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Nano-Electronics Roadmap: Future Trends and Technologies

Explore the latest advancements and forecasts in nano-electronics, including system-on-a-chip, memory devices, lithography options, and tunneling devices. Understand the governmental support for nanoscience, cost projections, and revolutionary circuit architectures.

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Nano-Electronics Roadmap: Future Trends and Technologies

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  1. Technology Roadmap for Nano-electronics Rational You ITRI-IEK-NEMS 2001/08/01 Source: IST (2000/11)

  2. Contribution of Electronics to the Gross Product Source: IST (2000/11)

  3. Electronic Market Forecast Source: IST (2000/11)

  4. Minimum Feature Size versus Year of Introduction Source: IST (2000/11)

  5. Selected data from ITRS 1999 Source: IST (2000/11)

  6. Technical Requirements for Memory Applications Source: IST (2000/11)

  7. The System-on-a-Chip of the Future? Source: IST (2000/11)

  8. Technical Requirements fir Logic Applications Source: IST (2000/11)

  9. Estimated Governmental Support to Nanoscience and Technology in Europe Source: IST (2000/11)

  10. Nature of the NID Projects Source: IST (2000/11)

  11. Energy -- Delay Diagram for Electronics Source: IST (2000/11)

  12. Cost of a Semiconductor Facility Source: IST (2000/11)

  13. Principle of a Single Electron Transistor Source: IST (2000/11)

  14. Comparison between Conventional and Single Electron Memories Source: IST (2000/11)

  15. Concept of an Interband Tunnelling Diode Source: IST (2000/11)

  16. An Interband Tunnelling Device in Operation Source: IST (2000/11)

  17. Concept of a Resonant Tunnelling Device. Source: IST (2000/11)

  18. Oscillation Frequencies for ITD and RTD Source: IST (2000/11)

  19. Comparison of Tunnelling Devices Parameters Source: IST (2000/11)

  20. Concepts for three terminal tunnelling devices-1” Source: IST (2000/11)

  21. Concepts for three terminal tunnelling devices-2 Source: IST (2000/11)

  22. Transport through a Molecule Source: IST (2000/11)

  23. Scheme of a Hybrid Metal-Molecule-Semiconductor Structure Source: IST (2000/11)

  24. Scheme of a Spin Valve Source: IST (2000/11)

  25. Scheme of a Tunnel function Source: IST (2000/11)

  26. Y-branch Switch Source: IST (2000/11)

  27. Maturity of Lithography Options Source: IST (2000/11)

  28. Practical and Ultimate Resolution Limits for Lithography Source: IST (2000/11)

  29. Sensitivity perType of Lithography Source: IST (2000/11)

  30. Resolution and Sensitivity for E-beam Lithography Source: IST (2000/11)

  31. The Imprint Process Source: IST (2000/11)

  32. The Inking Process Source: IST (2000/11)

  33. Comparison of Printing Techniques Source: IST (2000/11)

  34. Throughput us resolution for Different Exposure Techniques Source: IST (2000/11)

  35. Design Hierarchies for Nanoscale Circuits Source: IST (2000/11)

  36. CMOS Gate Delay vs Gate Length Source: IST (2000/11)

  37. RTD/HFET Circuits Source: IST (2000/11)

  38. Performance for Tunnelling Based SRAM and Si Memory Source: IST (2000/11)

  39. The Two Polarization States in a QCA Cell Source: IST (2000/11)

  40. Logic Functions Based upon a QCA Majority Voting Gate Source: IST (2000/11)

  41. Dot Distance Requirements for a QCA Circuit Source: IST (2000/11)

  42. Intelligent RAM Chip (IRAM) Source: IST (2000/11)

  43. Propagated Instruction Processor Source: IST (2000/11)

  44. The Re-configurable Architechture Workstation (RAW) Source: IST (2000/11)

  45. Redundant Interconnections of the Teramac Source: IST (2000/11)

  46. Aspects of Architectures for Nano-electronic Systems Source: IST (2000/11)

  47. Components of Nano-electronic Architectures Source: IST (2000/11)

  48. Comparison of Architectures Source: IST (2000/11)

  49. Comparison Memory Devices Year 2000 Source: IST (2000/11)

  50. Forecast Memory Devices Year 2006 Source: IST (2000/11)

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