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CBSN Brewer Software Status

Explore the philosophy and stages of development of new CBSN Brewer Software, highlighting user interface, ozone measurements, and ongoing support. Learn about proposed upgrades and changes in the software.

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CBSN Brewer Software Status

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  1. CBSN Brewer Software Status by: Tom Grajnar and Stephn Seko December 2002

  2. Summary of Previous Presentations • Why New CBSN Brewer Software? • Philosophy Behind New Software • User Interface—General Appearance • User Interface—Components • User Interface—Ozone Measurements • Stages of Software Development • Monitoring Development Status • Software Developer • Software Status

  3. This Presentation • (TG) Update stages of software development • (SS) Current status of software • (SS) Upgrades and changes incorporated • (TG) Proposed upgrades and prioritization

  4. Stage I: Conversion • Conversion of GW Basic Brewer software to a MKII Brewer with old electronics on a simple schedule.

  5. Stage II: Control all Brewers • Conversion Upgraded with ability to run MKII, III, IV and V with old electronics (either RCA or IOS micro board) or new K&Z electronics

  6. Stage III: User-Transparent Upgrades • Improve B-file data content, data dissemination capabilities, measurement quality and instrument operation without fundamental changes to data formats • Hopefully maximize global Brewer user implementation since most existing data analysis and processing software should still function or require only minor upgrades

  7. Stage IV: User non-Transparent Upgrades • Improvements which will affect the fundamental operation, calibration, or file formats • Likely render most existing Brewer data analysis, calibration and presentation software inoperative and thus in need of upgrade or re-write

  8. Stage V: Ongoing Support • Continue to address software problems, concerns and potential upgrades as suggested by members of the global Brewer user community

  9. Steps for Stages II through IV • Discussion and prioritization of upgrades • Implementation of upgrades • Brewer Software release internal CBSN only • Extensive Internal MSC beta-testing with several MSC rooftop Brewers (on two computers) plus on secondary Brewer at the 5 stations that have 2 Brewers • Document each bug and its fix and increment the software version number • Brewer Software release to Brewer community with request for potential upgrades • Progress to next stage when all known Stage # related bugs have been resolved • Inform Brewer community of final release of Stage # software • Consider deployment throughout CBSN after commencement of one year’s operation on 5 network secondary Brewers

  10. AP - A/D monitor printout AS - Move tracker to sun AZ - Azimuth zeroing B0 - Lamps off B1 - Mercury lamp on B2 - Standard lamp on DS - Direct sun obs DT - Deadtime test ED - End-of-day sequence FM - Focused moon obs FR - Micrometer reset FW - Reset for filter wheel #3 FZ - Focused sun obs HG - Mercury lamp calibration HP - Micrometer #2 alignment N2 - Switch to NO2 mode O3 - Switch to O3 mode PD - Activate writing to D file PF - Deactivate writing to D file PO - Instrument constants printout PZ - Point zenith prism to zenith RE - Instrument reset RS - Run/stop test SC - Sun scan SI - Solar sighting SIM - Lunar sighting SL - Standard lamp test SR - Step per revolution test UA - Timed UV scan UF - Fast UV scan UM - Umkehr measurement UV - Standard UV scan UX - Extended UV scan W0 - 1 min wait W1 - 5 min wait W2 - 10 min wait W3 - 20 min wait W4 - 30 min wait ZB - Zenith blue obs ZC - Zenith cloud obs ZE - Zero zenith motor ZP - Zenith perpendicular obs ZS - Zenith sky obs Currently Supported Routines

  11. Additional Supported Routines • SUM - Creates S file • FMSUM - Summary printout for FM • FZSUM - Summary printout for FZ • HGSUM - Summary printout for HG • OZSUM - Summary printout for ozone obs • SLSUM - Summary printout for SL • UVSUM - Summary printout for UV scans • ZSSUM - Summary printout for ZS

  12. CHECKAZ - checks the azimuth to see if properly referenced CI - Lamp scanning routine CO - Add comment to B file CY - Set slit mask cycles ?? CZ - Customizable scan DSP - Dispersion test DSP1 - Dispersion test ET - Focus Brewer mirror FV - Optimal Sighting Determination GI - Global irradiance GL - Ozone on Zenith Sky Routine GS - Grating synchronization G1, G5 – Updated GS routines HV - High voltage test HVSET - Sets the high voltage J3 - Performs all three global irradiance, sun and zenith jump scan measurements JDirDif - direct sun with usual ds optics vs direct sun on diffuser JL - Standard lamp jump scan MD - Modem Routine QL - Lamp Quick Scan QS - Lamp quick scan SH - Motor timing test SS - Extended UV Direct Sun Scan S0 - Modified ss.rtn for red Brewers--looks at direct sun (40 cycles) SV - Modified ss.rtn for red Brewers--looks at direct sun (1 cycle) SZ - Modified ss.rtn for red Brewers--looks at zenith TESTFW2 - ND filter attenuation TR - Tracker on TF - Tracker off TU - Test UVB port alignment UB - Summary and recalc for DUV UL - External Lamp scan UX - Extended external lamp scan XQ - Extended external Lamp Scanning Routine GLSUM - summary list of global radiation O3 observations NOSUM - Summary printout for NO2 RL - Read Brewer Log TE - Check temperature To Be Supported (Stage II)

  13. GUI-Related Routines Currently Supported through GUI • CF - Editing ICF file • IC - Editing Op_State file • LL - Enters location To be supported through GUI • AU - Setup auto sequence of commands (AUC) • DA - Change date • LF - Edit location file • NO - Change instrument number • REP - Display average files • SA - Solar/lunar angle printout • SE - Schedule editor • ST - Brewer status • TI - Change time • TT - Teletype mode

  14. Data Analysis Routines--Leave these out? PB - Play back TCSUM - Change summary files using new temperature coefficients Redundant Routines—Plan to leave out AB_SK - Abort schedule CS - Setup command sequence ?? DA_LO - Get date and location DD - Print data directory DDS - Display data directory DDP - Print program directory DI - Turn on data recording EX - Exit to DOS FF - Form-feed command INIT - Initialize LD - Long data format ND - Format disk NR - Turn off data recording PN - Print to printer SHELL - Shell to DOS SD - Short data format SK - Run schedule non-continuous SLEEP - End operations TD - Shell to DOS to update clock Miscellaneous Routines

  15. Stage I: Upgrades and Changes • Windows operating system time and date used--Td routine eliminated • Support more than two COM ports • RS and DT have detailed entries in the B-file • Re performs a reset for all motors • Fr routine performs reset on micrometers only • Fw command performs reset for filter wheels #1-3 • Sr moves the tracker 14000 of 14670 steps/rev then moves in smaller increments to find flag • Output to printer no longer supported • Improved Si and Sim response to push buttons--motor positions sent only if changed • Uploads Julian’s code that: • allows simultaneous movement of both micrometers for all measurements • speeds up zeroing of zenith, azimuth and micrometer motors by eliminating continual checking of LED status bit

  16. Software Status Summary • Stage I completed • 3 Brewers running on one computer (2 under new software) • Stage II about half done • 50 routines completed • 50 more routines to be written • new electronics support to be added • Anticipated Stage II completion—May 2003

  17. Stage II: Proposed Upgrades and Changes • Include support for use of Brewer clock • Include Brewer software version at beginning of every B-file using format “Brewer software version: A-B-C-D” where A is the programming environment, B is the software development stage #, C is the release number, and D is the compilation number • DSP routine to include lamp and wavelength configuration option used by CBSN and automatically log both initial and final hg tests, lamp used, wavelength, slit and FW2 position to D-file. If calculated step is beyond range of micrometer then note this in D-file and proceed to next slit. • Modify dsp routine to select correct ND filter based on an intensity test to optimize signal to noise and prevent PMT saturation. • SH routine modified to not require initial pd and to provide default values for the test. Record results into B-file also • Provide default values for HV test and log results into B-file • Harmonize dssum.rtn with md.rtn so they use same acceptance criteria and log acceptance criteria in dssum d-file header • Low disk space warning (20 MB). • Upload change in shutter timing constant if changed in cf

  18. Stage III: Minor Upgrades and Changes • Implement hg 296.7 line for hg calibrations but also support 302.2 line • Make the Hp routine a part of the Hg routine • Display error messages when schedule aborted • Error log file to record date, time and information for all error messages • Elimination of NO2 offset constant • Check if previous day’s B-file complete on software startup—if not then create S-file and update avg files • Option to specify to exit to menu immediately or exit after the current measurement when home key pressed • Modify md routine to create bulletins that include ds zs fm gi um red and from uv o3 values and create daily summaries for all of these measurements • Routine to scan sl and hg lamp to determine the optimum zenith offset value • Modify ap routine to measure humidity • Automate sr check and update of constant if it is within 5 steps of previous value or repeat again to confirm results consistent. If not consistent after 3 tries then log error message • Log all relevant values to avg files • Upgrade the tu test to perform ze both before and after the tu and to log this information to the B-file. Also expand the number of steps scanned to 40 • Check box option to ftp B UV etc. files to various data centres along with option to send real-time ozone and UV bulletinsAz, Ze and Fw end of day values on screen • Low disk space warning • Log all “waiting for za…” messages to d-file • Add suncscan output to B-file • Add NO2 heading under UV on UI with ds and zs subheadings • Possible to perform dsp using only lines in the visible (say from a Neon bulb) for a MKIV and MKV and the correlation to the UV dispersion is 100%-set up default config in dsp

  19. Stage III: Major Upgrades and Changes • Allow user FTP bulletins to user-specified site(s) in real-time--prompt the user for this information the first time that the program is run • Allow user to select file types (B, D, UV, etc. or ALL) to automatically send to one or more FTP—sites at end of day (available defaults should include WOUDC and other regional data centres)--prompt the user for this information the first time that the program is run • Apply grating slope and intercept information to all measurements and consider changing this function to something other than a linear one in order to better model the actual relationship • Add target step value to B-file hg test output • Incorporate real-time ozone determination from GI UV UM Red scans • Incorporate stray-light reduction algorithm from McLinden • Option to send email to a specified user list on user-selectable conditions—ex. Temperature or humidity, sighting values, drive discrepancy values beyond acceptable limits etc. • Incorporate Julian’s fv (sighting check) routine and update of sighting correction values. • Also incorporate data from all calibrations into B-file (ex., dsp, ul, xl, ql, ci, cz, sh, hv, tu, etc.) • Implement appropriate Rayleigh Scattering Coefficients (re: Annex I – Recommendations from the 5th Brewer Workshop, Halkidiki, Greece, 1998)

  20. Stage IV: Upgrades and Changes • Hg routine could be made to run automatically without needing to be entered in schedules based on a 2 or 3 degree change in temperature—must be user selectable • XL should have overlap at filter change • Fix the dark count file format error in the UV UX Ul Xl files • Place results of all routines, tests and calibrations into B-file and consider eliminating all other output files • Julian’s new dispersion routine which uses a polynomial fit • Examine Julian’s modified 3.74d Brewer software run on 119 for potential upgrades • Examine Julian’s MatLab Brewer software for potential upgrades • The program could be made to run more than one Brewer at the same time • A code generator or a sort of high level scripting language that will allow users to create and customize routines without having to change the program itself. A better solution to the above would be to make the measurement and test routines available as an editable VB file that can be compiled into a resource dll to be utilized by the main program which will only be available as the compiled program and, therefore, not changeable by the users. The modules that they can edit or create will use only the appropriate resources of the main program which should be accessed programmatically in a way that is simple and concise?

  21. Stage IV: More Upgrades and Changes • Dispersion coeffs affected by temp of ozone layer and ozone amount-- would be good if the algorithm would take these two factors into account • Laser scan information can be used to determine the shape of the slits which can then be used to determine a correction for stray light • Implement separate set of Rayleigh scattering coefficients for NO2 • ND coefficients for each Brewer which reflect its own specific filters--would need 5 different etcs for O3 and 5 for SO2 to correct for different transmission function of each ND filter • Record neutral density values for all filter positions and all slits (6x5=30, or 6x6=36 if slit0 is included) into the icf files • Consider placing ALL Brewer information into B-file, formatted B-file output to D-file and average files, no other files required • Do several slul measurements througout the day at various temperatures and then do a fit to counts as a function of temperature for each ul wavelength in order to determine temperature coefficients over the entire uv range so can compare uv measurements over the entire range

  22. Information Dissemination Proposal • New Brewer software (.exe+source) and original presentation + this one (.ppt+.txt) available to: • MSC-ARQX • on Arqx_NT: Arqx_home1\common\grajnar\Brewer software • International Brewer user community • Notify all via email of software availabilty • Request comments and recommendations • Provide information for download on FTP site • Development of “Brewer User’s” support website

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