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Research performed by Andra in the URF HADES

Research performed by Andra in the URF HADES. François JACQ. Introduction. Context of the French research programme on deep geological disposal The main steps of the co-operation Lessons learned and perspectives. The context of the French research programme (1).

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Research performed by Andra in the URF HADES

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  1. Research performed by Andra in the URF HADES François JACQ

  2. Introduction • Context of the French research programme on deep geological disposal • The main steps of the co-operation • Lessons learned and perspectives

  3. The context of the French research programme (1) • First attempt to create underground research laboratories in 1987-1989 • Failure of this attempt prompted to the 1991 Law on high level waste and a new definition of the research programme • Present programme : two kind of rocks are investigated (clay, granite) URL under construction in Bure No URL in granite

  4. The context of the French research programme (2) • Crucial role of international co-operation and foreign underground research facilities in order to acquire fundamental knowledge and develop methods and technologies • Importance of HADES URF and of the research carried in partnership with ONDRAF • European dimension : national solutions, but global problematic and need for comparison

  5. Andra at the URF : a solid partnership French- Belgian partnership began in 1983 by concentrating on the behaviour of a clay formation The period 1989 to 1993 was devoted to large basic experiments on disturbances managed by Andra From 1993 to now Andra has participated to many experiments with a stress on technological aspects

  6. The first steps (1) From the first lab tests...to the first in situ measurements(1983-1986) Acquiring the basic rheological knowledge Mechanical test on thick tube LMS Convergence meter in borehole BRGM

  7. The first steps (2) Progress to a comprehensive knowledge(1983-1984) Construction into a non frozen clay Data acquisition on real drift Experimental shaft sinking Monitoring of the small gallery BRGM

  8. The first steps (3) Improve the master of the rheological behaviour(1986-1989) Using deformable steel rib lining Comparing monitoring data and modelling

  9. The move towards large experiments (1) Design, monitoring and modelling of large experiments (UE Projects - IV PCRD) Cactus : Characterisation of Clay under Thermal loading in Underground Storage Archimède : Chemical characterisation of poral water and study of regulation mechanisms Phebus : PhEnomenology of hydrological transfer Between atmosphere and Underground Storage

  10. Pore pressure (Mpa)  Time (days) The move towards large experiments (2) Going to THM coupling : Cactus experiment, a progress in the characterisation of clay (1989-1994) Design of a new thermal probe Extensive monitoring, including hydraulic parameters Improvement of a coupled rheological model

  11. The move towards large experiments (3) Going to gain insights into acquisition and regulation mechanisms of pore water chemistry : Archimede (1992-1994), an important effort toward Sampling collection of undisturbed water, avoiding oxidation and bacteriological contamination Sterile sampling of a clay core Fluid and solid characterisation including organic matter Water/rock interaction modelling

  12. The move towards large experiments (4) PHEBUS in situ experiment (1993-1996) Mastering the air circulation and vapour exchange with rock Monitoring the water content change within the rock

  13. The interest for technology (1) Role of FP 5 Baccus 2 : (Backfill Control for hlw Underground Storage) Reseal : (REpository SEALing)

  14. The interest for technology (2) Baccus 2 (1993-1995) and Reseal (1996-2003), an opportunity to participate in a multi-disciplinary EBS testing Studying behaviour of compacted pellets as buffer material Experimenting in situ installation in actual conditions Surveying rehydration and swelling processes Developing specific behavioural models of compacted pellets

  15. The interest for technology (3) Reseal, an important data base for assessing behavioural models Encouraging results

  16. Instrumented boreholes (strains) Instrumented boreholes (strain, pore pressure, total stress) Instrumented sections (convergence, total stress) Link between HADES URF and Bure URL CLIPEX(Clay instrumentation programme for the extension of an underground laboratory)an opportunity to follow the MOL second shaft sinking Technical exchanges in preparation of REP experiment in Bure URL

  17. Lessons learned and perspectives (1) From a scientific point of view First comprehensive view of the properties and behaviour of a deep clay formation Definition of the best analytical and testing processes Development of conceptual models and numerical tools devoted to clay behaviour

  18. Lessons learned and perspectives (2) From a technological point of view • First design and monitoring of experiments for preparing the French URL research programme • Training for the teams involved in the French programme • URF HADES is a place where • international research teams can met and ideas be debated

  19. Lessons learned and perspectives (3) • On going need for co-operation and comparisons • Networking on methods, technologies, evaluations for an optimised use of available resources • Increasing human scientific mobility • Integrated projects in the frame of FP6 and incentive for technological demonstration

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