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China - Chapter 14:ii -

China - Chapter 14:ii -. [Image source: http://www.nga.gov.au/TTTsui/Images/LRG/5237.jpg]. A northern official named Yang Jian unified China by conquering both the north and the south. [Image source: http://depts.washington.edu/chinaciv/1xarsui1.jpg].

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China - Chapter 14:ii -

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  1. China- Chapter 14:ii - [Image source: http://www.nga.gov.au/TTTsui/Images/LRG/5237.jpg]

  2. A northern official named Yang Jian unified China by conquering both the north and the south. [Image source: http://depts.washington.edu/chinaciv/1xarsui1.jpg]

  3. Yang Jian took the title Emperor Wen when he founded the Sui dynasty. [Image source: http://chineseswords.freewebspace.com/images/suiguards.jpg]

  4. Emperor Wen renewed many of the goals and traditionsof the Han dynasty. [Image source: http://www.artcn.net/ca/cap/ataoqi143.jpg]

  5. He rebuilt the Han capitalof Changan. [Image source: http://www.arch.nus.edu.sg/SOA/CASA/changan1.jpg]

  6. [Image source: http://academic.brooklyn.cuny.edu/core9/phalsall/images/changan.gif]

  7. Emperor Wen rebuilt the Great Wall of China. [Image source: http://pasture.ecn.purdue.edu/~agenhtml/agenmc/china/images/scenery/gw0.gif]

  8. Emperor Wen constructed a Grand Canal to link southern and Northern China. [Image source: http://www.cis.umassd.edu/~gleung/geofo/xyunhe1.jpg]

  9. [Image source: http://www.history.ubc.ca/lshin/teaching/images/maps/canal.gif]

  10. Most of these projects were done using corvee labour, which made him very unpopular with the peasantry. [Image source: http://egyptianchronicles.freewebsitehosting.com/DIGGINGTHESUEZCANAL5.html]

  11. Eventually, peasant revolts destabilized the Sui government. [Image source: http://www.cctv.com/english/TouchChina/GloryofChineseCivilization/Literature/images/20020722100020_2_li2.jpg]

  12. The rebellious lord Li Yuan seized control from the Sui dynasty and proclaimed himself emperor of China. [Image source: http://www.chinatranslate.net/china/img/china-13.jpg]

  13. Li Yuan established the Tang dynasty, which lasted from 618 to 907 A.D. [Image source: http://www.pitt.edu/~asian/week-10/10-2.JPG]

  14. Tai Cong, a son of Li Yuan, was the military genius behind the early Tang expansion. [Image source: http://www.wwnorton.com/nrl/english/nawol/maps/MAP11CHI.JPG]

  15. Aside from being a gifted military leader,Tai Cong was also a shrewd administrator. [Image source: http://www.imagesonline.bl.uk/britishlibrary-store/Components/64/6404_1.jpg]

  16. Candidates for government service had to pass a series of civil service examinations. [Image source: http://www2.kenyon.edu/Depts/Religion/Fac/Adler/Reln471/Images471/exam.jpg]

  17. These tests measured the degree to whicha scholar had mastered the Confucian Classics. [Image source: http://www.wickedwinks.com/uni/confucious.jpg]

  18. The Tang bureaucracy became a meritocracy – a system where people are chosen and promoted based on talent and performance. [Image source: http://www.nawpublishing.com/ChinesePub.htm]

  19. Tang rulers built roads and improved navigation, which made governing the empire easier. These roads increased trade and brought prosperity. [Image source: http://www.chineseartnet.com/ymy/life52.jpg]

  20. Camel caravans carried the wealth of the Orientto markets in the West along the Silk Road. [Image source: http://www.frankdux.de/images/travel/asia/silkroadtwo/_takla.jpg]

  21. Foreign products and ideas, such as Buddhism, Christianity, and Islamcame to China along the Silk Road. [Image source: http://gallery.sjsu.edu/silkroad/map.htm]

  22. Buddhism became very popular in China during the Tang dynasty. [Image source: http://www.achinatravel.com/travel_china/Feature/images/fj.jpg]

  23. Empress Wu, the wife of Gaozong, virtually ruled China during the last-half of the 600s A.D. [Image source: http://www.history.ubc.ca/lshin/teaching/311/week10/wuzetian.htm]

  24. Empress Wu expanded the bureaucracy and strengthened the military. [Image source: http://chinese-armour.freewebspace.com/images/tang_armoured_troops3.jpg]

  25. Later emperors, such as Xuanzang, became great patrons of the arts. [Image source: http://www.nyu.edu/fas/summer/nanjing/TangDce.jpg]

  26. Tang artisans were most renowned for their ceramics, especially a fine translucent pottery known in the West as “china.” [Image source: http://www.talariaenterprises.com/images2/4325a.jpg]

  27. Du Fu and Li Bo, two of China’s greatest poets, flourished during the Tang. [Image source: http://plaza.ufl.edu/recon/projects/project2/poetry/chinese/dufu.jpg]

  28. Though a country be sundered, hills and rivers endure; And spring comes green again to trees and grasses Where petals have been shed like tears And lonely birds have sung their grief. . . . After the war-fires of three months, One message from home is worth a ton of gold. . . . I stroke my white hair. It has grown too thin To hold the hairpins any more. A SPRING VIEW

  29. Tang scholars compiled dictionaries and encyclopedias, and produced histories of China. [Image source: http://depts.washington.edu/chinaciv/callig/7tangstl.htm]

  30. Buddhist monks developed a technique of block printing, which facilitated the production of books. [Image source: http://www.nawpublishing.com/ChinesePub.htm]

  31. Wars with Turkish and Tibetan neighbors, as well as rebellions in famine-stricken provinces, plagued the Tang dynasty after 755 A.D. [Image source: http://www.skidmore.edu/academics/asianstudies/TibetanPhotos/MountedWarriors.jpg]

  32. The Tang dynasty finally collapsed in 907 A.D. [Image source: http://www.cctv.com/english/TouchChina/GloryofChineseCivilization/Literature/images/20020722100020_2_li2.jpg]

  33. Between 907 and 960 A.D. China was ruledby a succession of military dynasties. [Image source: http://www.dbaol.com/images/faces/849_face.jpg]

  34. The Song dynasty was founded when General Zhao Kuangyin seized the throne and crowned himself emperor. [Image source: http://id.chinabroadcast.cn/mmsource/images/2004/08/19/s5.jpg]

  35. [Image source: http://images.encarta.msn.com/xrefmedia/aencmed/targets/maps/mhi/T028711A.gif]

  36. Song scholars developed an official state-philosophy called neo-Confucianism. [Image source: http://www.uwec.edu/greider/WorldReligions/Confucius.jpg]

  37. Eventually a wealthy elite of Confucian scholars known as mandarins came to control the state bureaucracy. [Image source: http://www.csupomona.edu/~plin/ls201/confucian4.html]

  38. Examination cubicle [Image source: http://www.csupomona.edu/~plin/ls201/confucian3.html]

  39. Song rulers used state revenuesto fund irrigation projects and canals. [Image source: http://www.csupomona.edu/~plin/ls201/images/irrigation_big.jpg]

  40. Urban centers prosperedas farming, trade, and commerce thrived. [Image source: http://afe.easia.columbia.edu/song/econ/manufac/bridge.gif]

  41. Hangzhou, the capital of Song China, had over one million residents. [Image source: http://afe.easia.columbia.edu/song/econ/im/street.gif]

  42. Song artists were renownedfor their landscape paintings. [Image source: http://www.red-peony.com/images/song-pipa.jpg]

  43. Inventors developed tools that made it possible for Song sailors to navigate out of the sight of land. [Image source: http://www.csupomona.edu/~plin/ls201/images/chicompass_big.jpg]

  44. Gunpowder was first used in fireworks at this time. [Image source: http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/6/63/Chinese_rocket.gif]

  45. The Mongols conquered north China in 1234 A.D. [Image source: http://thomaschen.freewebspace.com/images/mongolarcher.jpg]

  46. The remnant of the Song dynasty that survivedin southern China eventually fell in 1279 A.D. [Image source: http://images.encarta.msn.com/xrefmedia/aencmed/targets/maps/mhi/T028711A.gif]

  47. The Mongols established the Yűan dynasty in the 1200s A.D. [Image source: http://www.history.ubc.ca/lshin/teaching/images/yuan/hunting.gif]

  48. [Image source: http://www.paulnoll.com/China/Dynasty/dynasty-Yuan.jpg]

  49. Kublai Khan, a grandson of Genghis Khan, ruled China from 1260 to 1294 A.D. [Image source: http://afe.easia.columbia.edu/mongols/pastoral/cookout.gif]

  50. The highest positions in the Yuan court were given to Mongols or foreigners. [Image source: http://www.cultural-china.com/chinaWH/upload/4_3-2b.jpg}

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