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Stop Being A Caveman! use Log::Log4perl;. by Eric Andreychek eric@openthought.net. A long time ago... in a galaxy far, far away people debugged Perl code using print and warn statements some of these Perl coders even used the legendary and infamous Perl debugger
Stop Being A Caveman!use Log::Log4perl; by Eric Andreychek eric@openthought.net
A long time ago... • in a galaxy far, far away • people debugged Perl code • using print and warn statements • some of these Perl coders even used • the legendary and infamous Perl debugger • these hard working Perl coders were known as ... • Cavemen
Put These To Rest Log4perl can help us make ideas like print, warn, and the Perl debugger artifacts of history
Lets get this part out of the way... • Log4perl lets you log stuff • In Perl • And it's really cool
All You Need... • Define a logging level • Define where and what to log • Use the (so-simple-it's-silly) interface
fatal error warn info debug Log Levels Highest Lowest
Logger Objects • Logger objects ($logger) do the work • Retrieved using Log4perl's get_logger() method • Logging may occur in any sub in your program • No need to pass $logger to each sub • Messy and Annoying • Log4perl stores the logger object internally • A call to get_logger() returns that stored object • Called a singleton
$logger = get_logger(); # Logs when warn, info, or debug $logger->warn(“Help me Obi-Wan, you're my only hope”); # Remains dormant when error or fatal! Logging Example
# To set up logging, you could use the following: use Log::Log4perl qw( :easy ); Log::Log4perl->easy_init( $ERROR ); Initializing Log4perl
# To set up logging, you could use the following: use Log::Log4perl qw( :easy ); Log::Log4perl->easy_init( $ERROR ); Not!We don't need no steenking “easy”
# Darth.pl use Darth(); use Log::Log4perl(); $config = get_my_config(); Log::Log4perl::init( $config ); Initializing Log4perl: /The Real (:?wo)?man's Way/
package Darth; use Log::Log4perl qw( get_logger ); sub new { my ( $class, $name ) = @_; my $logger = get_logger(); $logger->debug(“Creating Darth $name”); return bless( { darth => $name }, $class ); } Using Log4perl
sub get_lightsaber { my $self = shift; my $logger = get_logger(); $logger->debug(“Fetching lightsaber from the armory”); my $saber = $self->_saber_type || “Red Single-Sided Saber”; $logger->warn(“Giving Darth his light saber: $saber”); return $saber; } Using Log4perl
Log4perl Return Values • Logging functions return the number of places they were logged • If message logged: return true • If no message logged: return undef • $total = $logger->warn( $message ); • Being at the WARN level doesn't necessarily mean $logger->warn($message) will be logged • Log4perl could suppress the message • A suppressed message would return undef
# Later on in darth.pl my $saber = $darth->get_lightsaber; unless ( $saber ) { my $error = “Nothing to defend against the good guys with, ” . “not even an electronic sausage!” # This will often work, but tends to be a really bad idea $logger->fatal( $error ) && die( $error ) # This utility method doesn't depend on the return value of # $logger->fatal, it will always die $logger->logdie( $error ) } Using Log4perl: Errors
Configuring The Beast • Configuring Log4perl: TMTOWTDI • Perl • Config files • Both
use Log::Log4perl qw( get_logger ); Log::Log4perl::init( “log4perl.conf” ); my $logger = get_logger(); Config Files (my favorite)
log4perl.logger = INFO, Screen log4perl.appender.Screen = Log::Dispatch::Screen log4perl.appender.Screen.layout = SimpleLayout Config File ExampleContents of log4perl.conf
log4perl.logger = INFO, Screen log4perl.appender.Screen = Log::Dispatch::Screen log4perl.appender.Screen.layout = SimpleLayout Config File: CategoryThis config applies to my what?
log4perl.logger = INFO, Screen log4perl.appender.Screen = Log::Dispatch::Screen log4perl.appender.Screen.layout = SimpleLayout Config File: AppenderYou want me to log where?
log4perl.logger = INFO, Screen log4perl.appender.Screen = Log::Dispatch::Screen log4perl.appender.Screen.layout = SimpleLayout Config File: Message LayoutYou want me to log how?
Appender (log) Methods • Log4perl uses Log::Dispatch to perform logging • Log::Dispatch supports a number of locations • ApacheLog • DBI • Email • Files • STDOUT / STDERR (Screen) • Syslog • Jabber • Anything else you write
log4perl.logger = INFO, Screen log4perl.appender.Screen = Log::Dispatch::File log4perl.appender.Screen.Filename = myfile.log log4perl.appender.Screen.layout = SimpleLayout Appender Location: Log to FileChange From Screen to File
log4perl.logger = INFO, FileLog log4perl.appender.FileLog = Log::Dispatch::File log4perl.appender.FileLog.Filename = myfile.log log4perl.appender.FileLog.layout = SimpleLayout Appender NameShould Make Sense!
log4perl.logger = INFO, Screen, FileLog log4perl.appender.Screen = Log::Dispatch::Screen log4perl.appender.Screen.layout = SimpleLayout log4perl.appender.FileLog = Log::Dispatch::File log4perl.appender.FileLog.filename = myfile.log log4perl.appender.FileLog.layout = SimpleLayout Logging To Multiple LocationsChange to File and Screen with Two Appenders
log4perl.logger = INFO, Screen log4perl.appender.Screen = Log::Dispatch::Screen log4perl.appender.Screen.layout = PatternLayout log4perl.appender.Screen.layout.ConversionPattern=%F %L: %m%n Changing The Log Format
%c Category of the logging event. %C Fully qualified package (or class) name of the caller %d Current date in yyyy/MM/dd hh:mm:ss format %F File where the logging event occurred %H Hostname %l Fully qualified name of the calling method followed by the callers source the file name and line number between parentheses. %L Line number within the file where the log statement was issued %m The message to be logged %M Method or function where the logging request was issued %n Newline (OS-independent) %p Priority of the logging event %P pid of the current process %r Number of milliseconds elapsed from program start to logging event %x The topmost NDC (see below) %X{key} The entry 'key' of the MDC (see below) %% A literal percent (%) sign Available Placeholders (16 total)
# Define a conversion specifier (cspec) in the config file: log4perl.logger = INFO, Screen log4perl.appender.Screen = Log::Dispatch::Screen log4perl.appender.Screen.layout = PatternLayout log4perl.appender.Screen.layout.ConversionPattern=%O: %F %L %m%n log4perl.PatternLayout.cspec.O = sub { return "OS $^O" } Custom Placeholders
# Programmatically get the filename and layout log4perl.logger = INFO, FileLog log4perl.appender.FileLog = Log::Dispatch::File log4perl.appender.FileLog.Filename = \ sub { getFileName(); } log4perl.appender.FileLog.layout = \ sub { getLayout(); } Perl Code In Config File
Code in the Config File: Notes • We can put any code into the config file • This code is run within the main namespace • Some might consider this a security risk • This feature can be disabled with: $Log::Log4perl::ALLOW_CODE_IN_CONFIG_FILE = 0;
Everyone take a break, and allow Patrick a few moments to catch up Take a Break
Putting Categories to UseGoing Beyond the System Defined Root Logger • One of Log4perl's key features is categories • Enable extra logging for just one portion of your application • Remainder of application produces typical output • Category name: often the name of the current package / class • You've seen the default, root category • To use your own, pass a parameter into get_logger() $logger = get_logger( $category_name );
# This is the root category / logger log4perl.logger = WARN, Screen # Create a new category like so: log4perl.logger.CategoryName = DEBUG, Screen Using Categories: Config File
Log Using Multiple Categories • Leia knows what she wants • Vader is set in his ways • We can put these two at a normal log level of “warn” • Luke has issues • He should be put at a log level of “debug”
log4perl.logger.Skywalker = WARN, Screen log4perl.logger.Skywalker.Luke = DEBUG, Screen log4perl.appender.Screen = Log::Dispatch::Screen log4perl.appender.Screen.layout = SimpleLayout Multiple Categories ExampleTwo categories: Log Skywalkers to Screen
log4perl.logger.Skywalker = WARN, FileLog log4perl.logger.Skywalker.Luke = DEBUG, Screen log4perl.appender.FileLog = Log::Dispatch::File log4perl.appender.FileLog.layout = SimpleLayout log4perl.appender.FileLog.Filename = myfile.log log4perl.appender.Screen = Log::Dispatch::Screen log4perl.appender.Screen.layout = SimpleLayout Multiple Categories ExampleLog base class to File, sub class to Screen and File
In package Skywalker: my $logger = get_logger( 'Skywalker' ); In package Skywalker::Leia: my $logger = get_logger( 'Skywalker::Leia' ); In package Skywalker::Luke: my $logger = get_logger( 'Skywalker::Luke' ); Or just... my $logger = get_logger( __PACKAGE__ ); Tell Log4perl Your CategoryPass in Your Class Name
Important Logging Behavior • Once a logger decides to log a message, it does a few things • The message is first logged using each appender attached to thatlogger • Then, the message is unconditionally logged using every appender attached to the logger's parents
log4perl.logger = ERROR, Syslog log4perl.logger.Skywalker.Luke = DEBUG, Screen log4perl.appender.Syslog = Log::Dispatch::Syslog log4perl.appender.Syslog.layout = SimpleLayout log4perl.appender.Screen = Log::Dispatch::Screen log4perl.appender.Screen.layout = SimpleLayout Important Logging BehaviorExample Config File
Important Logging Behavior root logger Log::Dispatch::Syslog ERROR Skywalker ERROR (inherited) Log::Dispatch::Screen Skywalker::Luke Skywalker::Leia ERROR (inherited) DEBUG
Lets take a look at how logging will work throughout the hierarchy What This Means
Category root logger (when no category is defined) Properties Defines level: ERROR, location: Syslog Code $logger->error( $light_saber ); Result Logs $light_saber to a syslog Logging Behavior: root logger
Category Skywalker and Skywalker::Leia Properties InheritsERROR and Syslog from root logger Code $logger->error( $light_saber ); Result Logs $light_saber to syslog Logging Behavior:Skywalker, Skywalker::Leia
Category Skywalker::Luke Properties Defines level: DEBUG, location: Screen Code $logger->error( $light_saber ); Result Logs $light_saber to the screen Logs $light_saber to syslog Logging Behavior: Skywalker::Luke
Category Skywalker::Luke Properties Defines level: DEBUG, location: Screen Code $logger->debug( $light_saber ); Result(even though parents are at ERROR) Logs $light_saber to the screen Logs $light_saber to syslog Logging Behavior: Skywalker::Luke
Logging Behavior • Might be unnecessarily duplicating the logs • Luke's debug messages all going to syslog • Take advantage of Log4perl! • Continue to log all debugging messages to the screen • Be more picky about what gets logged to syslog • Should all of Skywalker::Luke's debugging messages be in our system logs? • Remember, Luke has a lot of issues
Preventing Duplicate Logs • If this behavior isn't what you want, change it: • Set the additivity of a category to zero • Prevents messages from bubbling up • Do this to the Skywalker::Luke category • Set the threshold of an appender to some log level • Defines a minimum log level for oncoming messages • Do this to the root or parent category • Can also set a system-wide default threshold