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The Coherence Between ESDP and NATO in the Field of Enhancing Military Capabilities. Core Message
The Coherence Between ESDP and NATO in the Field of Enhancing Military Capabilities Core Message We need to assess what security effect, both civil and military, we need to generate, and how, if we are to achieve our desired political end-state – the embedding of new power in functioning institutions the West built and the containment and stabilisation of irregular power.
The Coherence Between ESDP and NATO in the Field of Enhancing Military Capabilities Capability Improvement Chart II/2005 64 Capability Shortfalls and Catalogue Deficits; 7 formally solved; 4 are showing signs of improvement; 53 have not changed over the 2002-2005 period
The Coherence Between ESDP and NATO in the Field of Enhancing Military Capabilities Prague Capability Commitment “At present, much of the HRF [High Readiness Force] is not adequately capable of projecting power swiftly and performing major combat operation missions in distant areas. Reforming these forces is not beyond reach. The NATO Defence Capability Initiative did not achieve this worthy goal because it was scattered across too many forces and measures, and the Prague Capabilities Commitment evidently is encountering similar troubles”.
The Coherence Between ESDP and NATO in the Field of Enhancing Military Capabilities R&D Spending 2004 • US R&D spend $61bn • NATO Europe spend $8bn • US R&D spending per capita $147.20 • France $48.50, UK $51.80, Italy $3.50
The Coherence Between ESDP and NATO in the Field of Enhancing Military Capabilities Defence Modernisation 2004 (% of US, per effective) • Poland at 6% • Germany 21% • Netherlands 41% • UK at 95%.
The Coherence Between ESDP and NATO in the Field of Enhancing Military Capabilities % NATO Defence Expenditure on Personnel NATO Average 52.4% US 34.8% UK 39.4% Germany 59.3% Belgium 73.8% Netherlands 49.8%
The Coherence Between ESDP and NATO in the Field of Enhancing Military Capabilities Equipment budgets as % of Defence Expenditure 2004 US 24.9% UK 22.8% France 21.4% Netherlands 16.4% Belgium5.4%
The Coherence Between ESDP and NATO in the Field of Enhancing Military Capabilities Transformation Benefits Norway is now spending 30% of its defence budget on defence investment. Netherlands has increased its deployable combat strength by 2100 troops, Germany has closed 105 bases and is reducing personnel rapidly. So long as such savings are re-invested into modernisation and transformation (and it is a big ‘if) then in time deployability will indeed improve.
The Coherence Between ESDP and NATO in the Field of Enhancing Military Capabilities Ten Recommendations 1. Build on Berlin-plus 2. Promote EDA-ACT/CNAD Co-operation 3. Establish an EU-NATO Long Term Vision Working Group 4. Harmonise PCC and the ECAP 5. Encourage permanent structured co-operation in armaments 6. Encourage big ticket cost offsets 7. Spread the cost of modernisation 8. Re-consider Transformation 9. Start Defence Integration 10.EU-NATO Crisis Action Teams