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Trajectory 2010. Dennis Papesh papeshdr@holyangels.cc dpapesh@aol.com. Goal.
Trajectory 2010 Dennis Papesh papeshdr@holyangels.cc dpapesh@aol.com
Goal The team will design, construct, calibrate, and shoot a device capable of launching a ball into a target area, and collect data to develop a series of graphs relating launch configuration to target distance and height.
Parameters • Prior to competition, students are to develop and use performance data and calibrations charts to assist in determining the best launch parameters given different distances and heights.
Possible Changes • Eye protection – ANSI Z87+ • Must fit in cube, in launch configuration, prior to all launches • Cube size will be reduced • Ability to launch from side of device • Triggering device must pose no danger
Possible Changes • Height interval will be reduced • Submission of 4 different graphs • May be required to turn graphs in early, electronically • Graph format may be specified for electronic submission
Possible Changes • One graph may be selected for grading • Selection choice by event supervisor • Graph score may be multiplied by 4
Parameters • Launch devices, copies of graphs, and all materials teams will use (other than goggles) are to be impounded. • Target distances and heights will not be announced until all devices have been impounded.
Parameters • Eye protection rated ANSI Z87+ must be worn by participants during building, testing, and launching. • See www.soinc.org/general /protection • Event supervisors may disqualify any apparatus that is operated in an unsafe manner.
Construction • Launching force must be supplied by non-metallic elastic solids such as rubber bands, bungie cords, etc. • Must be triggered from outside of the launching area. Radio controlled triggering devices are not permitted but battery triggered devices are allowed.
Construction • The launching device, in launch configuration, must fit within an 70.0 cm cube for Div. B, 60.0 cm cube for Div. C prior to all launches. • Any weights used to stabilize the device must be within the respective cube.
Construction • Teams must make provision to trigger the device in a limited space behind and on both sides of the launch area (50 cm minimum). • Easy, light pull trigger • Perhaps an eyebolt, through which string feeds to trigger can be pulled from either side
Construction • Teams will provide a projectile that shall be any unmodified tennis ball, racquet ball, ping pong ball, or plastic practice golf balls (wiffle or dimpled type)(labeling is permitted). Hackie Sacks not permitted. • Teams are not required to use the same projectile for every launch.
Construction • The triggering device is not considered part of the device. It must extend out of the launch area and does not need to return to the launch area after the launch. • Students must be outside the launch area while triggering the device and may touch only the part of the triggering device that extends outside of the launch area.
Construction • The triggering device must not pose a danger to other competitors or spectators due to flying parts or excessive movement outside of the launch area.
Competition • Students will place the device in a launch box 1 meter wide (perpendicular to the launch direction) and 1.5 m deep, designated by tape on the floor. • Once teams are in the event area, they may not leave or receive outside assistance, materials, or communi-cations. DQ
Competition • Students may not touch or hold the device, or be in the launch area, or the area in front of the line that marks the front edge of the launch area.
Competition • Before and after a shot, all parts of the device must be within the launch area. • If any part of the device extends outside of the launch area during a launch, it must return to and remain in the launch area without assistance of the participants.
Competition • Two target areas will be placed in a straight line in front of the launch area. • Each target will be an approximately 1 meter square box or a 1 meter diameter circle. • Each will contain sand or cat litter to mark the impact area. • Custodians prefer cat litter
Competition • The center of the target areas will be marked so that the distance between the center of the initial projectile impact location and the center of the target may be measured.
Competition • The center of the target areas will be placed between 2 and 8 meters (Div. B) or between 2 and 10 meters (Div. C) from the front of the launching area (in 1.0 meter intervals for Regional, ½ meter intervals for State, and 10.0 cm intervals for National. • The centers of the two targets must be separated by at least 2 meters.
Competition • The target areas will be at two different levels with the higher target being nearer to the launch area. • The higher target will be measured in 1.0 cm intervals above the floor, up to one meter for Division B; up to 2.0 meters in Division C.
Competition • The farther target shall be at floor level. • The height of the target will be measured from the floor to the top surface of the 1.0 cm deep impact area.
Competition • No practices shots will be allowed but adjustments may be made to the launching device between shots.
Competition - Bonus • The ES will make provisions to place a bucket on the course if requested for a Bucket Shot. • The bucket will be a size chosen by the ES and placed anywhere on the course between stipulated course lengths. • The bucket may be placed up to 2.0 m to the right or left of the center line.
Competition - Bonus • After impound, the distance to the center of the bucket and the distance off the center line will be announced. • The size of the bucket will then also be disclosed. • The bucket will be placed in the same location for all competitors requesting a Bucket Shot.
Competition - Bonus • The bucket should only be on the course when requested so as not to become an obstacle for other shots.
Typical lane set-up Near target Far target Device either/or Launch area 2m from line 8m from line
Competition • Each team will have 10 minutes at Regionals and State, 8 minutes at National to place the launching device in the launch area, check the launch distances, and complete 2 shots at each of the target areas. • The time for measurement of the device or projectile impact will not be included in the allotted minutes.
Competition • No practice shots will be allowed but adjustments may be made to the launching device between shots. • Teams must inform the event supervisor before each launch and indicate at which target they are aiming.
Competition • After each launch, the ES will indicate to the students when they may approach the target to make measurements to calibrate their device. • Students may not touch either target.
Competition - Bonus • If the projectile hits the pin in the center of the target on the first shot at the target, they may request a Bucket Shot for bonus points. • The team will receive either -50 bonus points for their projectile hitting the bucket at first impact and bouncing away or -100 points for having it land inside the bucket at first impact and remaining there.
Competition - Bonus • No bonus points will be scored for missing the bucket. • The bucket shot is not an extra shot as it replaces the second shot at the target. • Any team that requests the Bucket Shot will not have a second shot to use as a 3rd or 4th tie breaker.
Competition - Bonus • In the case where this is required, the team that took the Bucket Shot will be scored behind the team with which they are tied.
Penalties – 100 points apiece • Student is warned for not properly wearing eye protection. • A participant is in the launch or target area when the launch is triggered • No warning given prior to a launch. (Such launch, even if unintended, shall count as one of the four allowed launches.)
Penalties – cont’d • Any part of the device is outside of the 1 meter by 1.5 meter launch area prior to or after a launch. • Perhaps students can set their device a definite distance back from line in case it moves forward on launch. • Students will be informed of a penalty they have received before the next launch.
Scoring • The winner will be the team with the lowest Final Score. • Final Score = lower Close Target Area Score + lower Far Target Area Score + Graph Score + Penalties + Bonus (if any)
Close Target Area Score • It shall be the distance in mm from the center of the initial projectile impact location to the center of the target area. • Teams who miss the target area will score 800 mm for that shot.
Far Target Area Score • It shall be measured similarly for a hit in the target area but measured to the impact location if outside the target area. • Supervisor(s) will visually note and mark the observed impact location outside the target area, then measure the distance in mm.
Far Target Area Score • If the device fails to launch due to breakdown or other reason, score for launch will be the distance from the front of the launch area to the center of the far target in mm.
Far Target Area Scores • If the announced target area is the farther target but the projectile hits the nearer target, the score will be a straight line measured distance between the impact location and the center of the farther target.
Graphs • Each team starts with 400 graph points, which can be reduced by turning in 4 different graphs and data tables. • This data may be required to be turned in by a selected date prior to the event, or at impound, as determined by the event supervisor.
Graphs • Supervisors will specify what format is to be used when graphs are to be submitted electronically. • Each of the 4 selected graphs may reduce the Graph Score by 100 points. • Any number of graphs may be impounded but students must indicate which 4 will be used to determine the graph score.
Graphs continued • Failure to indicate which graphs to score will result in one ofthe 1st four graphs being scored. • Graphs and tables may be computer generated or hand drawn but must be on separate sheets of paper and each pair must be on the same side of the paper. • If drawn by hand, they must be drawn on graph paper. • Data tables must accompany graphs.
Graphs continued • Graphs and tables must be properly labeled. • All variables and units must be identified. • Each sheet of paper must be identified with the team name. • One of the 4 graphs, selected by the event supervisor, at their discretion, will be scored as follows:
Graph Scoringper graph • 20 point reduction for completed data table • 20 point reduction for graph • 20 point reduction if graph matches data table • 40 point reduction for graph being properly labeled (title, x & y variables, increments with units, team name) • Partial credit may be given
Graphs • The score of the scored graph will be multiplied by the number of graphs turned in (up to four).
Scoring Example • Lower Close Target Area Score = 10 mm • Lower Far Target Area Score = 1487 mm • Graph Score = 150 • Penalties = 100 • Bonus = 0 • Final Score = 10 + 1487 + 150 + 100 + 0 = 1747
Ranking (tiers) • 1st Tier – Teams whose devices meet all specifications. • 2nd Tier – Teams whose devices do not meet specifications listed in 3.a, 3.b, 3.c, and/or 3.d
Tie Breakers • 1st – smallest distance in measurements between the two scored shots (to reward consistency) • 2nd – closer of the two scored shots to center of target area