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Faculty Research Areas Labs/Centers Meetings

Faculty Research Areas Labs/Centers Meetings. Areas. Artificial Intelligence Bio-Informatics Databases Graphics, Image Processing and Multimedia Networks Pervasive Computing Software Engineering Systems and Architecture Security. Manfred Huber Farhad Kamangar Vassilis Athitsos

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Faculty Research Areas Labs/Centers Meetings

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  1. Faculty Research AreasLabs/CentersMeetings Fall 2010

  2. Areas • Artificial Intelligence • Bio-Informatics • Databases • Graphics, Image Processing and Multimedia • Networks • Pervasive Computing • Software Engineering • Systems and Architecture • Security Fall 2010

  3. Manfred Huber Farhad Kamangar Vassilis Athitsos Gian Luca Mariottini Artificial Intelligence Fall 2010

  4. Manfred Huber Research Projects • Personal Service Robots • Hierarchical Skill Acquisition • CONNECT - Information Technologies for the Disabled Contact: huber@uta.edu (GACB114) Fall 2010

  5. Farhad Kamangar Research Projects • Computer Vision • Neural Networks • Robotics • CONNECT - Information Technologies for the Disabled Contact: kamangar@uta.edu (GACB 112) Fall 2010

  6. Dr. Nikola Stojanovic 301 Nedderman Hall Phone:(817) 272-7627 E-mail:nick@cse.uta.edu URL:http://ranger.uta.edu/~nick Bio-Informatics Dr. Fillia Makedon Dr. Heng Huang Dr. Chris Ding Dr. Jean Gao 338 Nedderman Hall Phone:(817) 272-3628 E-mail:gao@cse.uta.edu URL:http://crystal.uta.edu/~gao Fall 2010

  7. Fall 2010 http://www.washbac.org/images/farside.gif

  8. What isBIOINFORMATICS? • Have you ever thought that a cure for cancers could be developed by people working at their computers? Fall 2010

  9. What isBIOINFORMATICS? • Have you ever thought that a cure for cancers could be developed by people working at their computers? it will probably happen exactly that way Fall 2010

  10. What isBIOINFORMATICS? • Have you ever thought that a cure for cancers could be developed by people working at their computers? • Modern high-throughput technologies are generating tremendous volume of data - somebody needs to store and manipulate the data, generate reports and share them with the scientific community. it will probably happen exactly that way Fall 2010

  11. What isBIOINFORMATICS? • Have you ever thought that a cure for cancers could be developed by people working at their computers? • Modern high-throughput technologies are generating tremendous volume of data - somebody needs to store and manipulate the data, generate reports and share them with the scientific community. it will probably happen exactly that way Fall 2010

  12. What isBIOINFORMATICS? • Have you ever thought that a cure for cancers could be developed by people working at their computers? • Modern high-throughput technologies are generating tremendous volume of data - somebody needs to store and manipulate the data, generate reports and share them with the scientific community. • Can we turn that data into information, and eventually knowledge? it will probably happen exactly that way Fall 2010

  13. What isBIOINFORMATICS? • Have you ever thought that a cure for cancers could be developed by people working at their computers? • Modern high-throughput technologies are generating tremendous volume of data - somebody needs to store and manipulate the data, generate reports and share them with the scientific community. • Can we turn that data into information, and eventually knowledge? it will probably happen exactly that way Fall 2010

  14. Fall 2010 http://bioinformatics.ubc.ca/about/what_is_bioinformatics/

  15. Fall 2010 http://bioinformatics.ubc.ca/about/what_is_bioinformatics/

  16. Fall 2010 http://bioinformatics.ubc.ca/about/what_is_bioinformatics/

  17. Fall 2010

  18. Biotechnology and pharmaceutical industry • Biotechnology and pharmaceutical industry revenues are estimated at hundreds of billions of dollars annually. • The industry's claim is that they spend $800 million on research & development for every new drug which receives FDA approval. • Much of the R&D efforts are pursued computationally these days. Fall 2010

  19. Biotechnology and pharmaceutical industry • Biotechnology and pharmaceutical industry revenues are estimated at hundreds of billions of dollars annually. • The industry's claim is that they spend $800 million on research & development for every new drug which receives FDA approval. • Much of the R&D efforts are pursued computationally these days. • This is a large and growing industry - whether in R&D or just software support, you may see yourself working for one of these companies in a few years. Fall 2010

  20. http://bioinformatics.uta.edu Fall 2010

  21. Bioinformatics lab projects • Motif discovery in DNA sequences. • Identification and characterization of mobile elements in DNA. • Studying structure and conservation patterns in genomic sequences. • Characterization of chromosomal recombination patterns. • Studying human genetic variation and its relation to disease susceptibility. Fall 2010

  22. Bioinformatics lab projects • Motif discovery in DNA sequences. • Identification and characterization of mobile elements in DNA. • Studying structure and conservation patterns in genomic sequences. • Characterization of chromosomal recombination patterns. • Studying human genetic variation and its relation to disease susceptibility. Research funded by the National Institutes of Health, and preformed in collaboration with UTA Biology Department and the University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center in Dallas. Fall 2010

  23. UT Arlington http://www.biotconf.org Fall 2010

  24. Sharma Chakravarthy Ramez Elmasri Leonidas Fegaras Gautham Das Chengkai Li Databases Fall 2010

  25. Information Technology LaboratoryProf. Sharma ChakravarthyEmail:sharma@cse.uta.edu, URL: http://itlab.uta.edu/sharma Funding Sources: NSF, Spawar, Rome Lab, ONR, DARPA, TI, MCC • Select Projects • InfoMosaic (information integration from heterogeneous sources) • MavEStream: (Event and Stream Processing) • Active Technology(Push Paradigm, pub/sub, event-driven architectures) • WebVigiL:(General Purpose Change Monitoring for the web) • Mining: Graph, Text, Assoc Rules • Prediction of Event Patterns • Information Search, Filtering, and classification • Information Security • Mobile Caching • Select Publications • 1. R. Adaikkalavan and S. Chakravarthy, Event Specification and Processing for Advanced Applications: Generalization and Formalization, DEXA Sep 2007 • A. Telang, R. Mishra, and S. Chakravarthy, Ranking Issues for Information Integration, DBrank workshop (ICDE 2007), Turkey, 2007. • S. Savla and S. Chakravarthy, Efficient Main Memory Algorithms for Significant Episode Discovery, To appear in the Int’l Journal of Data warehousing and Mining, 2006. • R. Balachandran, S. Padmanabhan, S. Chakravarthy Enhanced DB-Subdue: Supporting Subtle Aspects of Graph Mining Using a Relational approach in PAKDD, 2006 • A. Srinivasan, D. Bhatia, and S. Chakravarthy, Discovery of Interesting episodes in Sequence Data, in 21st ACM SAC, Data Mining Track, 2006. • M. Aery, S. Chakravarthy: eMailSift: Email Classification Based on Structure and Content in IEEE ICDM 2005 • H. Kona, S. Chakravarthy, and A. Arora, SQL-Based Approach to Incremental Association Rule Mining, in ADBIS Workshop on DMKD, 2005. • Q. Jiang, R. Adaikkalavan and S. Chakravarthy, NFMi: An Inter-domain Network Fault Management System. IEEE ICDE, 2005. • R. Adaikkalavan, and S. Chakravarthy: Active Authorization Rules for Enforcing Role-Based Access Control and its Extensions, PDM Workshop, IEEE ICDE, 2005. • L. Elkhalifa, R. Adaikkalavan, and S. Chakravarthy, InfoFilter: A System for Expressive Pattern Specification and Detection Over Text Streams, ACM SAC, 2005. • …. People PhD Students – Mr. Aditya Telang (Adi) Ms. Roochi Mishra Masters Students – Mr. Mayur Motgi Mr. Supreet Chakravarthy Mr. Aamir Syed Group Meeting: 1 Pm to 2 Pm on Fridays in NH 232 Fall 2010

  26. A Distributed Middleware-Based Architecture for Fault-Tolerant Computing Over Distributed repositories uav6 uav4 uav2 uav3 uav1 uav5 … Ground controller 1 Ground controller 2 Ground controller n Fall 2010 Semi-joins Compression Replication Smart Routing

  27. Limited Resources Mobility Heterogeneity Disconnections Network of computing nodes: Unmanned vehicles, Sensors, Robots, PCs , Servers, Ground Controlling devices Queries, Tasks, Requests, Continuous Queries Publish/Subscribe SOA Distributed Middleware Task planning Join computation Composition pub/sub Context-aware Notification Resource Management Data management Context/ Knowledge Base Fault Tolerance Services Query Capability Publish Subscribe Capability Local fusion/Materialization Raw Data / fused data /data from other nodes Fall 2010

  28. Ramez Elmasri Professor Databases Distributed XML Querying and Caching Object-Oriented Databases Keyword-based XML Query Processing Sensor Networks Energy-Efficient Querying of Sensor Networks Combining RFID and Sensor Networks Indexing of Sensor Networks Data Bioinformatics Modelling Complex Bioinformatics and Biomedical Data Mediators for Accessing Heterogeneous Data Sources Fall 2010

  29. Leonidas Fegaras Associate Professor (PhD: UMass 1993) Areas of interest: • Databases • Web Databases and XML • Object-Oriented Databases • Query Processing and Optimization • Data Management on Peer-to-Peer Systems • Programming Languages • Functional Programming • Program Optimization Fall 2010

  30. Database Exploration • Web/Information Retrieval searching techniques in databases • OLAP, Data Warehouse, Approximate Query Processing • Data Mining • Clustering, Classification, Similarity models, Time-Series Analysis • Algorithms • Graph Algorithms, Computational Geometry More information available at http://ranger.uta.edu/~gdas/website/research.htm Research Review Gautam Das Fall 2010

  31. Chengkai Li Assistant Professor http://ranger.uta.edu/~clicli@uta.edu • The Innovative Database and Information Systems Research (IDIR) Lab http://idir.uta.edu , GeoScience 237 Jared Ashman, Avinash Bharadwaj, Ebrahim Cutlerywala, Sunny Hasan, Naeemul Hassan, Angus Helm, Nandish Jayaram, Pat Jangyodsuk, Xiaonan Li, Vikramark Singh, Ning Yan • Research Areas Databases, Web Data Management, Information Retrieval, Data Mining • Specific Topics • Data Retrieval and Exploration, Ranking and Top-k Queries; Web Search/Mining/Integration, Web Databases, Query Processing and Optimization, OLAP and Data Warehousing, Cloud Computing, Database Testing, XML • Projects: Search the Database and Query the Web • Computational Journalism • DBTest: Database Application Testing • Entity-Centric Enterprise Information Management • BestCloud: Query Optimization for Cloud Computing • RankSQL: Ranking and Top-k Queries, Database Exploration • SetQuery: Set-Oriented OLAP Queries • WebEQ: Querying and Exploring Structured Information on the Web 31

  32. Two Demos from WebEQ project • Facetedpedia http://idir.uta.edu/facetedpedia/ • Entity-Relationship Queries http://idir.uta.edu/erq/

  33. Ishfaq Ahmad Multimedia Authoring, Compression, Communication Video Processing, Next Generation TV Network Security Parallel Algorithms Dr. Gutemberg Guerra-Filho Computer Vision, Animation, and Humanoid Robotics Graphics Image Proc., Multimedia Fall 2010

  34. Prof. Ishfaq Ahmad • Dr. Ahmad works closely with federal agencies, Arlington police and multimedia industry. • Several projects in power-aware video compression, multimedia systems, next generation TV are being pursued in his lab. Fall 2010

  35. Ishfaq Ahmad Resources Management in Parallel and Distributed Systems Power Management in Data Center and Distributed Systems High-Performance Fall 2010

  36. Institute for Research in Security (IRIS) http://www.iris.uta.edu/ Ishfaq Ahmad A Multi-disciplinary center focusing on infrastructure, people, and environmental security Fall 2010

  37. Sajal Das Mohan Kumar Gergley Zaruba Hao Che Yonghe Liu Networks Fall 2010

  38. Sajal K. Das Center for Research in Wireless Mobility and Networking (CReWMaN) Sajal K. Das, Mohan Kumar Yonghe Liu, Hao Che das@cse.uta.edu URL: http://crewman.uta.edu Woolf Hall 411,413, Tel: 2-7409 [Networking, Mobile Computing and Parallel Computing Research Group] Fall 2010

  39. Mohan KumarPervasive and Mobile Computing Sensor Systems • Pervasive Computing • Middleware • Service creation, composition and deployment • Prototype development • Sensor networks and smart environments • Information Fusion in pervasive/sensor environments • Uniform Information Access in • Distributed, mobile and pervasive systems • Caching, prefetching, and broadcasting • Data management • Peer-to-Peer (P2P) Systems • Information and service sharing • Efficient communication and collaboration • Security and privacy • Active and Overlay Networking • Novel protocols • Role in mobile, pervasive and P2P computing Recommended courses before starting thesis work: CSE5311, CSE5346,CSE5306 and CSE5347/5355 Directed Study Fall 2010

  40. Gergely Zaruba Research Projects • Personal Area Networks • Heterogeneous Wireless Networks • Architecture, Admission Control and Handoff • Optical Networks • Optical Burst Switching, Routing, QoS Provisioning • Traffic Modelling Contact: Zaruba@uta.edu (GACB 112) Fall 2010

  41. Hao Che • Embedded hardware/software design for NG network processors • Traffic engineering • Implementation issues and software development • MPLS path protection and fast rerouting • Routing redundancy • Traffic modeling for wireless networks Contact: http://crystal.uta.edu/~hche/ hche@uta.edu Fall 2010

  42. Yonghe Liu • Sensor network and security • Prototyping and experimental study • Theoretic design and analysis • Cross layer optimization • Channel dependent performance • Software security • Design and analysis In need of • Strong mathematic skill (probability/signal processing/number theory/etc), or • Strong programming skill (hardware/software) Contact: http://ranger.uta.edu/~yonghe/ Fall 2010

  43. Software Engineering David Kung Yu Lei Dr. Christoph Csallner David Levine Fall 2010

  44. David Kung • Agent-Oriented Software Engineering • Testing Object-Oriented Software • Expert System for Design Patterns • Formal Methods for Quality Assurance • Fault Tolerance and Automatic Recovery Using Dynamic Class Diversity Contact: http://ranger.uta.edu/~kung/kung.html Fall 2010

  45. Yu Lei • Concurrent and real-time software systems • Race analysis, Deterministic Execution Environment, Reachability Testing, State Exploration-Based Verification • Automated software testing • Object-Oriented Testing, Component-Based Testing, Combinatorial Testing Contact: http://ranger.uta.edu/~ylei Fall 2010

  46. David Levine High Throughput Computational Science: Clusters and Grids:: David Levine, CSE@UTA Projects: (Computers applied to:) High Energy Physics, Bioinformatics, Medical Informatics, People with Disabilities, Streaming Processing, other.. Fall 2010

  47. Software EngineeringResearch Center Faculty members: Dr. Christoph Csallner Dr. Dave Kung Dr. Jeff Lei Check out the lab: NH 246 Fall 2010

  48. Fall 2010

  49. Software Engineering Software has become pervasive in modern society Directly contributes to quality of life Malfunctions cost billions of dollars every year, and have severe consequences in a safe-critical environment All about building quality software, especially for large-scale development Requirements, design, coding, testing, maintenance, configuration, documentation, deployment, and etc. Fall 2010

  50. THE Best Job in America What is the 2nd best job? Go for a PhD in Software Engineering!! Fall 2010

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