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Section 1: Natural Environments Section 2: History and Culture Section 3: The Region Today

CHAPTER 20. The Eastern Mediterranean. Section 1: Natural Environments Section 2: History and Culture Section 3: The Region Today. SECTION 1. Natural Environments. Question: What are the natural environments of the Eastern Mediterranean?. SECTION 1. Natural Environments.

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Section 1: Natural Environments Section 2: History and Culture Section 3: The Region Today

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  1. CHAPTER 20 The Eastern Mediterranean Section 1:Natural Environments Section 2:History and Culture Section 3:The Region Today

  2. SECTION 1 Natural Environments Question: What are the natural environments of the Eastern Mediterranean?

  3. SECTION 1 Natural Environments Natural Environments of the Eastern Mediterranean Climates Biomes Resources • arid • forests, particularly in Cyprus • Turkey–coal. copper, iron ore • semiarid • diverse in semi-arid areas • Dead Sea–potash, magnesium • Mediterranean • hardy species in desert areas

  4. SECTION 2 History and Culture Question: What peoples and Empires have existed in the Eastern Mediterranean?

  5. SECTION 2 Early Peoples • farming settlements • Egyptians • Hittites • Persians Roman Empire Arabs and Crusaders European mandates Byzantine Empire Ottoman Empire Independence Hebrews History and Culture Peoples and Empires in the Eastern Mediterranean

  6. SECTION 3 The Region Today Question: What type of economies do the countries of the Eastern Mediterranean have?

  7. SECTION 3 Israelhigh-tech industries, diamond cutting industry, tourism Cyprusdisrupted by civil war, tourism important Jordanunderdeveloped economy, foreign aid, tourism important Lebanongrowth disrupted by civil war The Economies of the Eastern Mediterranean Turkeygrowth slowed by earthquakes, uses dams for agriculture, has textile industry and others Syria underdeveloped economy The Region Today

  8. CHAPTER 20 Chapter Wrap-Up 1. What physical feature extends north from Africa to create the Jordan River valley and the Dead Sea? 2. How has the region’s vegetation changed over time? 3. Why did many Jews immigrate to the region that later became Israel? 4. What are the three main religions of the eastern Mediterranean? What major feature do these religions share? 5. What two countries are recovering from many years of ethnic and religious conflict?

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