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Presentation of the Company GelsenPV Biz travel Netherlands , Utrecht 16-17. March 2010

Presentation of the Company GelsenPV Biz travel Netherlands , Utrecht 16-17. March 2010 Tim Steinmeier (director wholesales) Alexander Kuszlik (director sales) . Overview. GelsenPV GmbH – The company Plant engineering and sale Wholesale Cooperation networks

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Presentation of the Company GelsenPV Biz travel Netherlands , Utrecht 16-17. March 2010

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Presentationofthe Company GelsenPV BiztravelNetherlands, Utrecht 16-17. March 2010 Tim Steinmeier (director wholesales) Alexander Kuszlik (director sales)

  2. Overview • GelsenPV GmbH – The company • Plant engineeringandsale • Wholesale • Cooperationnetworks • ObjectivesregardingtheNetherlands

  3. GelsenPV GmbH – The company • Established in 2005 • Numberofemployees: 3 • 2006 Registration ofthecompanyname „GelsenPV“ atthelocalcourtof Gelsenkirchen/Germany • 2009: 25 permanent employees • 200 peopleworkingforthecompanyincluding all subcontractors

  4. Plant engineeringandsale • 70% ofthecorporateturnoverareattained inthissector • Private customers, investors, constructionofownplants, „roof-exchange“ • Focus on customersatisfaction • The GelsenPVcustomerserviceperforms all accruingmaintenancetasks • Completesolutionfrom a singlesource:Dimensioning – planning – plant engineering - • Utmostflexibilitythankstovastproductrange acceptance

  5. Wholesale • Weoffer all productsrequiredforthegenerationof solar energy • Flexible, logisticsolutions: Air orseatransport in containerspossible • Great networksofsupplierswithoutany intermediate dealersallows quick processingtimesas well asbestmarketprices

  6. Cooperationnetworks • Spreadingofcorporateriskbyaffiliatedcompaniesand/orsaleschannelsthroughout Europe • Joint ventures in Bulgaria, Greeceand Israel • Establishments arescheduled in France, the • Netherlands, Belgiumandthe USA

  7. ObjectivesregardingtheNetherlands • Cooperationpartnersforthepurposeoffounding an establisment/jointventure • Contactstocompaniesspecialising in: • Solar plant engineering • Wholesalefor solar plants

  8. Thankyouforyourattention Questions?

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