Donna Guinn Kaufman A three year breast cancer survivor, Donna Guinn Kaufman is the Virginia State Lead Ambassador for ACS CAN. She is the Vice President of the Tigerlily Foundation which educates, advocates for, empowers and supports young women before, during and after breast cancer. Before cancer changed her life, Donna worked in the US and abroad and founded Sponsorship Communications, a sponsorship and event marketing agency. Taking a sabbatical in 2003, she moved to Israel with her Foreign Service spouse, working on an UN project to market traditional Palestinian embroidery for Gazan women. A former US Army Officer working in public affairs, Donna studied International Affairs and completed her undergraduate degree at CINY Albany while doing graduate studies in Religious Studies at George Mason University. Donna's hobby is fitness to fight reoccurrence and prove that you can do anything after fighting cancer. Donna lives with her two children in Northern Virginia while her husband serves his third combat tour in Afghanistan.
Domenick Casuccio An 11-year Melanoma survivor, Domenick Casuccio received his Bachelor of Science in Journalism specializing in Public Relations from West Virginia University in 2002. In 2003, He began his career with the American Cancer Society in the former Mid-Atlantic Division as a Community Manager in West Virginia. He managed patient service programs, volunteer recruitment and fundraising events in 5 rural counties. A year later he relocated to Richmond, Va. to serve as the Regional Communications and Marketing Director for both West Virginia and Virginia. In his current role he oversees all of the public relations, marketing campaigns, social media and media partnerships for the two states. Domenick also serves as the division-wide communications liaison for both Relay For Life and Making Strides Against Breast Cancer. He lives in Richmond, Va. with his two cats and enjoys cooking, exercising and connecting with friends and family through his many social networks.
Objectives Identify what social media is and how it is different than traditional media. Review how we can enhance our presence on social media channels in order to further the American Cancer Society’s mission of saving lives. Identify resources that are available to help with local public relations. Identify what social media channels can do to create more visibility and awareness. Review the role of the local volunteer and how to conduct public relations and marketing on behalf of the American Cancer Society.
Agenda Introduction to Social Media Overview of Facebook Overview of Twitter Overview of Blogs Resources Action Items
What is Social Networking? Websites that give you tools to help you communicate with your social circle and find new friends. Simply put, it’s about people talking, engaging, communicating locally but with the power to affect globally. Social networking is, at its most basic sense, a shift in how people discover, read, and share news and information and content.
Most Popular Channels Facebook (80%) Twitter (66%) YouTube (55%) LinkedIn (49%) Blogs (43%) *Russell Herder and Ethos Business Law study, July 2009
People on Facebook More than 500 million active users 50% of our active users log on to Facebook in any given day Average user has 130 friends People spend over 700 billion minutes per month on Facebook More than 70 translations available on the site
Activity on Facebook There are over 900 million objects that people interact with (fan pages, personal pages, groups and events) Average user is connected to 80 fan pages, groups and events Average user creates 90 pieces of content each month More than 30 billion pieces of content (web links, news stories, blog posts, notes, photo albums, etc.) shared each month.
Best Practices Become familiar with the site. Find old friends, family and coworkers. Provide engaging posts. Share albums of photos and videos. Engage in discussions. Broadcast what you’re doing or reading to the world. Find social events you can attend.
Pages, Groups & Events Check with your staff partner before creating pages, groups or events on behalf of the Society. Only create if you are able to maintain regular posts and updates. Use pages, groups and events to recruit your network to get more involved in Society activities and programs.
What is a Micro-blog? Micro-blogging allows users to post brief text updates to a website that aggregates these messages for viewing by friends or the public. These messages can be submitted by a variety of means, including text messages, mobile web, or the website hosting the micro-blog.
What is ? Twitter is the most popular micro-blog. It provides real-time information, commentary, and descriptions of events. Twitter users send updates, or “tweets,” that are 140 characters or less in length and displays on their profile page and in their follower’s feed. Twitter users can also share links to photos, video, news, etc.
Best Practices Keep content short and simple. Provide more information with a shortened URL. Promote your Twitter profile. Keep followers engaged. Post other relevant content. Search Twitter for other comments using #hashtags
Popular Twitter Feeds @AmericanCancer @ACSNews @MoreBirthdays @acschooseyou @RelayForLife @DrLen @ACSCAN @CDC_Cancer @CDCgov
Sample Society Tweets BCAM October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month! If you are a woman that is 40 or older, get a mammogram and clinical breast exam every year. Relay For Life Don’t miss our Womanless Beauty Pageant at the Relay For Life of Virginia Beach. Harbor Park at midnight. Come vote for your favorite! CCAM March is Colon Cancer Awareness Month. Most of these cancers occur in people who are 50 and older. Talk with your doc about screening. Find more samples at SACancerNews.org
The Art of Retweeting • Shares tweets with others on your feed with a “retweet.” • This is the way that ideas spread quickly through the Twitter community.
What is a Blog? Blogs, or web logs, are regularly updated online journals that almost anyone can read. Some blogs target a small audience, while others boast a readership comparable to national media outlets. Blogs often focus on a specific topic. Many blogs allow readers to comment on posts.
Best Practices Observe the blogosphere. Provide links. Make headlines attention-grabbing. Include numbered/bulleted lists. Make posts easy to scan. Keep a consistent style.
Best Practices Use keywords strategically. Edit your post. Promote your blog. Determine how to handle comments. Make use of web analytics tools. Evaluate your efforts.
Blog Topics Current Events Entertainment Sports & Leisure Volunteerism Family Politics Health Reviews Recipes
eCards eCards are electronic greeting cards that are sent to people’s email accounts.
Podcasts A podcast is a digital audio or video file that can be saved for playback on a portable media device or computer. The term “podcast” refers to both the actual content of the media file and the method by which the content is syndicated. (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 2010e)
Podcasts • Relay For Life Podcasts • www.relayforlife.org/relay/podcasts • Available on the web and iTunes • Powerful Choices Podcasts • www.youtube.com/AmerCancerSociety • Available on YouTube and iTunes • CDC Podcasts • www2c.cdc.gov/podcasts/browse.asp • Available on the CDC website and iTunes
An image and video hosting website Easy to share via social networking sites and blogs. Apps for most Smartphones flickr.com/americancancersociety
A video-sharing website on which users can upload, share, and view videos. • Many users post video blogs or vlogs. • youtube.com/amercancersociety • youtube.com/dcasuccio