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你是否感到群山震動 Did you feel the Mountains Tremble

你是否感到群山震動 Did you feel the Mountains Tremble. 你是否感到群山震動 聽見大海在怒吼 Did you feel the moun-tains tremble? Did you hear the o-ceans roar, 萬民都在揚聲歌唱 耶穌基督已復活 When the people rose to sing of Je-sus Christ, the Risen one 你是否感覺人心惶恐 聽見萬民在歌頌 Did you feel the people tremble? Did you hear the sing-ers roar

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你是否感到群山震動 Did you feel the Mountains Tremble

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  1. 你是否感到群山震動Did you feel the Mountains Tremble 你是否感到群山震動聽見大海在怒吼 Did you feel the moun-tains tremble? Did you hear the o-ceans roar, 萬民都在揚聲歌唱 耶穌基督已復活 When the people rose to sing of Je-sus Christ, the Risen one 你是否感覺人心惶恐聽見萬民在歌頌 Did you feel the people tremble? Did you hear the sing-ers roar 失喪人們開始呼喊耶穌基督我救主 when the lost be-gan to sing of Je-sus Christ, the sa-ving one

  2. 你是否感到群山震動Did you feel the Mountains Tremble 我們看見 神大能運行 活水江河正流向萬邦 And we can see that God You’re moving a-migh-ty ri-ver through the nations 男女老幼都轉向耶穌 天堂大門正敞開 and young and old will turn to Jesus Fling wide, you heavenly gates 來預備復活救主降臨 pre-pare the way of the ri-sen Lord

  3. 你是否感到群山震動Did you feel the Mountains Tremble 天堂門打開 音樂響起來 讓讚美充滿這世界 O-pen up the doors, let the mu-sic play. Let the streets re-sound with singing  唱出 新盼望喜樂 湧上來 Songs that bring your hope. Songs that bring your joy. 歡呼祂的公義永存在 Dan-cers who dance upon in-jus-tice

  4. 你是否感到群山震動Did you feel the Mountains Tremble 黑暗勢力正在顫抖 當主百姓同心歌頌 Do you feel the darkness tremble, when all the saints join in one song 山川小溪匯成河流 洗淨一切破碎憂愁 all the streams flow as one river to wash a-way our bro-ken-ness

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