Survival Kit BY: Jiwon Uhm 5-O
1# Hatchet • The hatchet is number one in my survival kit, because I think it is the most important tool I can use when I am lost or stranded. A hatchet can make weapons. It can also make fire by striking a flint rock. The hatchet can also be an ultimate weapon. The sharp edges can kill animals and skin them when they are dead. The hatchet is also useful when you are hunting an animal. You can throw the hatchet carefully when the animal is not looking! The hatchet is useful because it can cut things and sharpen wood for arrows or spears.
#2 Matches • I chose matches as my second choice, because I can make fire easily. Without fire, I would take a long time to make fire. I would also have to prepare lots of things that I need for making fire. I can also keep myself warmer and much more quickly, because I have the match. I have never made a fire with a hatchet, but if I use the match to make the fire, I can make fire easily, but if I use all the matches, I’ll have to teach myself how to make fire with the hatchet.
#3 Cookware • I chose cookware as my third choice, because I think I need some kind of container or a place to transport water to my shelter or cook the meat that I hunted. I could use it to boil water, because drinking water directly from the lake might be dangerous. Drinking water from the lake is dangerous, because there could be many bacteria, and if you boil the water, the bacteria will die. I also chose cookware as my third choice, because I can cook the meat or the vegetables that I found in the forest. If I eat raw meat it won’t taste good, but if I cook the meat with the cookware I have, the meat will be cooked and I can eat it and even enjoy the taste.
#4 First Aid Kit • The first aid kit is fourth on my list. I chose the first aid kit as my fourth choice, because I can put medicine where I am hurt or injured. The second reason I chose the first aid kit is because I can use the medicine and the other ointments when I am hurt or badly injured by animals or other things. I also can use the scissor that are in the kit for other purposes, such as cutting the fish. It is easier to do with the scissors, because the hatchet is too big, but the scissors are just the right size.
#5 Shelter • Shelter is number five on my list, because I think I would need a shelter in the wilderness when I am sleeping on my own. If I didn’t have a shelter, I would be disturbed by small animals. Also, I would feel safer when I have a shelter. I also chose shelter as my fifth choice, because I can protect myself from rain or snow. I would not get wet or cold when I am inside the shelter.
#6 Food • Food would be number 6 in my survival kit, because everybody needs food to survive. Just like a car needs fuel to go further, we need food to move and survive. I can find food in the woods, but it will take me a long time to get used to catching fish or hunting animals. I would also have to make weapons. It is easier to make ready-to-eat meals, if I just have to add water. If I hunt food or catch fish, I would have to cook it myself.
#7 Water • If I were told to pack a survival kit, water would be my seventh thing I would pack. Why? Water is also like food, but it gives me less energy than food. Water is important, because I would need to drink water when I am thirsty or when I am hungry, especially when I don’t have food. If I am lucky, I might find a water source and maybe, I could drink the water from the water source. Without water, we cannot live.
8# Emergency Transmitter • An emergency transmitter is number eight on my list, because I think I would have a greater chance of getting out of the woods if I have the emergency transmitter. In the book Hatchet, Brian, the main character, got out of the woods faster, because he had the transmitter. The transmitter sends out a signal that planes can recognize. If there is a plane around the woods, and I have my emergency transmitter on, I would be rescued.
9# Sleeping Bag • I chose a sleeping bag as my ninth choice, because I think I would be warmer when I have the sleeping bag. I also chose the sleeping bag, because if I stay in the woods until the winter comes, I could easily be frozen to death. If I have the sleeping bag, there is a better chance of survival. Sleeping bags also keep me warmer. It can also protect me from mosquitoes that would bite me.
10# Bug Spray • Bug Spray would be the last thing in my survival kit, because I need the bug spray to chase away mosquitoes that are biting me every time!!! If I don’t bring bug spray, I would be chased by mosquitoes everyday!! If I scratch the mosquito bites too hard, as a result, I would be red everywhere. Other insects could also can bite me, so just in case, I would bring bug spray. Some harmful insects can bite me, and I might get poisoned. If I bring bug spray, I can protect myself from the insects.
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