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People. Harriet Beecher Stowe Dred Scott James Buchanan John C. Fremont John Brown Abraham Lincoln Jefferson Davis. Thomas “Stonewall” Jackson Robert E. Lee William T. Sherman Ulysses S. Grant Do you know who Clara Barton was?. Terms to know. States Rights Fugitive Slave Act

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Presentation Transcript

  1. People • Harriet Beecher Stowe • Dred Scott • James Buchanan • John C. Fremont • John Brown • Abraham Lincoln • Jefferson Davis • Thomas “Stonewall” Jackson • Robert E. Lee • William T. Sherman • Ulysses S. Grant • Do you know who Clara Barton was?

  2. Terms to know • States Rights • Fugitive Slave Act • Abolitionist • Underground Railroad • Uncle Tom’s Cabin • Republican Party • Tariff • Confederation • Secession • Conscription • Anaconda Plan • Copperhead • Habeas Corpus • Emancipation Proclamation • Border State • Total war

  3. Locations • Harpers Ferry • Richmond • Washington D.C. • Fort Sumter • Manassas/Bull Run • Antietam • Gettysburg • Sherman’s March • Appomattox Courthouse

  4. Comparisons to focus on • Advantages of the North and South: be able to list • Strategies of the North and South: be able to list • Opposition to War for both sides

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