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Chaucer (1340 -1400)

Chaucer (1340 -1400). I. England’s first great writer A. Demonstrated English could be respectable literary language . B. Cornerstone of English literature. II . Befriended by Royals A. Family was well-off financially 1. Served as an attendant in a royal household

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Chaucer (1340 -1400)

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  1. Chaucer (1340 -1400) I. England’s first greatwriter A. Demonstrated Englishcould be respectable literary language. B. Cornerstoneof English literature. II. Befriended by Royals A. Family was well-off financially 1. Served as an attendant in a royal household 2. Came in contact w/ John of Gaunt& other influential people B. Royal contacts aided his future 1. Joined armyagainst French in the 100 Years War 2. Given diplomaticmissions, including as a royal messenger 3. Married Philippa, a lady in waiting to the queen. 4. Appointed a knight and became a member of Parliament

  2. Chaucer (1340 -1400) III. Early inspirations A. Read Dante,Petrarch, and Bocaccio B. Began writing by translating other author’s works from Latin to English IV. Fruitful years A. Wrote best during the last 20 years of his life B. The Canterbury Tales 1. Stories told by group traveling on a religious pilgrimage from London to Canterbury (4 stories/pilgrim – 2 each way) 2. Unfinished at time of his death

  3. Chaucer (1340 -1400) V. Uncommon honor A. Buried at WestmisterAbbey B. Began Poet’s Corner, where other great Englishwriters are buried. VI. The Canterbury Tales A. Characters brought together for firsttime all of Medieval society. 1.Feudal= land related 2. Ecclesiastical= church related 3. Urban= city traders B. Written in heroic couplets(a pair of rhyming lines written in iambic pentameters)

  4. Life in Chaucer’s Time • Beheaded • Burned at Stake

  5. Life in Chaucer’s Time • Hanging

  6. Life in Chaucer’s Time • The Rack

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