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Cerebral is an adjective derived from the Latin word cerebrum, which literally means: u201cbrain.u201d In anatomy, itu2019s the name of the brain region in charge of thinking and related processes. The word cerebral is also used for objects, conditions, and anatomical features related to the brain.<br>In this article, weu2019ll define cerebral in various contexts and examine some of its most common uses.<br>
About Your Brain: How To Define Cerebral If you’ve ever read a review of a highly intellectual book or movie, you may have come across the term cerebral. It is used to describe a work of art that is clever and requires you to think in order to enjoy it. Cerebral is an adjective derived from the Latin word cerebrum, which literally means: “brain.” In anatomy, it’s the name of the brain region in charge of thinking and related processes. The word cerebral is also used for objects, conditions, and anatomical features related to the brain. In this article, we’lldefine cerebral in various contexts and examine some of its most common uses. What Is The Cerebrum Definition?
Anatomy textbooks define cerebrum as the largest part of the brain made up of a pair of symmetrical halves called cerebral hemispheres. This part of the brain is covered with a thin layer of gray matter known asthe cerebral cortex. The cerebrum is located in the upper region of the brain above the cerebellum. It accounts for up to 85% of its total volume. Its surface is covered with grooves and ridges that help expand its area and accommodate additional neurons. Although it’s most commonly associated with thinking, this region of the brain is also in charge of a variety of higher functions like learning, language comprehension, and sensory information. In addition, the cerebrum is responsible for memory, emotions, and reasoning. Like your entire brain, the cerebrum is a highly adaptable structure. Its function grows and develops the more you use it. In the words of Jim Kwik, Author of Mindvalley’s Superbrain Program, “It’s not about mental intelligence, it’s about mental fitness.” What Does Cerebral Mean In Medical Terminology? In medical terminology, the term cerebral doesn’t always refer to the cerebrum. Instead, it most often refers to the brain as a whole. Several conditions are referred to as cerebral, meaning that they affect the brain or are have something to do with it. For example, when doctors talk about cerebral hemorrhage, they are referring to a brain hemorrhage. This is a type of stroke that occurs when a brain artery bursts and causes localized bleeding. It causes noticeable physical and mental symptoms and is usually diagnosed via a CT scan or an X-ray of the brain. Similarly, a cerebral aneurysm is actually a brain aneurysm, while cerebral edema is brain swelling.
There is also cerebral palsy, a condition that affects voluntary and involuntary movements of certain parts of the body. Particularly common among children, cerebral palsy is the result of brain damage. Specifically, the damage affects the cerebrum, which is also in charge of some aspects of motor function. What Is A Cerebral Effect? The term cerebral effect refers to the way certain substances and conditions affect brain function. For example, when doctors talk about the cerebral effects of a certain virus, they are talking about how it affects your brain. Cerebral effects can include impaired cognitive abilities, euphoria, visual problems, as well as physical occurrences like brain hemorrhage.
Experts also use the term cerebral effect to describe the way that the consumption of alcohol, drugs, and other psychoactive substances affects your brain function. What Is A Cerebral High? When you smoke marijuana, it puts you in an altered state. The high you experience refers to the soothing effects of the herb on your mind and your mood. It also describes the cerebral effects of marijuana, which include a temporarily reduced brain function and heightened sensory perception. The term cerebral high refers to a high that has a soothing effect on your mind and mood but doesn’t affect your brain function. Also known as a creative high, it allows you to do all your tasks or chores while experiencing the typical stress- reducing effects of marijuana.
What Is A Cerebral Experience? A cerebral experience is any experience that engages your intellect rather than your emotions.It’s an experience that may not have any effect on your emotions but is very satisfying on an intellectual level. This brings us back to reviews that describe books and movies as cerebral. For example, if you see an excellent movie and can’t stop thinking about its premise, main ideas, or dialogues for days after you’ve seen it, you can say that watching the movie was a cerebral experience for you. The Final Word Although it often refers to the cerebrum or the brain as a whole, the term cerebral also has many other meanings. It can be used to describe medical conditions, the effects of psychoactive substance consumption, as well as the way certain works of art affect you.