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DODO Summary

A summary of atmospheric research missions near Dakar in March 2006. Includes operations over sea, different transits across biomass/dust gradients, in-situ sampling, vertical profiles, and more. Details on flights, samples, and research activities undertaken during the mission.

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DODO Summary

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Presentation Transcript

  1. DODO Summary Ellie Highwood and Claire McConnell, March 2006

  2. What we did… • Operated over sea but close to the coast both north and south of Dakar and over land to north east. • Several good north south transits across biomass/dust gradients • 2 “dust” flights (in-situ sampling) • 3 biomass or biomass/dust flights • 1 model non-validation flight • 2 flights with some radiation work

  3. A taster….. Vertical profiles B174 Multiple biomass layers, mean SSA=0.84 Dust B175 Dust, SSA=0.997

  4. A taster…. sizes Biomass Dust B170 B175

  5. B173, Nouakchott, Mauritania

  6. B173

  7. B175 B168

  8. B175

  9. What we didn’t do… • No dust outflow over the ocean and in particularly nothing towards Capo Verde, therefore no work with the ship POSEIDON (although they did collect aerosol during DABEX) • Almost complete cloudy conditions meant very little radiation work at all, and also meant we abandoned trying to hit satellite overpasses to some extent.

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