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بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم. Fluorescein & ICG Angiography. F. Kianersi MD 1390 / 4 / 2. Sodium fluorescein (C20H10Na2) is a highly water-soluble complex organic molecule with a molecular weight of 376.27. Excitation of fluorescein occurs when it is
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم Fluorescein & ICG Angiography F. Kianersi MD 1390 / 4 / 2
Sodium fluorescein (C20H10Na2) is a highly water-soluble complex organic molecule with a molecular weight of 376.27. .
Excitation of fluorescein occurs when it is exposed to Blue wave-lengths between 465 and 490 nm, resulting in emission of Yellow-Green frequencies (520 to 530 nm).
The excited Fluorescein within the Vessels and extra-cellular spaces emits Yellow-Green Fluorescent Light, which is recorded on the Photographic film.
5 CC of 10% Sodium Fluorescein solution is routinely given IV at the start of the procedure. Route & Dose of Administration • The Fluorescein dye is injected rapidly into an Antecubital Vein.
Fluorescein first appears in the eye as faint patchy regions of fluorescence in the Choroid approximately 12 to 15 seconds following IV administration.
The flow is directed toward the Choriocapillaris, the filling of which is called the Background Choroidal Flush. Background Choroidal Flush
Arterial Phase Fluorescein dye is seen within the arterioles 1 second of the Choroidal flash.
Laminar Venous Phase(Early A-V Phase) As blood-borne dye crosses the capillary network and enters the venous system, a columnar appearance to the veins initially is observed.
Full Venous Phase(Late A-V Phase) As more fluorescein enters the veins, they fill totally.
Late Phase This phase shows the eventual fate of the dye.
Evaluation of Fluorescein Angiography • Hypo-Fluorescence • Hyper-Fluorescence
Hypo-Fluorescence • Vascular Filling Defect • Blockage
Hypo-Fluorescence1.Vascular Filling Defect • Carotid Artery • Ophthamic Artery • Retinal Vessels • Capillary Bed • Vessels of Optic Nerve • Choroid
Occlusion of the Carotid Vascular Filling Defect
CRAO Vascular Filling Defect (Retinal Vessels)
BRAO Vascular Filling Defect (Retinal Vessels)
CRVO Vascular Filling Defect (Retinal Vessels)
Vascular Filling Defect Diabetes (Capillary Bed)
Vascular Filling Defect (Capillary Bed) Cotton Wool Spot
Hypo-Fluorescence2.Blockage • Pre-Retinal • Intra-Retinal • Sub-Retinal • Different Deposits
Blockage (Pre-Retinal) Opacities of the Refractive Media and Vitreous
Blockage (Pre-Retinal) Pre-Retinal Hemorrhages
Blockage (Pre-Retinal) Melanocytoma
Blockage (Intra-Retinal) Hemorrhage ,
, Blockage (Intra-Retinal Pigment) RPE Hyperplasia
Blockage (Sub-Retinal) Hemorrhage
Blockage (Sub-Retinal Pigment) (Choroidal Nevus)
Blockage (Sub-Retinal) Inflammation (Toxoplasmosis)
Blockage (Sub-Retinal) Fluid (CSR)
Blockage (Different Deposits) Best Vitelliform Degeneration
Hyper-Fluorescence • Window Defect of RPE • Leakage • Anomalous Vessels
Hyper-Fluorescence • Window Defect of RPE
Window Defect of the RPE (Decreased Pigment in the RPE) Degenerative Myopia
Window Defect of the RPE (Decreased Pigment in the RPE) Albinism
Window Defect of the RPE (Atrophy of the RPE) Geographic, or Areolar Atrophy
Window Defect of the RPE Angioid Streaks
Window Defect of the RPE (Toxic Damage) Bull's Eye Maculopathy (Chloroquine)
Window Defect of the RPE (Trauma) Choroidal Ruptures
Hyper-Fluorescence • Anomalous Vessels • Choroid • Retina • Optic Nerve Head
Anomalous Vessels (Choroid) CNV
Anomalous Vessels (Choroid) Choroidal Tumor (Melanoma)
Anomalous Vessels (Retina) Coats' Disease
Anomalous Vessels (Retina) Collateral Vessels Venous-Venous Anastomotic
Anomalous Vessels (Retina) (Parafoveal Telangiectasis)
Anomalous Vessels (Retina) • Tumor Vessels (Capillary Hemangiomas)
Leakage Hyper-Fluorescence • Into Tissue Staining • In a Preformed Space Pooling