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Learn about MECO project investigating Muon to Electron Conversion & uncover the mysteries of matter in the universe. Collaboration and goals with detailed insights.
MECO Overview Michael Hebert UC Irvine MT-18 Conference Morioka, Oct, 2003
NSF’s RSVP Project • Two experiments on Rare Symmetry Violating Processes (RSVP) have been combined to form a single US National Science Foundation Major Research Equipment and Facilities Construction (MREFC) program • KOPIO – seeks to understand better the reason that the Universe contains only matter, rather than a mixture of matter and anti-matter. • MECO– Muon to Electron Conversion - seeks to understand why there exist two extra “copies” of particles that make up the matter around us. • Both experiments are being conducted in the Alternating Gradient Synchrotron at Brookhaven National Lab on similar time scales • The two experiments are organized as independent entities, coupled only at the NSF Program level Michael Hebert, UCI MECO Overview
MECO Organization and Goals Two separate, if largely overlapping, organizations working closely together • MECO Collaboration • Goal: Conduct the experiment and analyze the results to yield a four order of magnitude improvement in sensitivity to mN → e N • Led by MECO Spokesperson – W. Molzon • Defines the scope of the project including baseline cost, schedule, and performance goals • MECO Project • Goal: Construct the experiment to meet the performance requirements within the established baseline cost and schedule • Led by MECO Project Manager – M. Hebert Michael Hebert, UCI MECO Overview
Institute for Nuclear Research, Moscow V. M. Lobashev, V. Matushka, New York University R. M. Djilkibaev, A. Mincer, P. Nemethy, J. Sculli, A.N. Toropin Osaka University M. Aoki, Y. Kuno, A. Sato University of Pennsylvania W. Wales Syracuse University R. Holmes, P. Souder College of William and Mary M. Eckhause, J. Kane, R. Welsh Boston University J. Miller, B. L. Roberts Brookhaven National Laboratory K. Brown, M. Brennan, G. Greene, L. Jia, W. Marciano, W. Morse, Y. Semertzidis, P. Yamin University of California, Irvine M. Hebert, T. J. Liu, W. Molzon, J. Popp, V. Tumakov University of Houston Y. Cui, E. V. Hungerford, N. Klantarians, K. A. Lan University of Massachusetts, Amherst K. Kumar MECO Collaboration Eleven Institutions at present, expected to grow substantially as funding support increases Michael Hebert, UCI MECO Overview
- N e-N + e+ + e+e+e- K0 +e-K+ ++e- Goal: Four Orders of Magnitude Improvement 1 The Sensitivity of Charged Lepton Flavor Violation Searches by Year 10-2 Muon processes set the lowest limits via a combination of abundant sources and long m lifetime 10-4 10-6 Branching Fraction Upper Limit 10-8 10-10 MECO Goal 10-12 10-14 PSI-MEG Goal 10-16 1940 1950 1960 1970 1980 1990 2000 2010 Michael Hebert, UCI MECO Overview
The AGS at Brookhaven National Lab BNL Michael Hebert, UCI MECO Overview
Features of MECO • 1000–fold increase in m beam intensity over existing facilities • High Z target for improved pion production • Axially-graded 5 T solenoidal field to maximize pion capture Superconducting Solenoids Muon Beam 1 T 1 T Calorimeter 2 T Straw Tracker Stopping Target Foils Proton Beam Curved transport selects low momentum m- Muon stopping target in a 2 T axially-graded field to improve conversion e- acceptance High rate capability e- detectors in a constant 1 T field 2.5 T 5 T Pion Production Target Michael Hebert, UCI MECO Overview
The MECO Magnets The solenoids define the critical path for MECO Conceptual Design Report completed Complete 3D drawing package available Technical Specification and SOW for commercial procurement being prepared “Manufacturability” studies completed Interface engineering ongoing PS TSu TSd DS 5 T maximum field 150 MJ stored energy Uses surplus SSC cable Draft RFP to be released early in `04 Michael Hebert, UCI MECO Overview
The Muon Production Solenoid 50 kW proton beam incident on a heavy target produces pions that decay into muons within the evacuated warm bore Axial field gradient from 5.0 T to 2.5 T reflects a portion of pions and muons moving away from the experiment back toward it Coils are protected by copper heat and radiation shield with tungsten inserts in high flux regions 2.5T Coils 5.0T Proton Beam 90 W load on cold mass 21 W/g max. on conductor 31 Mrad max. integrated dose Production Target Shielding Michael Hebert, UCI MECO Overview
The Transport Solenoid • Filters and delivers muon beam to the stopping target in Detector Solenoid • Bends eliminate line of site transport of photons and neutrons Toroidal sections cause particles to drift out of plane; used to sign and momentum select beam dB/dS < 0 in straight sections to avoid reflections Thin vacuum window is a significant failure risk, requiring a warm gap in that region to allow for its replacement 2.0T 2.1T DS 2.1T 2.4T 2.4T 2.5T Collimators PS Michael Hebert, UCI MECO Overview
The Detector Solenoid • Muons stop in target foils producing 105 MeV/c electrons • Field in stopping foil region is axially graded from 2.0 T to 1.0 T to increase fraction of captured conversion electrons • Field in spectrometer region is flat to ~0.2% to minimize systematic contributions to electron momentum measurement Cosmic ray shielding steel forms a return yoke 1.0T 1.0T 2.0T Muon Beam from TS Straw Tracker Target Foils Michael Hebert, UCI MECO Overview
MECO Project Organization National Science Foundation RSVP Program Manager BNL ALD T. Kirk Institutional Board Spokesperson W. Molzon BNL Oversight Committee Project Manager M. Hebert Executive Committee Project Manager Spokesperson Project Office Technical Board Chief Mechanical Engineer ES & H Officer 1.1 AGS Mods M. Brennan 1.2 Proton Beam K. Brown Chief Electrical Engineer Cost & Schedule Manager 1.3 Target & Shield TBD 1.4 Solenoids B. Smith Quality Assurance Officer 1.5 Muon Beam W. Morse 1.6 Tracker E. Hungerford 1.7 Calorimeter J. Sculli 1.8 C R Shield J. Kane More information in the MECO Project Management Plan available at http://meco.ps.uci.edu 1.9 DAQ K. Kumar 1.10 Infrastructure TBD Michael Hebert, UCI MECO Overview
Magnet Design Management Group Brad chairs the MDMG which serves to assist him with physics implications of design choices and facilities interface requirements during his oversight of final design, construction, and installation of the magnets • Chaired by Solenoid Subsystem Manager and Contracting Officer’s Technical Representative – B. Smith • A MECO physicist knowledgeable in the requirements of the solenoid system – W. Molzon • A BNL engineer able to address interface, installation, and operational issues for the system on the AGS floor – TBD • MECO Project Manager (advisory) – M. Hebert • BNL AGS Liaison Engineer for MECO (advisory) – D. Phillips • BNL AGS Liaison Physicist for MECO (advisory) – W. Meng Michael Hebert, UCI MECO Overview
RSVP Status Scientific Approval • Approved by the NSF through the level of the Director • Approved by the NSB as an MREFC Project for inclusion in the FY02 or later budget request to Congress • Approved by BNL • Endorsed by the DOE HEPAP Subpanel on long-range planning in high energy physics Technical and Management Reviews • Positively reviewed by several NSF and Laboratory appointed panels • MECO magnet system design positively reviewed by external expert committees appointed by MECO management Funding • To date MECO has been supported by NSF R&D funding for a total of $3.1M committed over three years, largely dedicated to magnet design • The following slides discuss the status of RSVP construction funding Michael Hebert, UCI MECO Overview
Construction Funding Status • In February the NSF FY04 Congressional Budget Request listed an FY06 RSVP construction start and several milestones to be completed prior to construction, one of which is a magnet design completed in FY05 • Completing the magnet design in FY05 effectively reduces construction time by one year, therefore we are doing everything we can to meet this milestone • This requires either a major commitment of NSF R&D funds or moving up the RSVP construction start by a year • There is reason for hope on both fronts… Michael Hebert, UCI MECO Overview
Congressional Activity • The House VA-HUD Appropriation Bill included $8M for RSVP • The House bill also included a project start for Ocean Drilling, the last unfunded MREFC in the queue before MECO, significantly increasing the likelihood of an FY05 RSVP start • Unfortunately the Senate didn’t go for the $8M earmark or the early start for Ocean Drilling and the likelihood of NSF doing the former without a Congressional directive is unclear • We should know what Congress will or will not mandate very soon “Within the funds made available for the Mathematical and Physical Sciences directorate, the Committee directs the NSF to use not less than $8,000,000 for planning and design activities for the Rare Symmetry Violating Processes program in an effort to accelerate the construction phase of this program.” – House Rpt.108-235 Michael Hebert, UCI MECO Overview
The Construction Contract • We are seeking to write one contract for both the engineering design and construction of the solenoids • The contract will include fabrication, installation, acceptance testing… • We may split the contract into two phases, one for the engineering design and the second for the construction, installation, etc. • Our preferred approach would be to write a fixed-price, performance guaranteed contract • We are looking for feedback on the contracting approach as well as the technical details in response to the draft RFP to be sent out early next year. Michael Hebert, UCI MECO Overview
Additional Procurement Details • The contract for the engineering design and the construction will be written by the University of California, Irvine Office of Sponsored Projects Administration. • We are working with BNL to ensure that all Laboratory specific requirements are incorporated into the final RFP • Brad Smith of MIT will be the contracting officer’s technical representative as the Subsystem Manager for the solenoids Michael Hebert, UCI MECO Overview
Near Term Schedule • Tolerance studies and Interface Engineering are ongoing, results will be made available at the release of the final RFP. • Draft RFP Release early in `04. Information on the Statement of Work and Technical Specifications to be included in the RFP are in the next talk. • Final RFP Release is anticipated for next summer • Vendor selection at the end of `04 • Anticipated vendor engineering design commences in early `05 Michael Hebert, UCI MECO Overview
Administrative Details • Copies of the talks presented here will be publicly available on the MECO web site as will MIT’s Conceptual Design Report, the reports of the three industrialization studies conducted early this year, and a growing collection of Reference Design documents that define the interfaces with the other MECO subsystems • Sign-in sheet • We will post a list of questions and answers from the discussion today on the MECO web site The MECO Project web site is at http://meco.ps.uci.edu Michael Hebert, UCI MECO Overview