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Reflections on 10 Years of ICCVAM: Challenges and Successes

In this article, Thomas Hartung, a professor and toxicology expert, discusses the challenges and successes of ICCVAM (Interagency Coordinating Committee on the Validation of Alternative Methods) in the past 10 years. He highlights the collaborative efforts with other organizations, the impact of validation on animal testing, and the need for a shift towards humane and predictive models in toxicology.

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Reflections on 10 Years of ICCVAM: Challenges and Successes

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  1. 10 Years of ICCVAM: Challenges, Successes Thomas Hartung Doerenkamp-Zbinden Professor and Chair for Evidence-based Toxicology, EHS Director, Center for Alternatives to Animal Testing (CAAT) Joint appointment: Molecular Microbiology and Immunology Bloomberg School of Public Health, Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, US Professor of pharmacology and toxicology, University of Konstanz, Germany

  2. ICCVAM 10th birthday? Committee 1994, authorization act 2000

  3. There is only one validation process • Collaboration with ECVAM, JaCVAM, KoCVAM also in ICATM • OECD guidance document 34 … but difference in details, e.g. resources, active validation, peer-review, acceptance

  4. After Directive 86/609/EEC, now 2010/63/EU • > $300 million spent by EU and > $300 million by EU member states for development and validation of alternatives • 40 methods validated Impact? • Trends Europe statistics 2008 published in 2010 • Numbers stable compared to 2005 (likely 7.5% increase, error Greece fish use 2005) • Use for pharma research from 31 to 23% • Tox uses stably 10% • 90.000 animals for chemicals (REACH: 9+ million…) • Some impact on acute tox, sensitization and topical tox visible • Increase of Botox and pyrogenicity animal numbers • Only minor consumers of animals replaced • Compensated by increased testing

  5. Definition of Validation Reliability (reproducibility) Relevance: scientific basis NewTESTMETHOD Relevance: predictive capacity REFERENCE (TEST)

  6. Test definition Within-lab. variability Transferability Between-lab.variability Predictive capacity Applicability domain Performance standards Validation modular approach “Standardised” “Suitable/Adequate” “Validated” “Equivalent” Reprodu-cibility Relevance Hartung et al. ATLA 2004, 32:467-472

  7. Test definition Within-lab. variability Transferability Between-lab.variability Predictive capacity Applicability domain Performance standards Open questions modular approach Mechanistic validity, Similarity of tests Retrospective Quality? Scoring? Metaanalysis Equivalence of protocols? Reference, PM/DIP Define, expand, restrict Applicabiliy, LimitationsEquivalence by reference lab? Hartung ALTEX 2007, 24:73-80

  8. Toward humane science

  9. Toxicology desperately needs to renew its toolbox

  10. The evolution of toxicology: patchwork • Every scandal gives one patch. • Many patches are 50-80 years old. • No way to remove a patch. • Difficult to integrate new technologies. • Every patch is of its own appearance and workmanship.

  11. NAS vision report Tox-21c An atmosphere of departure in toxicology Lessons learned from alternative methods and their validation New technologies from biotech and (bio-)informatics revolution Mapping of pathways of toxicity (PoT)

  12. Friday 15th Feb 2008: Coalition of EPA, NTP and NIEHS-CGC to implement NRC vision[Science 2008, 319:906-7] • “We propose a shift from primarily in vivo animal studies to in vitro assays, in vivo assays with lower organisms, and computational modeling for toxicity assessments” • “[toxicity testing] was expensive, time-consuming, used animals in large numbers and didn’t always work” Francis Collin, now Director NIH • “Animal testing won’t disappear overnight, but the agencies’ work signals the beginning of an end.” Elias Zerhouni, at the time Director NIH quotes: USA TODAY

  13. “We must bring 21st century approaches to 21st century products and problems. Toxicology is a prime example. Most of the toxicology tools used for regulatory assessment rely on high-dose animal studies and default extrapolation procedures and have remained relatively unchanged for decades, despite the scientific revolutions of the past half-century. We need better predictive models to identify concerns earlier in the product development process to reduce time and costs. We also need to modernize the tools used to assess emerging concerns about potential risks from food and other product exposures. … With an advanced field of regulatory science, new tools, including functional genomics, proteomics, metabolomics, high-throughput screening, and systems biology, can replace current toxicology assays with tests that incorporate the mechanistic underpinnings of disease and of underlying toxic side effects. This should allow the development, validation, and qualification of preclinical and clinical models that accelerate the evaluation of toxicities during drug development.” Hamburg, M.A. (2011). Advancing regulatory science. Science 331, 987

  14. …and a couple of hundred ways to kill a cell

  15. Vision 5: Mapping the (finite number of) pathways of toxicity • Annotation to: • Hazard • Toxin (class) • Cell type • Species

  16. Evidence-based toxicology Systems toxicology The evolution of toxicology Animal-based toxicology Regulatory toxicology VAM In vitro & in silico toxicology Mechanistic toxicology academia

  17. Validation- blessing or curse for Tox-21c? Costs of $400.000+ per test Duration of 3+ years validation, 2+ years for peer-review and 2+ years for International acceptance Through-put limited (40 tests in 20 years) 100 PoT = $40 million and 50 years No paradigm shift when comparing to traditional methods Rigidity of validity statement versus dynamic method development Lack of points of reference for PoT-based models No agreed concept for ITS validation

  18. My kick-off: Application of EBM approachesto in vitroto animal studiesto clinical studies CRC-Press 1 edition (August 16, 1993)

  19. - Since 1974: „The Oxford Database of Perinatal Trials“ (3500 trials; 600 reviews) • - First Cochrane Center in 1992: Oxford, UK • Cochrane Collaboration founded in 1993 • Today: a world-wide network of about 27.000 scientists, physicians, ... About 5.000 reviews • US Cochrane Center at Johns Hopkins

  20. Evidence-based Toxicology “Evidence-based medicine goes toxicology!” Hoffmann and Hartung “Toward an evidence-based toxicology”, Human Exp. Tox., 2006

  21. EBT • What we lack: • Data • Information portal • Meta-analysis & WoE tools • Quality scoring tools • Probabilistic risk assessment Method assess-ment Meta-analysis of studies Causa-tion of health effects Clinical tox. EBM, mechanistical toxicology, biostatistics, validation

  22. Assessment tool for the quality of toxicological data • Categorizes quality according to Klimisch scores • Independent, but largely similar tools for in vivo and in vitro data/studies • Expert advisory group • 2 rater experiments:11 rater are applying the draft tool to 11 in vitro and in vivo studies • Tool now available on the ECVAM website • published Schneider et al. Tox Letters 2009, 189:138-144 • Impact for existing data for REACH

  23. Definition of Validation !!! Reliability (reproducibility) Relevance: scientific basis NewTESTMETHOD ✗ ✔ Relevance: predictive capacity ? REFERENCE (TEST) • Scientific Knowledge: • PoT • MoA

  24. The challenge to Tox-21c will be to steer toward quality control without the creation of obstacles by formal validation. A balance between precaution and innovation is necessary, and this requires informed decisions by the actors in the regulatory arena. EBM has shown how the informed decision process in clinical medicine can be served. EBT promises to be its translation for an informed decision process in risk assessment.

  25. EBT Collaboration Michael Holsapple, ILSI/HESI Wendolyn Jones, CropLife America Richard Judson, US EPA Fran Kruszewski, American Cleaning Institute Martin Stephens, Humane Society of the US Bill Stokes, National Toxicology Program Raymond Tice, National Toxicology Program Mark Vossenaar, Agilent Neil Wilcox, FDA Joanne Zurlo, JHU CAAT  Thursday, March 10, 2011  Washington DC Convention Center Steering Committee (and their organizations for identification) Melvin Andersen, TheHamner Institute Richard Becker, Am. Chemical Council Kim Boekelheide, Brown University Robert Chapin, Pfizer Rodger Curren, IIVS Suzanne Fitzpatrick, US FDA Jack Fowle, US EPA Alan Goldberg, JHU CAAT Thomas Hartung, JHU CAAT

  26. We have to catch him That’s notevidence-based

  27. Johns Hopkins is the right environment for EBTC secretariat

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