railroad and highways.
W.W.II : Utah The Wasatch Front was accessible to Seattle, San Francisco and Los Angeles where 3 of the West Coast military centers sat. Utah had a large number of intelligent, people out of work who were willing to be retrained for military jobs and purposes. The influx of defense industries brought many jobs to Utah not only for locals but non-locals as well.
W.W.II : Utah One of the largest employers was opened on November 7 1940, Hill Base was established to work with the Army Air Corps. During the war Hill became a major repair and supply depot for the Army Air Forces. The Browning Gun Works was expanded The Ogden Arsenal originally set up to store W.W.I ammunition was expanded and began manufacturing ammunition. The Remington Arms Company was built to construct small arms and ammunition.
W.W.II : Utah Defense contractors saw a large economic growth do to war contracts. Expansion in mining occurred especially mining for coal, iron, dolomite, limestone, alunite, copper, gas and refined products. Mines all over Utah were opened, reopened or expanded. Geneva Steel Works was built in Orem. Geneva Steel took iron from Utah’s mines and elsewere and produced plate and shaped steel. Think ships.
W.W.II : Utah The economic development lifted Utahns to a prosperity previously only seen by the extremely wealthy. The influx of people without a tie to local communities changed the community and brought new problems such as a housing shortage and crime. By 1943 approximately 52,000 people worked in defense installations in the state. The price of food , clothing and housing jumped by 1/3. To help the federal government built housing units.
W.W.II : Utah Utah’s population increased by 25%. Minority immigration increased especially among Hispanics, blacks and Japanese Americans who were brought to the Topaz interment camp.
W.W.II : Utah During W.W.II thousands of Utah men and women left Utah for service in the armed forces. Most were young-single men and women and young fathers. They found themselves in military service around the world. 1941 out of 1.3 million service members 7,000 were from Utah. June 1945 62,107 Utahns were in active military service, this number did not include the previous number or those killed.
W.W.II : Utah More than 3,600 Utahns died in the service and many more returned scarred in mind and body from the bloodshed.