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Goal. To help survivors gain knowledge and skill to become self-advocates, advocate for other people, and advocate with agencies, policymakers and government leaders. Objective. Learn basic principles of advocacy and practice skills that are important for effective advocacy efforts. Application.
1. Brain Injury-Survivor/Family Advocacy Carmela Hutchison, President
Alberta Network for Mental Health & DAWN-RAFH Canada
BIAC, 11 July 2008
2. Goal To help survivors gain knowledge and skill to become self-advocates, advocate for other people, and advocate with agencies, policymakers and government leaders
3. Objective Learn basic principles of advocacy and practice skills that are important for effective advocacy efforts
4. Application Group Activity – brainstorm with the group about what advocacy means to them
5. Advocacy To defend a right or ask a favor on behalf of yourself or others using:
Right language
Right time
Right place
Right person who can respect the right or grant the favor
Right method
6. An advocate is: A self advocate is able to stand in support of their own need and/or right
An advocate is someone who is willing to stand beside someone in support of their need and/or right
An advocate speaks on behalf of: themselves; another person; or a group
7. An advocate is: Directed by the consumer’s needs and begins by listening and understanding the person, the facts, and the need
Someone who has good listening skills, is accepting, has knowledge of what options are available, laws and procedure (or can find them), and be able to clearly state what you want in a positive way (assertive)
8. An advocate is: Reasonably available to the survivor
Eager, enthusiastic, committed, energetic
Someone who knows when to “make peace”; mediate; or use other problem solving skills
Someone who also knows when to express opposition, be resistant, intense and passionate
9. An Advocate Is Directed by the survivor
Someone who listens to what the survivor is actually asking for rather than what you think they need
Someone who follows the reasonable directions of the survivor
Someone who can deal with difficult situations or people in crisis
10. Application Group Discussion of Different Types of Advocacy
Ask group members for and personal examples or experiences they want to share with the group
12. Preparing the Advocacy Plan Define the issue – be sure you understand it well
Prepare a response instead of a reaction
Break the problem into small steps
Use problem solving skills to help
Concentrate on the things you can change
Determine the goals
Identify your resources
13. Preparing the Advocacy Plan Know your allies and your opponents
Know your strengths and weaknesses
Plan your strategy
Forum, Timing
educating, reminding, pressuring, complaining, negotiating, legal action, political action
Put the strategy into action
Evaluate and adjust as necessary
Keep accurate records
14. Application Do the self-assessment tool on strengths and areas for development
Be honest here to get an accurate picture for how to improve your advocacy skills
15. Common Advocacy Issues Promotion of rights, freedoms, dignity, safety (protection from financial, physical, emotional, and sexual abuse)
Ensuring protection of legal and human rights
Helping consumers receive health care, social service, private insurance benefits
Promoting independence
Assisting consumers to get the least intrusive methods of support
Protection from discrimination
16. Carrying Out Your Advocacy Plan Using the following checklist, proceed from the most gentle to more persistent tactics
Follow the proper channels
Keep accurate records and confirm ALL verbal agreements IN WRITING
Build a resource list of people who have been helpful to you or share the same issue; identify people of influence
17. Make the request and state why you want it and the reason it should be granted
Make the worker do the work as much as possible, government is there to provide service
Identify who is authorized to make decisions and ask to see them
Follow the chain of command one level at a time until you get help
Carrying Out Your Advocacy Plan
18. Insist on common sense. Refuse to let your issue be needlessly complicated or made overly complex
Find good examples of similar cases solved the way you want your case to go
Prepare your compromise points in advance (sometimes compromise is the only way)
Carrying Out Your Advocacy Plan
19. Discover areas where officials have some leeway that is not entirely limited by policy
Show that there are always exceptions to the rules
Cite the case law or policy, rule, or legislation (helps to have legal advice if you can get it or someone with the same experience).
Develop a good relationship with a “buddy” in the system who can help discretely Carrying Out Your Advocacy Plan
20. Make it clear you are going to persist until a resolution is reached (preach, embarrass, go to the press)
Evaluate and adjust your plan if you are still not getting anywhere
Find the support of third parties and start carefully building coalitions (be careful, sometimes the more people you involve in a problem, the more complicated it becomes and their agendas can compete with yours) Carrying Out Your Advocacy Plan
21. Application - Using the scenario provided, create an advocacy plan in your group
22. Advocacy Skills Assertiveness (verbal and non verbal)
Communication Skills
Negotiation Skills
Problem Solving Skills
23. Assertiveness Assertive behavior enables a person to act in their own best interest and advocate for themselves with confidence; to express honesty comfortably; and exercise personal rights without denying the rights of others.
24. Assertiveness Is an important skill because the lack of it is the chief barrier to getting your needs met
Lack of assertiveness is one of the key issues during times of mental illness; even if you have the skill, you may not be able to use it
25. Assertive People are brave
respect self and others
own their own feelings, thoughts, and ideas
openly and honesty state their feelings
understand the possible consequences of assertiveness
know when and how to be assertive
26. Tips For Assertiveness Choose the right time
Choose the right place
Be direct
Use “I” statements
Content: be specific, spontaneous, genuine, direct
Use body language to back up your words
Confirm your request
Practice the skill in safe situations
27. Non Verbal Assertive Skills 90% of our message is delivered through nonverbal communication (http://web.cba.neu.edu/~ewertheim/interper/commun.htm)
Eye contact
Body posture, body space
Voice, tone, volume
28. Application Review and role play some assertiveness techniques
29. Communication Skills Communication skills allow for good relationships with many people
Means you are understood and you understand the other person
Be an active listener
Ask questions to show you are listening and check understanding
Summarize what the other person has said
30. Communication Skills Body language
Personal appearance
31. Negotiation Skills Negotiation is a discussion intended to produce an agreement
Lead with the strongest part of your argument
Be brief and relevant
Focus on solutions instead of complaints
Control your emotions
32. Negotiation Skills Have a minimum in mind in advance that you are willing to accept
Show you understand the other person’s position
Be persistent, use “I” statements
Be non threatening
Point out faulty logic or weak points
33. Negotiation Skills Ask for the chance to present more information or follow-up
Restate any actions agreed upon
Set a timeline for action
Be prepared to walk out without resolving the issue
34. Application To practice verbal communication, have participants form Groups of two and role pay a face to face meeting or telephone call addressing an advocacy situation
Have one person be the advocate and another person being approached to solve the problem
35. Application While doing the communication exercise focus on:
Using I statements
Listen actively
Plan and practice what you will say
Negotiate for what you want
Be considerate
Keep records and follow up
36. Problem Solving Skills Are the most important skill to avoid conflict
Define the problem
Break down complex problems
Set priorities
Look at causes and who is affected by a problem
37. Problem Solving Skills Identify solutions
Select a solution
Plan your action
Take action
Evaluate and adjust
38. Application Problem Solving Skills – In groups of three, identify a problem using the problem solving process, and how to formulate a solution to the problem using the consumer’s decision about what they want to happen, assist the group to break the problem down into manageable parts to come up with a resolution
39. Application Problem Solving Process
What do you want to happen?
Who will you approach?
What are the strengths of your case?
What does the other side have to gain?
What is the action plan?
Select an approach?
41. Selecting an Approach Consider the following:
Which approach will most likely solve the problem for the long term?
Which approach is the most realistic to accomplish for now?
Do you have the resources?
Do you have enough time to implement the approach?
Are there any risks to taking the chosen approach?
42. Individual Rights and Responsibilities Natural rights may not be expressed under a particular law (the right to be heard, for example)
Citizen rights are legislated rights that are protected under federal and provincial law
Health/Mental health legislation may affect our ability to exercise our rights in some situations
43. Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms Equality rights – equal treatment before and under the law, equal protection and benefit of the law without discrimination on the basis of: in particular, without discrimination based on race, national or ethnic origin, colour, religion, sex, age or mental or physical disability.
44. Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms Democratic rights – every citizen of Canada has the right to vote in an election of members of the House of Commons or of a legislative assembly and participate in political activities
Mobility rights - Every citizen of Canada has the right to enter, remain in and leave Canada, to move take up residence and gain livelihood in any province; these are limited by a) laws of a province except for those that discriminate on the basis of area of residence (ie professional acts); and b) any laws providing for reasonable residency requirements as a qualification for the receipt of publicly provided social services.
45. Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms Legal Rights- the right to be presumed innocent until proven guilty; the right to retain and instruct counsel without delay; the right to an interpreter for the language in which the court proceeding takes place or the right to an interpreter if deaf; and against unreasonable search and seizure or cruel and unusual treatment
46. Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms Language rights -The right to use either English or French languages in communications with Federal and certain Provincial Governments
Minority language education rights- in general French and English Minorities in every Province and Territory have the right to be educated in their own language
47. Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms Everyone has the following fundamental freedoms:
a) freedom of conscience and religion;
b) freedom of thought, belief, opinion and expression, including freedom of the press and other media of communication;
c) freedom of peaceful assembly; and
d) freedom of association.
48. Individual Responsibilities as a Canadian Understand and obey Canadian Laws
Participate in Canada’s democratic political system
Vote in Elections
Allow other Canadians to enjoy their rights and freedoms
Appreciate and help and to preserve Canada’s multicultural heritage
49. Enforcing your rights If your rights have been violated by Federal or Provincial Government, you have the right to appeal
This right is usually stated on the forms or a poster or you are informed of it; IF IT IS NOT VISIBLE ASK; there are usually appeal bodies in each agency; ultimately once these levels of appeal are exhausted you can go to Court and may proceed all the way up to the Supreme Court of Canada if your motions of appeal are granted by the courts
50. Enforcing your rights If your rights have been violated by a private individual you may seek justice from Federal or Provincial Human Rights Commissions, Privacy Commission, Office of the Ombudsman, Community advocacy organizations
If you require legal assistance, you may be eligible for free or low cost legal assistance
51. Enforcing Your Rights It must be noted that access to low cost legal help is not cheap. It is extremely limited and this has led to many people representing themselves in court.
The best goal for an advocate is to build such a strong case you avoid ever having to enter an appeal process by winning your request at the start by using the best problem solving approach and having all the facts and above all, avoiding inappropriate anger that blocks problem solving.