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Transition to the Digital Terrestrial Television Broadcasting IN TURKEY 05 November 2012, budapeST. Information and Communication Technologies Authority of the Republic of Turkey (ICTA). Current Regulatios in Turkey on BC Issues.
Transition to the Digital Terrestrial Television Broadcasting IN TURKEY05 November 2012, budapeST InformationandCommunication Technologies Authorityof the Republic of Turkey (ICTA)
Current Regulatios in Turkey on BC Issues • Information and Communications Technologies Authority (ICTA) • (authorization of operators who have the right to provide electronic communications services and/or network and to operate the infrastructure. ) • www.btk.gov.tr • Radio and Television Supreme Council (RTUK) • (issuing broadcasting permits and licences to applicants who have complied with the pre-requisites and assigning frequency assignments. ) • www.rtuk.org.tr
CooperationbetweenAuthorities • ICTA allocates frequency bands for all telecommunications services including broadcasting services. • Frequencyassignments for broadcasting and supervising broadcasting are carried out by RTUK. • In the case of convergence of telecommunications and broadcasting systems; ICTA and RTUK are seek each other’s permits/licence mutually.
PreparationsforTransition Thefirst step was on March 2011. • The new Law to be applied by RTUK has been enacted by the Parliament in March 2011. • Law No. 6112 of 03March 2011 on Establishment of Radioand Television Enterprises and Their Media Services
PreparationsforTransition • The purpose of this Law is to regulate and supervise radio and television broadcasting services and on-demand media services. • Taking into account Articles of the Law, some secondary regulation has been done.(Broadcasting service regulation on theproceduresandprinciples, etc) • To review of the strategy of the introduction to the terrestrial digital television. • Thesecond step is Frequency Plan. • Frequency Planfordigitalterrestrialbroadcasting has beenpreparedby RTUK.
PreparationsforTransition Theanotherimportant step: a singletransmitterinstallationandoperatingcompany. DVB-T2 has beenselected as DTT transmissiontecnology. And, MPEG-4 will be used. A bookletfor Set-Top-Box has beenprepared, which it is determiningtechnicalcharacteristics. • Private media service providers shall conduct their broadcasts to be transmitted through television channelsand multiplex capacity that are allocated to them by the Supreme Council from the television transmitter premises established and operated by a single transmitter installation and operating company. • DVB-T2 is an improvedvariant of DVB-T providinghighercapacityand it can providerobust mobile reception at highspeeds.
BilateralFrequencyCoordination • Each neighbourcountry has different objectives (use of the band, timing,etc.) • Geneva 2006 Agreement does not comprise the procedure and criteria for bilateral coordination. • To conduct a bilateral meeting withneighbours on broadcastingand DD bandswill be fruitful to determine the required principles and coordination criteria.
DigitalDividendSpectrum • After WRC-07, CEPT has confirmed that the band 790-862 MHz was sub-band. • digital dividend frequency spectrum must be used effective and productive through its social and economic benefits. • 790-862 MHz part of UHF band are allocated to mobile services in our National Frequency Plan for future needs taking into account results of ITU World Radiocommunications Conferences. • However, whole UHF band (470-862 MHz) is being intensively used by analogue television broadcasting systems in Turkey currently. • the implementation schedule explained by RTUK, the simulcast period, during which both analogue and digital broadcasting are transmitted simultaneously, is between 2013 and 2015. The goal is widening the terrestrial digital television broadcasting throughout the country giving priority to big cities as soon as possible. And, date for analog switch-off has been planned as June 2015 at the latest.
SharingCriteria in DD Spectrum • The assessment of results of WRC-12 about sharing criteria between the mobile service and other services in the band 790-862 MHz and ensuring the adequate protection of services in the adjacent bands (below 790 MHz and above 862 MHz). • 2012 AnualWorking Plan: • For required activities in order to consider and take appropriate action with respect to the above matters, a study containing proposals will be made. • Determining of proposals on necessary action to be taken for frequency assignments or frequency allotments to the television broadcasting stations appearing for Turkey in the GE06 Digital Television Plan in the 790-862 MHz part of the frequency band 470-862 MHZ.
Conclusion Accordingtotheimplementation schedule explained by RTUK: 2013 2014 2015 March 2013SimulcastPeriodJune 2015 FrequencyAuctionAnalogueswitch-off
THANK YOU FOR YOUR ATTENTION! Jale UZUNBOY ICT Expert InformationandCommunicationTelecommunicationsAuthority