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Chapter 21 Section 1 assessment

Page 516-519 1-3 Reviewing, Ideas, Terms, and Places. Chapter 21 Section 1 assessment. 1. a. Describe. What is the inland delta on the Niger River like? The Inland delta is a network of channels, swamps, and lakes. 1. b. Summarize. What is the physical geography of West Africa like?

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Chapter 21 Section 1 assessment

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Page 516-519 1-3 Reviewing, Ideas, Terms, and Places Chapter 21Section 1 assessment

  2. 1. a. Describe • What is the inland delta on the Niger River like? • The Inland delta is a network of channels, swamps, and lakes.

  3. 1. b. Summarize • What is the physical geography of West Africa like? • The Physical Geography of West Africa is mostly plains with a few highlands and also high mountains in the northeast.

  4. 1. c. Elaborate • Why do think most of West Africa’s cities are located on the coastal plain? • Coastal Plain is an area with plenty of rainfall and water for farming and transportation.

  5. 2. a. Recall • Why do geographers say West Africa’s climates are zonal? • The climates stretch east to west in bands or zones.

  6. 2. b. Compare and Contrast • What is 1 similarity and 1 difference between the Sahel and the Savanna? • Similarity they both support some agriculture with enough rainfall; the difference is savanna is farther south and has taller grass unlike the Sahel is farther north and shorter grass.

  7. 2. c. Evaluate • How do you think desertification affects people’s lives in West Africa? • Desertification takes away land that could be used for farming and cattle grazing.

  8. 3. a. Identify • What is the most valuable resource in West Africa? • Most valuable resource in West Africa is OIL.

  9. 3. b. Make Inferences • Where do you think most of the crops in West Africa are grown? • Most of the crops are grown in the tropical savanna climate zone.

  10. 4. Identifying Cause & Effect

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