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COMMA SPLİCE. A Comma Splice incorrectly joins two independent clauses with a comma but no conjuction. Examples :.
COMMA SPLİCE A Comma Splice incorrectly joins two independent clauses with a comma but no conjuction.
Examples: 1.My neighbor Mr.Hoffman is seventy- five years old,he plays tennis every Saturday afternoon.Corrected:My neighbor Mr.Hoffman is seventy- five years old.He plays tennis every Saturday afternoon.2.It was an astonishing exhibit,the Guggenheim Museum’s recent show was called “The Art of the Motorcycle.” Corrected: It was an astonishing exhibit.The Guggenheim Museum’s recent show was called “The Art of the Motorcycle.”
3.Museumgoerssportedleathervestsandponytails,theirmotorcyclesjammed New York Citystreets.Corrected:Museumgoerssportedleathervestsandponytails.Theirmotorcyclesjammed New York Citystreets.4.Thatwasthe 1868 Frenchvelocipede,it lookedmorelike a bicyclewith a steam engine undertheseatthan a motorcycle.Corrected:Thatwasthe 1868 Frenchvelocipede. Itlookedmorelike a bicyclewith a steam engine undertheseatthan a motorcycle.
5.WillKelloggwas an unlikelycandidateforfameandfortune,he becameone of America’sgreatsuccesses.Corrected:WillKelloggwas an unlikelycandidateforfameandfortune. He becameone of America’sgreatsuccesses.6.In 1880,Willwastwentyyearsold, Dr. John hiredhimtowork at theresort.Corrected: In 1880,Willwastwentyyearsold. Dr. John hiredhimtowork at theresort.
9.IsabelAllende has survivedmanypoliticalandpersonaltragedies,most of thoseeventshavefoundtherewayinto her books.Corrected:IsabelAllende has survivedmanypoliticalandpersonaltragedies. Most of thoseeventshavefoundtherewayinto her books.10.By 1955,Richard had developed his ownmusicalstyle,it combinedgospelwithrhythmandblues.Corrected:By 1955,Richard had developed his ownmusicalstyle. Itcombinedgospelwithrhythmandblues.
7.Therest is historytodayScrabble is produced in half a dozenforeignlanguages it is alsoused as a learningtool.Corrected:The rest is historytodayScrabble is produced in half a dozenforeignlanguages. It is alsoused as a learningtool.8.EveryoneknowsthatScrabble is America’sfavoritewordgame,it wasinventedbyAlfredButts.Corrected:EveryoneknowsthatScrabble is America’sfavoritewordgame. ItwasinventedbyAlfredButts.
RUN-ON SENTENCE A run-on sentenceincorrectlyrunstogethertwoindependentclauseswithout a conjunctionorpunctuation.Thiserrorconfusesthereader,whocannottellwhereonethoughtstopsandthenextbegins.
Therun-on andthecommasplice can be corrected in fiveways:Usetwoseparatesentences.Use a coordinatingconjuction.Use a subortinatingconjuction.Use a semicolon.Use a semicolonand a conjuctiveadverb.
EXAMPLES:1.TheItalian MV Agusta F4 wasthelatest model on displaythisonelookedlike a fantasticspacemachine.Corrected:TheItalian MV Agusta F4 wasthelatest model on display;therefore, thisonelookedlike a fantasticspacemachine.2.TheshowattractedmorevisitorsthananyotherGuggenheimexhibitmuseumattendancewas 45 percenthigherthanusual.Corrected:TheshowattractedmorevisitorsthananyotherGuggenheimexhibit; museumattendancewas 45 percenthigherthanusual.
3. Marriage is a serious step, theywanttogettoknoweachother as well as possible.Corrected:Marriage is a serious step;therefore, theywanttogettoknoweachother as well as possible.4.His fatherpulledhimfromschool at theage of thirteen he madeWill a travelingbroomsalesmanforthefamilycompany.Corrected:His fatherpulledhimfromschool at theage of thirteen;he madeWill a travelingbroomsalesmanforthefamilycompany.
5.He treated his patientswithexerciseand a strictvegeteriandiet he wrotebest-sellingbooksabouthealthfulliving.Corrected:He treated his patientswithexerciseand a strictvegeteriandiet;then,he wrotebest-sellingbooksabouthealthfulliving.6.John bicycledtowork,Willjoggedalongsidegetting his dailyworkorders.Corrected:John bicycledtowork,but Willjoggedalongsidegetting his dailyworkorders.
7.Dr.Johnwas a wealthyman,he neverpaidWillmorethaneighty-seven dollars a month.Corrected:AlthoughDr.Johnwas a wealthyman,he neverpaidWillmorethaneighty-seven dollars a month.8.In 1906,WillfinallyboughtoutJohn’sshare of thecerealpatents,struckout on his own.Corrected: In 1906,WillfinallyboughtoutJohn’sshare of thecerealpatentsandstruckout on his own.
9.ButtsmadefiftyScrabblesetsbyhand he gavethemto his friends.Corrected:ButtsmadefiftyScrabblesetsbyhand,and he gavethemto his friends.10.ButtsandBrunotcouldn’tkeepupwiththedemand,theysoldtherightsto a gamemanufacturer.Corrected:ButtsandBrunotcouldn’tkeepupwiththedemand;theysoldtherightsto a gamemanufacturer.
NON-PARALLEL SENTENCES Non-Parallel structure does not add both clout and clarity to your writing. When you use parallel structure, you increase the readability of your writing by creating word patterns readers can follow easily.
EXAMPLES:1.John Taylor Gatto criticizes public schools because they are compulsory, funded by the government, and destroy students' humanity. Corrected:John Taylor Gatto criticizes public schools because they require students to attend, receive money from the government, and destroy students' humanity.2.He described skiing in the Alps, swimming in the Adriatic, and the drive across the Sahara Desert. Corrected:He described skiing in the Alps, swimming in the Adriatic, and driving across the Sahara Desert.
3.He spoke more of his term as ambassador than being president.Corrected:He spoke more of being ambassador than of being president. 4. The schools in the rural area are smaller than the inner city. Corrected:The schools in the rural area are smaller than the schools in the inner city.
5. The scientists disputed not onlythe newspaper article but alsothey disputed the university's official statement.Corrected:The scientists disputed not onlythe newspaper article but alsothe university's official statement. 6. I haveneither the patience to complete the assignmentnor do I have the time complete it.Corrected:I haveneitherthe patience northe time to complete the assignment.
7. They acted as either individual citizens or as members of the committee.Corrected:They acted either as individual citizens or as members of the committee.8. Kate prepared the speech on the plane, and it was delivered by her at the conference. Corrected:Kate prepared the speech on the plane and delivered it at the conference.
9. Robert has in the past and will in the future continue to support the measure.Corrected:Robert has in the past supported, and will in the future continue to support, the measure.ORRobert has supported the measure in the past, and he will continue to support it in the future.10. What counts isn't how you look but your behavior.Corrected:What counts isn't how you look but how you behave.
SENTENCE FRAGMENTS Anothererrortoavoid is thesentencefragment.A sentencemustcontain a subjectand a verbandmust be abletostandalone as a complate idea.A sentencefragment,therefore,can be defined in terms of what it lacks:either a subjector a verb,orboth-it cannotstandalone as a complete idea.
EXAMPLES:1.Kirkdecidedtomajor in psychology.Becausehumanbehavior had alwaysfascinatedhim.Corrected:Kirkdecidedtomajor in psychologybecausehumanbehavior had alwaysfascinatedhim.2.Mrs.Costa is a chemistryteacherwhoneverrunsout of creativeideas.Who has theabilitytokeep her classesinvolvedthroughoutthelesson.Corrected:Mrs.Costa is a chemistryteacherwhoneverrunsout of creativeideasandwho has theabilitytokeep her classesinvolvedthroughoutthelesson.
3.Daniel can always be seen on thetrack in themorning. Running a mile ortwobeforebreakfast.Corrected:Daniel can always be seen on thetrack in themorning,running a mile ortwobeforebreakfast.4.A finepianist.Marshawon a scholarshiptoJuilliard.Corrected:A finepianist,Marshawon a scholarshiptoJuilliard.
5.Laura has alwayswantedtobecome a travelagent.Totellpeopleaboutexoticcountriesthattheymightvisit.Corrected:Laura has alwayswantedtobecome a travelagentandtotellpeopleaboutexoticcountriesthattheymightvisit.6.Throughoutitsexcitinghistory.TheRegentdiamond has beenone of theworld’smostdesiredjewels.Corrected:Throughoutitsexcitinghistory,theRegentdiamond has beenone of theworld’smostdesiredjewels.
7.In 1701,the 410-carat gem wasdiscovered in an Indian mine by a slave.Whorisked his life tosmuggle it out.Corrected:In 1701,the 410-carat gem wasdiscovered in an Indian mine by a slavewhorisked his life tosmuggle it out.8.Themerchant had difficultyunloadingthediamond.Because it wassolargeandbecause it wasstolen.Corrected:Themerchant had difficultyunloadingthediamondbecause it wassolargeandbecause it wasstolen.
9.He finallysold it to Robert Pitt,a youngEnglishman.Who had cometoIndiaseeking his fortune.Corrected:He finallysold it to Robert Pitt,a youngEnglishmanwho had cometoIndiaseeking his fortune.10.Whenever he carriedthestone.He disguishedhimselfandwould not sleep in thesameplaceformorethantwonights.Corrected:Whenever he carriedthestone,he disguishedhimselfandwould not sleep in thesameplaceformorethantwonights.
Preparedby:Firuze Tuba AKSUStudent’sNumber:265542Project’sSubject:Commonsentenceerrors-Out of assignmentforweek 4-1st yearwritingclass