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The GHRSST_PP ALADIN DW data base. Emmanuelle Autret*, Mark Fillipiak**, Pierre LeBorgne***, Hervé Roquet*** *Ifremer, Brest; **Univ. of Edinburgh; ***M-F/CMS, Lannion Presented at the 8th GHRSST meeting, Melbourne, Australia, May 2007. Foreword.
The GHRSST_PPALADIN DW data base Emmanuelle Autret*, Mark Fillipiak**, Pierre LeBorgne***, Hervé Roquet*** *Ifremer, Brest; **Univ. of Edinburgh; ***M-F/CMS, Lannion Presented at the 8th GHRSST meeting, Melbourne, Australia, May 2007
Foreword • The ALADIN model outputs available in this database have been provided by Météo-France on request of the Director of the GHRSST-PP Projret Office (Craig Donlon) and are restricted to research activities within the GHRSST-PP. • Database available though: ftp://ftp.ifremer.fr/ifremer/cersat/projects/ghrsst-dvwg/aladin-dw/
Data base content overview • Coverage 35N-55N; 11W_17E, 0.1° resolution • Daily files from the 1st April till the 30th September 2006 • lat,lon • landmask, analyzed_sst) HOURLY VARIABLES: • ALADIN outputs (U_wind, V_wind, net_ssi, net_dli, latent_heat, sensible_heat) • ECMWF* outputs (as above) • mw wind (speed, time, origin) • dt_analysis (DT, error) • reference SST • MSG derived radiative fluxes (ssi, dli) • MSG derived Saharan Dust Index (sdi) *ECMWF fluxes at 6, 12, 18 and 24 only
Data base contentAnalyzed SST Contact: Hervé.Roquet@meteo.fr
Data base contentALADIN outputs *ECMWF fluxes at 6, 12, 18 and 24 only Contact: Hervé.Roquet@meteo.fr
Data base contentECMWF outputs Contact: Emmanuelle.Autret@ifremer.fr
Data base contentMicrowave winds Contact: Gentemann@remss.com
Data base contentDT_Analysis 2: -0.304, 0.63 3: -0.016, 0.596 4: -0.007, 0.412 5: 0.035, 0.384 Error= [error_analysis2+ error_SST2]1/2 Contact: Pierre.LeBorgne@meteo.fr
Data base contentreference_SST Contact: Mark.Filipiak@staffmail.ed.ac.uk
Data base contentradiative fluxes Contact: Anne.Marsouin@meteo.fr WARNING: radiative fluxes are 30 minutes apart from SST Data Ex: time=1 correspond to SSI approximate time of 0030 UTC… (over the Med. About 5 mns before nominal time)
Data base contentSaharan Dust Index Contact: Pierre.LeBorgne@meteo.fr
SST VALIDATION : Inter comparison 2006
SST VALIDATION : Inter comparison 2005
SSI VALIDATION : www.osi-saf.org
DLI VALIDATION : www.osi-saf.org
Impact of Resolutionfull 24 hrs cycles DT > 0.5 , 10UTC < tpeak<19UTCDT_peak=f(SSI,wind) 900<SSI<1000 w/m2, 0<U<2 m/s (Autret & LeBorgne, Key Largo) Max DT Mean DT and St. Dev. ?
Also available through ftp://ftp.ifremer.fr/ifremer/cersat/projects/ghrsst-dvwg/aladin-dw/ 2: -0.386, 0.714 3: -0.122, 0.399 4: -0.172, 0.615 5: 0.068, 0.362
Related OSI-SAF databases • Sst1h: 0.05 degree resolution, hourly. Please consider bad (=2) data by day! • Flx1h: SSI and DLI 0.1 degree resolution, hourly • Available under ftp://ftp.ifremer.fr/ifremer/cersat/products/gridded/experimental-cms • NETCDF • GOES-E from June 2001 • MSG from June 2004 • Net radiative flux at the air/sea interface : 0.1 degree resolution, daily • SST foundation analysis: 0.1 degree resolution, daily • Available under ftp://ftp.ifremer.fr/ifremer/cms • NETCDF • from January 2003