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Discover the three major types of galaxies, sizes, structures, locations, and key information about elliptical, spiral, and irregular galaxies. Learn about the distribution, formation, and properties of various galaxy types.
Hubble Ultra Deep Field Spiral Galaxy
Hubble Ultra Deep Field Spiral Galaxy
Hubble Ultra Deep Field Elliptical Galaxy EllipticalGalaxy Spiral Galaxy
Hubble Ultra Deep Field Elliptical Galaxy EllipticalGalaxy Spiral Galaxy
Hubble Ultra Deep Field Elliptical Galaxy EllipticalGalaxy Irregular Galaxies Spiral Galaxy
Basic Galactic Facts • SIZES 1 kpc -- 100 kpc across 109 M -- 1013 M dwarf galaxies down to 107 M • BASIC STRUCTURES SPIRAL -- Milky Way & most overall ELLIPTICAL -- most dwarfs and giants IRREGULARS -- often ``satellites'’ • LOCATIONS Isolated (Field) Groups (Local group includes ~50) Clusters (100s to 1000s of galaxies) Superclusters (clusters of clusters!) Voids (galaxies not there)
ELLIPTICAL GALAXIES • Ellipticity: E0 -- E7 (round to flatest) Projected on the sky: • # = (1 - b/a) x 10 • Can be more elliptical than they are seen to be (Projection Effect) • Often really tri-axial • Some (e.g. Centaurus A) include dust disk -- big elliptical swallowed a spiral!
Elliptical Galaxy Shapes • M49 is close to a circle: E2 • M84 is an “average” E3 • M110 is a dwarf E (Andromeda satellite): E5
SPIRAL GALAXIES • Classify by Hubble Type: S0; Sa--Sc; SBa--SBc (tuning fork diagram) • S0: disk seen, but no spiral arms • Sa: prominent nucleus, tightly wound arms • Sb: significant nucleus, moderate arms • Sc: small nucleus, patchy loose arms • SBa, SBb, SBc: central bar from which arms emerge • Milky Way is a SBb (weak bar though, and between SBb and SBc)
S0 (lenticular) Galaxies S0 and SB0 have disk and bulge but no visible spiral arms
Key Info on Galaxy Types • Colors:E's red, S's various, Irr's, blue • Populations:E: Pop IIIrr: Pop I S: disk, Pops I+II; halo, Pop II • Sizes:E's 1-100 kpc, S's: 3-50 kpc; Irr's 1-15 kpc • # of Stars:Ellipicals: 107 (dwarfs) to 1013 (cD central dominant) Spirals: 1010 - 1012Irregulars: 107 - 1011
Gas Content and Star Formation • Gas Content:E: up to 30% of ordinary matter (baryonic) mass, but very hot (T > 107 K) S: typically 5-15% of baryonic mass, in many ISM phases (10 K < T < 106 K) Irr: typically 20-50% of baryonic mass, in many ISM phases • Star Formation:E: very little, if any, currently (so RED) S: moderate amount in disk (some BLUE with many YELLOW and RED) Irr: often lots currently (so BLUE)
Thought Question Why does ongoing star formation lead to a blue-white appearance? A. There aren’t any red or yellow stars B. Short-lived blue stars outshine others C. Gas in the disk scatters blue light
Thought Question Why does ongoing star formation lead to a blue-white appearance? A. There aren’t any red or yellow stars B. Short-lived blue stars outshine others C. Gas in the disk scatters blue light
What Determines Galactic Shapes? • The quasi-spherical shapes of Ellipticals as well as halo and bulge stars in spirals arise from their stars' original RANDOM VELOCITIES. • The orbits of stars in spiral galaxies come from stars mainly forming in a flattened disk, supported by ROTATION. • The odd shapes of Irregulars are not well understood but many probably arise from tidal distortion by bigger galaxies.
Summary: The Hubble Sequence Like stars on the Main Sequence galaxies are born into a type in the Hubble Sequence and they DO NOT usually move along the Hubble Sequence.
Mergers and Cannabalism • The biggest E and S galaxies have almost certainly MERGED WITH comparable sized galaxies, or CANNABALIZED several smaller galaxies over billions of years. • Typically S+S E, S+E E, E+E E So as the universe ages the fractions of: S's goes down, E's up. • BUT sometimes mergers induce more star formation and spiral disks Cen A: new dust disk from S swallowed by big E
Where are they found? • Most Es (except dwarfs) near CENTERS OF CLUSTERS. • Most S's: in the FIELD or toward EDGES OF CLUSTERS. • Irr's locations are less well known; probably like Spirals. Coma Cluster about 100 Mpc away
DISTRIBUTION OF GALAXIES • Most galaxies are in clusters; • Most clusters are part of superclusters. • Our Local Group has about 50 members. MW + LMC, SMC, Draco, Fornax, Sculptor, Leo etc is one sub-group; Andromeda (M31) + M32, M33, NGC 147 and more is another sub-group • Total extent about 1 Mpc (M31 is 700 kpc from MW)
Some Properties of CLUSTERS • The nearest CLUSTER is the Virgo Cluster, about 15 Mpc away; • Clusters vary in size and richness, from 100 up to over 5000 galaxies. • Within clusters, E's and S0's dominate the central parts (90% or so) but S's and SB's dominate the outskirts of clusters.
Cluster Merger Movie • Many clusters grow through mergers of smaller clusters • Some clusters are still growing today • Collisions can heat gas in clusters (intracluster medium) to ~108K, giving off X-rays
THE COSMIC DISTANCE LADDER Review of VARIABLE STARS • Giants and supergiants will PULSATE in the INSTABILITY STRIP; above the MS for A and F stars, where variations in He opacity drive increases and decreases in R and T. • Some variable stars calibrate distances All RR LYRAE stars are nearly the same luminosity, some 70 times the Sun's. Periods between 2 and 24 hours. • CEPHEID VARIABLES have luminosites proportional to their periods from ~200 L (for 1 day) to ~10000 L (for 50 days) • Both are "STANDARD CANDLES" that allow DISTANCE DETERMINATIONS to NEARBY CLUSTERS and many, relatively nearby GALAXIES.
Next Step: Tully-Fisher Relation • There is a very strong correlation between rotational speeds and luminosities for Sc galaxies. Why? • Roughly: rotation speed ~ mass ~ luminosity • Measure brightness and estimate luminosity, then distance. • The 21 cm H I line is broader in the faster rotating galaxies; IR magnitudes give better estimates of total brightness • This Tully-Fisher relation is good out to 200 Mpc!
Cosmic Distance Ladder, IllustratedType 1a SNe take us out beyond 1 Gpc
White-dwarf supernovae can also be used as standard candles Type Ia SNe as Standard Candle
Apparent brightness of white-dwarf supernova tells us the distance to its galaxy (up to 10 billion light-years)
HUBBLE's LAW • Back in 1920's Edwin Hubble found that nearly all galaxies showed REDSHIFTS! • Even more interesting, the fainter the galaxy, therefore, probably the more distant the galaxy, the greater the redshift. • When distances (r) were calibrated using Cepheid variables, Hubble found: • v = H0 r where v = c (/) is the “expansion velocity” and z = / is the redshift. (So v = cz)
Galaxy Spectra and Hubble’s Law • Discover Hubble's Law
Using Hubble’s Law • If one knows enough galaxy distances from independent measurements and has z's for all of those galaxies then one gets a value for • H0 = average of all (v/r) measurements. • This yields: 50 < H0 < 100 km/s/Mpc and most likely, H0 = 72 km/s/Mpc (with an error of 3 km/s/Mpc) • An example: say a line of 5000 Å is seen at 5500 Å • z = /= (5500 Å -5000 Å)/5000 Å = 0.10 So v = cz = 0.10 x 3.00 x 105 km/s = 3.00 x 104 km/s If H0 = 75 km/s/Mpc, then • r = v/ H0 = (30,000 km/s)/(75 km/s/Mpc) = 400 Mpc
Cause of Hubble's Law Distances between faraway galaxies change while light travels Astronomers think in terms of lookback time rather than distance distance?
Copernican Principle, Expanded • VERY IMPORTANT POINT: The expansion of the Universe shown by the Hubble Law should be independent of location in the Universe. EVERYONE WOULD SEE AN EQUIVALENT EXPANSION AWAY FROM THEM. • In other words, we do not believe we are at a “special” place in the universe.